Good morning, fellow brits. Going to /puregym/ today?

Good morning, fellow brits. Going to /puregym/ today?

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i go to fitness space

nice projection, amerilard

going on friday

Girl in working in Greggs winked at me yesterday lads.

We’re all going to make it!

going to exercise4less fishponds tomorrow morning
hope to see ya'll there

Nah that's gay I go to Buzzgym. Has everything you need and more

I'll be at my homegym later. Chester. See you all there.

Imagine any British person using the word fag and not meaning cigarette

I'm at a puregym in Nottingham right now. Just had my Graze flapjack beforehand as always too.

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/StokeNorth/ reporting in

Nice try Honor Baldry

Marooned in South Wales until uni is over. From Norfolk. Who else /EastAnglia/ here?

Any Edinburgh Jow Forumsizens?

Loughborough here, don't go atm though


Who /puregymLeeds/ here?

pure gym are actually pretty based. Reasonable prices, decent equipment, clean facilities, and they don't mind if you use chalk. Don't go during peak hours and you'll have a pretty comfy time IMO.

Yep, you go to ocean t or the fort? Been going to ocean t for years, actually pretty good off peak and has a good amount of racks. The fort was full of jakeballs and felt cramped

So glad newyearsfags have given up it was way too busy before.

Basford lad?

Cancelled my puregym membership today, place is always packed 24/7.

I'm at TheGym in Waverley, pretty crowded after work but convenient for me.

I used to go PureGym in Exchange Crescent but it's terrible - underground, super dark, shit equipment. would not rec

How can you consider South Wales to be marooned when you're from Norfolk.

what's wrong with lboro. I'm using it next week when I visit

I don't mind it but just too busy to go 1/2am when I can workout in peace, just using some free weights I have at home atm

Glasgow here, stay away from the uni gym

Stole on Trent North here. Newbie and got into a routine but stopped due to wisdom tooth removal. Hopping to start again after Friday.

I went to the puregym near the uni campus when visiting in the fall, not bad but busy

That makes 3 of us in the north branch, whats your routine lad?

Can I bum a fag off ya, m8?

you a student? i went to leeds uni

Stronglifts 5x5 with cardio on off day. I haven't gotten into proper rhythm of things as quite new and trying to focus on form. What about yourself?


A variant of 5/3/1, recently getting back into it after a year of no exercise, stay strong brother.

Y-you too.

it's pissing it down bruv
might have to allow it

>might have to allow it

put on a raincoat you wetty


Where you at my g

Literally just cancelled my membership for Belfast.

Thank fucking Christ.

greenwich mean time, brother

Quartermile masterrace checking in

Tis the one I go to usually

where you gonna be lifting in Bfast now boyo

You at the uni? I always used the leisure centre gym around 8-10pm when I used to work there and it was always quiet. Saw a guy wearing a pepe t shirt a couple times.

Dunno yet mate but couldn’t stick anymore of that puregym shite.

/Bermondsey/ puregym here, had to go at 6am to avoid the work rush though

Glasgow PureGyms are always packed

TheGym Burnley let's get this bread

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Because South Wales is a post-industrial shithole.

Cambridge PureGym here.

6AM Push session before work tomorrow.

Puregym Dunfermline here.
Deads and push press today, all-round comfy time.

Literally just got back from /millhouses/

yank detected

im from chester too homie, well, winsford.

its too cold to go outside

You may aswell be Welsh mate

Piss off. Everyone Active is best

fishponds isnt even really bristol when you think about it

like 10 minutes from city centre mate leave it out

delet this

cymru am byth m8

I don't speak your made up language

who anytime fitness here

seems bretty OK to me

>made up language

As opposed to?

>Just moved to greater london, completing an apprenticeship in chemistry so no real disposable income
>Gym in old city was a chalk-air multiple squat rack and stacked plyo boxes mecca
>Get coaxed into puregym by £17.99 a month and no joining fee
>Can't use gym during off peak time due to living a normal life
>Have to go after 1700 because of work and 2100 to get studying for degree done and bed on time
>Price doubles because I use it during peak time
>Get to gym for workout, have to wait 30 min for the sheer mass of children working in on snapback deadlifts on the one platform and three shitty squat racks they have
>only "strong" guys there are manlets quarter squatting and walking with invisble lats
>packed full of low tier thots, chavs, high schoolers, and indians
>actually loose gains going here

Puregym is fucking trash, going there objectively means you will never make it and forever be a feeble anglo




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Medway is a shit hole user, do you actually live there or were you cucked into being there because you are with kent/greenwich/canterbury uni and actually studying a degree that isnt a liberal arts?

having spoons breakfast before work tomorrow lads

>spoons breakfast

oi oi lad, you out drinking and banging birds tonight?

I'm from Chester but I had the sense to move away from that absolute shithole

nope, watching ITV :^)

I'm a doctor so until you're a consultant you pretty much have to move around different hospitals every year or so and go wherever you're told to within your region. I'm working in central London next year so contemplating whether that's a step up or down.

Come to rp fitness brah

I completed my HNC in chemistry with greenwich with pfizer a couple of years back and then transferred to imperial in the second year to finish my degree full time. Central London is better than medway based purely on the fact there is more to do if you live there. It's expensive as fuck though but as a doctor you should be okay. The culture and feel of living in London is a bit shitty it's claustrophobic and filthy, but in my opinion anything is better than medway.

Yeah can't disagree with you on any of that. Any advice on where to live? I hear London Bridge is more reasonably priced than some other parts of London. Failing that I'll probably live somewhere on the Jubilee line I guess.


Nonce v.2


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Chain gyms like puregym are for wastemen, I only go to old school front gyms owned by local juiced meatheads who only take cash and there are barely any roasties

Southwark is probably one of the nicer places in London to live as a cost ratio but still pricey. I enjoyed living in brixton (similar price as London Bridge bit cheaper but barely noticeable, nicer market, less crowded) untill I moved in with my (upper class never had to work hard in her life) gf in south Kensington. You have to deal with higher crime risks at an almost exponential rate when you start looking for more reasonably priced areas in London. Living on a mainline one or two stops from an underground link is a good way to go as well, like Deptford which used to be quite a shit area but is undergoing some pretty rapid gentrification so could be something to consider. If you want to live on an underground line though I would suggest the northern line, rural route such as hoxton.

Cheers user, sounds like some solid advice. Good tip about the higher crime risks, will take that into account.

Stafford puregym reporting
Roadworks outside are a right nightmare ay lads?

hahaha honestly didn't think there was more than one person on this site from stafford

Any good gyms in Aberdeen?

Moved here for work after uni
Bit of a shithole innit

I go to the Nuffields flagship near Canon Street. Anyone else?

Powerbase is great but brutal for mogging. God I miss that place.

Also, who here /DavidLloyd/?