How do I get with my yoga instructor?

How do I get with my yoga instructor?

Attached: E3CE77F9-6401-4D92-B0D4-590BE77E6E58.jpg (914x622, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>are you a yoga instructor
>cuz I want t get into yogash
Works errytime

describe her

>Are you a yoga instructor?
>cause yoganna suck my dick

>nice feet
>wears glasses
>late 30s, probably a spinster
>most definitely liberal and far into the yoga spirituality
>I’m the only guy in class, and she will invariably address only me by name

I’m thinking of asking her for private lessons. A little one on one time, if you catch my drift. The problem is, I probably can’t afford her rate. But I’m sure we can work something out. Most women in this city are single spinsters who replaced traditional family life with careers. And I’m sure she’s just as lonely and horny as the rest of them. Another caveat is that she’s, like, 10-15 years older than me and makes more money and is more “educated” than me. I think it would be cooler to fuck an instructor than a fellow student.

By not doing yoga

It's gonna be tough because as a male yoga practitioner, she already thinks you're gay.

No way, bro. I always make eye contact with her. And she definitely sees me eyeing other women there, too. Compared to the actual sodomites in this city, I’m very clearly heterosexual.

Post pic

...of yourself, I can smell the so¥ from here

Just ask her out on a proper date, dipshit.

Nice, you have already established yourself as a predatory creep. Yoga chicks love this.


I invariably sit at the very front of class to avoid this, faggot.

So you're an autistic subsistence wage cuck and you think you have a chance with an older more successful woman... Why?

t. permabulker with back pain.

Because I’m young and Jow Forums, have a high sex drive, and am objectively attractive. And as already stated, spinsters are probably desperate for attention from guys like me. I don’t see why not, even if it’s just a fling. Do you think women want to be with fat old men, even if they’re rich?

post body, we'll tell you if you have a chance

if you do Yoga you are a Beta and you will be friendzoned right away.

No they don't. They'd rather be with their cats, Hitachi and Netflix than invite an autist with narcissistic tendencies into their bedroom for some mediocre missionary-and-cowgirl with someone who doesn't know what they're doing.

I’m wagecucking, but pic related is basically my physique. I play soccer 3-4 times a week, and I boxed for the past 18 months until I left my gym because I broke up with a girl I dated there.

>forgot pic

Attached: 07204D0A-D466-4CA8-855C-3762D1673636.jpg (485x438, 64K)

i want to sniff her feet haha

>pic related is my physique
>it’s never their physique
Every time.

post actual body with visible jawline

no, this is not your pic, he asked you for YOUR body

I’m at work, you fucking NEETs. Fuck off

Post face

replaced traditional family life with careers

> yoga instructor
> career

lmao stay mad op

teleworker master race

>>describe her
>nice feet

Attached: 66A0E2FC-EF58-46DA-A89F-201CA250B2EA.jpg (2048x2048, 205K)

Attached: IMG_20190311_141408.jpg (4160x3120, 2.39M)

>he thinks you need to dedicate your life to teach bored housewives and effeminate betas like op how to stretch once a week

Show body, ur arms are blocking abs and chest definition. Crossing yer arms makes ur upper arms look bigger than they are u cheating fag

is not
you have more hair, slightly higher bf% and likely a weaker jawline since you're posing so strangely

"I know this is a stretch, but I would bend over backwards to take you to dinner."

you may get away with bitches but do you really think you can fool homosexuals who spend 12 hours a day looking at male bodies in a congolese unicycle enthusiasts forum?

God dammit, dude. God fucking dammit.

nothing personnel kid

Nice hairline

Objectively there is nothing wrong with your body, but your attitude and the way you stand makes it a 3/10. Also you clearly do not lift more than 3x a week


Wtf, that’s literally me in class

you look like you weigh about 65kg


>autist with narcissistic tendencies
thats OP right there