I don't get it, Jow Forums. Why don't they make buildings out of these...

I don't get it, Jow Forums. Why don't they make buildings out of these? They're as strong as steel but don't weigh anything

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>he's never bent a barbell lifting heavy

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If buildings weighed nothing they’d float away, brainlet.

Just put a couple pl8s on it to hold it in place

Just think, there are people browsing fit RIGHT NOW who count the bar


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You think that's bad? There's people on Jow Forums who weigh their sugar IN A BOWL

Checked and number pilled

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How is this gonna go to space if you have windows weighing it down though?

what do you think the windows are made of?

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My god
It's barbells all the way down


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Jet fuel can't melt steel barbells


Thats a joocy stick man

You are missing the real opportunity here.
Planes made out of barbells. No need for fuel. Everyone just grabs a bar and LIFTS

Going to steal OPs house.

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It's called counting calories you cunt.

You don't even need the barbell, everyone could just grab nothing and LIFT

but most people cant lift their own body weight

How do you know how many calories there are when you're weighing the bowl with the sugar, you colossal faggot?

you can zero your scales so that the weight of the bowl doesn't count then you only get the weight of the sugar

>He doesn't know how a food scale works in the slightest
These are the people giving you lifting advice

whys it called a bar bell if it doesnt ring


>Not eating the bowl.
>Not googling the Nutrition Facts for 100g of ceramic.

Your cheat days are shit.

But the bar has weight. It’s misleading to not count it. Would you rather say you can bench 180 or 225?

it does if you hit it hard enough

>e-stating IRL

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had a rough month but laughed hard at this. thanks user

Don’t use poverty Walmart barbells jeff

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But if you are actually just making the building with barbells then it won't bend because there is no weight. But on other hand for bigger guys lifting your bodyweight bends the barbell so maybe you couldn't live in it.

>rough month
>only the 12th
Whew. Sorry, m8

>see friend at the gym with two plates on each end
>yeah bro I bench 225
Should I tell him that he’s only benching 90? Or would it fracture his ego?

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>counting the plates
next you'll try to tell me that the weight of your arms counts

Just put more of them, dummy
They do, but since it's the particular shape that makes them weightless, you can't really easily fill the gaps. That's why they put cement to fill it out. If you dig deep into your wall, you'll find some barbells

>counting anything at all

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>barbells made of chinesium