What is your favorite lift Jow Forums pic unrelated

what is your favorite lift Jow Forums pic unrelated

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Deadlifts close to 5pl8


The Press™

I have a 5 incher and even I think I could get laid at least once if I went through 3000 prostitutes

>i think
Should we tell him?

pronation curls with strap over the thumb with attached weight

It’s seriously fucked up how op pic is true though. Women don’t get humiliated for having a flat chest so why should a man get humiliated for having a small penis? I have 4.5 inches and I feel lucky compared to these other dudes.

Women can never be wrong and they deal with body shaming ok?

I constantly tease women for having small tits

Chest dips. Pull-ups, once I can do weighted ones with decent weight.

Women with small tits are plenty humiliated, they have to settle for people with 4' inch dicks

Are you some sort of misogynist? Women have deal ed with enough body problems throughout history. It's fair that men should face them too.

You shouldn't. 4.5 is micro territory.

>4' inch
>4 feet x inch
>4ft pole, one inch deep
Are you talking about the same thing he is, user?

Where is my small tiddy gf then?

>tfw 6” penor
>while black
I had a qt white gf once, the look of disappointment on her face broke my heart

ladies and gentlemen i have an announcement to make

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Must suck to have those stereotypes and be average.





I mean at some point you'd think he'd just withdraw from sexual relationships and find other fulfillment in life.
It's bullshit, though.
>3000 prostitutes
Prosties do not give a fuck. If you're paying them, have basic hygiene and aren't trying to ram it up their ass I sincerely doubt a single one of them - and I do mean a single one - would care you've got a thimble-dick.

OHP is my fave.



He neve said female prostitutes, and since Jow Forums fags makes up most of male strippers and hoes, I can see it happening


Chin up, bro - if she was disappointed by an above-average dick then it's pretty clear you were just a fetish to her so you dodged a bullet.

Unless you have a pencil dick, I guess. Then continue being a sad cunt.

niggers dont actually have large dicks you dumb nigger. rap lyrics arent representative of reality

that pic makes me sad even though I'm above average

if your white 5 1/2 isnt average. thats the average "American" which is 50% spic and drags down the number

Literally all studies place south and Central American penis size as way above the European North American average.

If anything they are dragging your average up.

what a great way to start my morning

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>above-average dick
Eh? I'm 7' and I'm below-average.

there are literally no legitimate dick size studies you dumb mutt. self report studies are worthless. dicks are an organ and organ size is directly correlated to height. the tallest people on the planet on average are whites

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No it isn’t lmao. Where is your source?

dont you think it's funny how in black countries where they measure dick size average is ~4.6 inches and in neighbouring countries where the studies are done by selfreporting somehow the average magically rises to ~7 inches

Now you're just fishing for compliments.

Your dick is considered large

>No homo

Opposite for me, part asian with an 8 incher
Doesnt look that big on me bc im 6'6", but girls probably think I'm small