How the fuck is he lean all the time?

How the fuck is he lean all the time?

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One cheat meal a year: a carrot cupcake for his birthday. Working out every day and keeping an impeccable diet. Does not smoke, drink or use drugs. And soon enough will start TRT if he hasnt already.

good diet and lots of exercise

Cold showers and facepulls.


He's been dehydrated for a decade.

He's on gear. He doesn't bulk. You can't be 5.8 body fat all year long.

Nofap and Wii Fit

Not cheating on your diet doesn't keep you lean year round like that man.

Your testosterone continues dropping when your that low body-fat, to a point where you would have no functioning natural testosterone anymore, and you would begin to lose all your gains (beyond the normal default amount).

The only reason he maintains that is because the testosterone in his system is artificial and not producing his own. If he was producing his own, to maintain this kind of body-composition he would of had to gained some bodyfat to restore hormonal function, and cut down again, you just can't maintain that bodyfat and lbm non-stop forever with just perfect diet alone, it just doesn't work like that, not at his level of bodyfat, just nope.

lmao if this dude claims natty

I read 5,8' feet all year long

roids and being small as fuck

Is Jeff a manlet?

He's under 6', so yes

Very informative blog

It's some kind of forbidden knowledge, we couldn't understand even if we tried

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sub 300mg cycle


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As long as you don't drop below 7-8 % body fat, your testosterone will be okay, what body fat percentage do you think he has?

Probably a lotta zumba


lold, based fatass in denial.

It's the facepulls


Cope harder morons, everything I said is 100% fact.

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Wild animals can easily and almost every healthy human alive today could if it meant survival. Most people just don't want to live that life style. Hard doesn't mean impossible.

He's not even that big and he does this for a living. Looking at what you all claim to be roids can only imagine how shit you must look. Drop that negativity and mental barrier you use as coping mechanism and maybe you'll learn something and make something of yourselves.

it's mostly because he's like 50 years old

Im a medstudent and this is just untrue. Your test only drops if youre very very low bf. Jeff is not there. Your test actually goes up untill that point. Fuck off you coping faggot.

Fuck it's not that hard.
Ive been on 7 - 8 for a good 7 months now. Been on the crack for a good time b4 but im cclean and makin gains. Biggest mistake of cutting is milk and many newcomers to the scene don't incorporate into their diet plan.

Cope. Sad cope desu cause it means you haven't made it and never will.

this is very true despite what these other uninformed faggots think. measure your test levels before and after a cut and get back to me with the results. Jeff obviously isnt natty, but probably a very smart roider who uses very low dosages of testosterone and probably cycles an oral like anavar or winstrol sometimes.

him being north of 40 years old just makes it extra obvious.

Lol stfu student

Fatty detected

I'd like to understand my dick in those girls


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He's on a very strict diet, TRT and works out vigorously. It's literally his job to look lean all the time.

>would of

Define cope, i don't think It means what you believe it means

He eats Clen and does well on his Tests

But why would anyone want to be this lean? A face with very low body fat just looks kinda sad. I'm a fatty but at least I don't look like a cancer patient in my face. Cope level: max

I can't believe Americans are so retarded that they can't even speak their own language.


Learn that shit.

>Your testosterone continues dropping when your that low body-fat
He's on TRT.
That's one advantage that natty cucks will never get - your hormone levels are always stable, never influenced by you stress levels, by you diet, by you sleep.
It's always right. You always grow. A natty with the same test levels as a TRT-chad will fluctuate like a woman on a period.


holy shit

>holy shit

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obviously not cheating alone wouldnt keep you that fit. are we even looking at the same guy? he works out like a maniac, and what we see on videos isn't everything. jeff hits cardio.

That... is not how it works.

Nah you fluctuate by 30-40% with TRT aswell.

unironically this is what natties actually believe. I mean how bad out of touch you have to be with reality to think that injecting testosterone will do literally magic things to your body

To put things in perspective, pic related is someone who not only blasted 3 grams of testosterone but a shit ton of other bodybuilding specific compounds.



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finally a few people who dont just believe his memeshit. Really annoys me that most other fakenatties get called out but this faggot gets a free pass just because he has a lot of knowledge in the field. His body is just impossible to keep the way he does all year for about a decade without steroids, no matter how hard and smart you work


do 10 pushups every day

Retards, you can est fat for hormone production you dont need to store it

i wish you may live forever

but what about broscience?

Dude eats egg white from a carton, mix it with protein powder and microwaves it.

Just watch this shit if you don't believe me.

Test only goes down at low body fat due to malnutrition, if you are eating & supplementing correctly then your test will be fine.

