How do I increase the width of my bicep towards the lateral side of my arm? I never skip arms and always include some form of barbell curl, preacher curl, and dumbbell curl when I work biceps.
My triceps are starting to get more width than my biceps and its bothering me.
>5'9, male, 155 lbs >lifting seriously for ~1.5 years starting from skelly mode
Forgot to add that I do ppl, leaving arms for the last of my lifts and also have a barbell setup at home to curl when I feel like I haven't gotten enough work in them later in the day.
Joseph Jenkins
I’m gonna go out on a limb here, heh, and assume you’re asking about making your bicep appear more thicc across its midsection from the angle in the pic. Well your best bet is to train for the size of your bicep peak, aka the shorter head. Do some supinating curls with dumbbells and some 21s with a barbell make sure you progress on the supinating curls.
Nathaniel Ortiz
you have long muscle bellies. can't do much about that. it's genetics.
You're right. I feel as though they are too thin in relation to the tricep. I've never tried 21s, but I'll give them a try... No matter how much I kill the bicep I never feel like it's getting wider, from a frontal view... I'm not really concerned with the peak height per say. I understand the difference between the two, but I'm concerned about the width of my bicep from a frontal view without my bicep being flexed.
Christian Nelson
Work more on your triceps. They give the appearance of a larger bicep/arm. Next time you get a good tri pump, give your arm a flex.
I'm in the same boat as OP, does anyone have a good exercise/s for increasing bicep width??
Levi Russell
Well according to Jeff biceps hammer curl
Colton James
Bad genetics. Don't bother.
Jaxson Long
incline controlled bicep curls will fix all your problems.
Cooper Johnson
probably your best bet is focusing more on the short head of your biceps
that biceps peak is probably from synthol or the other one that causes inflammation to make the muscle bigger
Adrian Thompson
Add wide grip bench and chinups
Ethan Smith
I do more chins then any other exercise because I got a nice bar at home. :/ I looked into them. I think you're right. It seems like I'm missing something that links the long head with the tricep and the brachialis seems like that. I don't feel as though I have shit tier genetics.
do weighted chin ups and do controlled incline bicep curls and your biceps will grow like weeds
Nicholas Russell
Thanks for the advice, but I do my chins at home without a belt to attach weight to. Do you have any advice about how to comfortably add weight?
Dylan Reyes
Your tricep is 2/3 of the muscle mass on your upper arms, the bicep is the other 1/3. Don’t worry about trying to get them perfectly even, it’s not easy/natural and often not aesthetic.
Brandon Ortiz
You should have said it about his height not weight. You can increase weight, but he cannot change his average female height.
William Lopez
Wear a backpack
Ryder Morales
just get a back pack and fill them with books, bricks, bottles of water do whatever. Make sure that you keep adding weight, so if you start with 2 bricks or whatever add one when you reach a certain amount of reps so you keep exposing your muscles to progressive overload
Alexander Bailey
why do you (people) feel entitled to bring others down
Jeremiah Martin
I actually encourage others and give them advice. I always feel glad to help newbies who are trying to better themselves. Not manlets tho, they deserve to die.
Caleb Bell
And that's a good thing.Long biceps are the best and look fuller.OP,do exercises for your short head aka inner bicep.Preacher curls and anything that has your shoulders in front of your body is good for it (except pinwheel curls).Behind your back and strict to your sides is more of long head/outer bicep.
Heavy preacher curls hurt my medial forearm, muscles that close my pinky and ring finger, for some reason. So I'm subject to preacher curl with light to moderate weight for high rep
Jaxson Gonzalez
to uplift themselves clearly. even if it's based on delusions.
Brody Bailey
Thanks, I'll start doing that.
Benjamin Campbell
try lifting more.
Jason Evans
You have dumbells? Only load the other side and grab the dumbell so the weighted side is opposite to your thumb. Position your elbow to 90 degrees and starting by hanging the weight slowly turn your wrist so it turns up on your chest side. This will help supplement other bicep exercises for side growth
Sorry for english, not my first language.
Adam Perez
5'4 ditchmode subhuman here I agree. If only permatoddlers like me and my dad stopped breeding, there would be less young men suffering