If I trained in MMA for four years, could I beat a Kangaroo in a fight?

If I trained in MMA for four years, could I beat a Kangaroo in a fight?

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Boxing helps more. MMA will teach you ground control/takedown defense that you don't need with a roo


Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is MMA Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Shoot Him With A Gun Like Nigga Pull The Trigger Haha

>hop in bro, its warm

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Roos are based don’t be mean

thanks OP. now i have an image of a man getting under the roo's attempted kick, sweeping the tail and making it tap

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m-my summer body is not ready yet kangbro

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Nah bro

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what a girly punch
my moneys on the roo

>you just gotta go out there and be yourself bro

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Not a big red, mate.

Someone post the webm


Implying taking a roo down wouldn't immediately give you a massage advantage.

He'd be all awww fuck cunt whater yet doin let me up fight me like a man. While you make him tap an arm bar.

I wouldn't go near the jumpy cunts, they'll fucking rend you

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I don’t think most people can beat any large animals in fights

kangaroos arent good fighters. they are all about attack and no defense

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thats a wallaby, not a kangaroo

same fucking thing

uhhhh pffff uhh bluuhhh

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>your brain on Jow Forums

Taking down a roo would probably get you killed to be honest
they have huge fucking claws and if they get a hold of you they try to rip open your guts with their legs

50lbs vs 200lbs
4' vs 6' or more

I even put it in archaic units so you can understand you dumb amerifat.

Unironically this

You sure as fuck better use American measurements on an American website

i weigh 83 kgs and bench 65kgs fuck america units.

Heh.. You used cuck units because I made you use cuck units. Your every move a planned reaction within my design.

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Maybe, but you're done if Skippy his claws into you.