>spotted the guy with the pleb doctor.
A proper dose of perscription Sustanon (US) or Omnadren (EU) will keep you at stable levels.


look at his gangly ratface, people with faces like that never have trouble looking lean all the time

this + facepulls

How the fuck are you american all the time?

why does no one ever mentions his disgusting plague ridden ratface when talking about him?

>thinking 6' is the cutoff

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TRT and don’t let the sub 1 year lifters who get all their info from youtube fitness celebrities tell you otherwise. Fuck me the fanboying of this cunt is embarrassing. He doesn’t even squat or deadlift properly for fuck sake. Go and look at the tranformation of his Jake Gyllenhall looking shitkicking sidekick — who’s been trained PERSONALLY by athleanx for years. Look at his training programs. Nothing but fluff and pump meme shit that’ll only get results if you’re taking some vitamin S. Get TONED abs with my KILLER AB BLAST! Then move on to my CHEST SQUEEZES for PLATE ARMOUR PECS!
>ohyenanana I have a cheat meal only once per year
All these retards are so gung-ho to defend their favourite eceleb based on the fact he can wave some biology degrees around, throw in a few buzz words and marker pen himself. The guy’s whole income and life depends and revolves around his image. Do you honestly think he’s not on some form of anabolic or cutting agents? The naivety is unreal. There is not a chance in seven hells this 45 year old man is this lean, this consistently doing such sub optimal meme machine cable dumbell bullshit workouts

>Not growing to 6,8 in the summer and laugh at the guys who went easy on the gym thinking they were easily going to mog you

>thousands of medical studies about hormonal changes in the body and how testoterone works literally contradict what your saying
>everything i said is 100% fact

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cruising on high dose TRT

He's harvesting young blood from jessie


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Is that Jason Blaha?

He didn't fall for the bulking meme.

>all this cope
>the sheer amount of cope in this thread
does he take a low to moderate dose of trt? probably. that doesnt mean he is 'on gear' or 'roiding'. guy is in his 40s. hes not a competition bodybuilder. who gives a fuck. its the best advice available for natties for free on youtube. he knows what he is talking about. if he isnt 'natty' now, he clearly has been for many years prior for most of his career.

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Italian genes


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Why do hues love trannies so much?

>would of had to gained
>these are the people giving fitness advice on this board

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I know Jeff himself made this video, but he claims he isn't on TRT, and I believe him.

Wanting to fuck hyper feminine people is High Test, wanting to fuck the average modern woman is disgustingly low test it's quite sad really.

I'm sure someone else could go on about the Greeks or Romans or whoever were fucking tween twinks doing that.

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>get lean
>calculate maintenance calories
>don't go above maintenance calories

>probably takes a low amount of gear
>but that doesn’t mean he is on gear

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Why the fuck would he be natty when he could maintain the same physique with less work on TRT and growth hormone? He makes millions per year from his youtube channel, it makes no sense for him to not look as good as possible.

What are jeff’s PRs? Does he post that kind of content?

Could you fucking imagine the memes that would be posted here if he did?
>hurrdurr doesnt bench 4 pl8 for reps, but fit worshups him?

Considering his size and age there’s probably bloatlords in PLG who could outlift him but he’ll outlive them by 50 years.

you better train like one too would be so much better, or take the heart off so the break is clean

Do you mean milk is bad?

>this level of cope
Gymnasts have no test either right?

He doesn't claim that he isn't on TRT. In fact it's notable that he DOESN'T explicitly deny it in a video where he's reading someone else calling him out.

Did he really claim that, though? If I remember correctly all he did was say that the notion made him angry, because that tells his clients that they can't succeed without TRT. Nowhere in the video did he specifically say that he himself isn't on TRT.

>people think Jeff juices

Lmao nigga you cannot work within the professional sports world, even in a training capacity, and be on gear. You’re fucking retarded if you think otherwise. The dude has a religious diet and knows his shit on training. He’s not even massive just low BF like you don’t need gear to accomplish that

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what's the new one? last year it got updated to 6'1" but i wouldn't be surprised if it's 6'2" by this point

>very low bf%

>Jeff is not there

>imagine coping this hard

>I have no idea what I'm talking about but I mentioned s-studies and, and...I said literally!

>Pls guys just talk to me

Saw Jeff at an Athlean promotional event in Texas. In the evening, we were allowed to watch him go through a workout. The guy's technique is solid and his breaks between sets are very short. By the time it was over he had sweated enough to keep cut and he doesn't have the mass to suggest he is on gear.

I'm confident that if asked he would provide monthly blood tests to assess for TRT and gear. I believe he is legit. I also believe that /fit is full of edgy, loud mouthed soi boys who never had the discipline to go this far.

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>buttergolem detected

Guess how we know that you don't lift

>you cannot work within the professional sports world, even in a training capacity, and be on gear
Spotted the retard