I can't fucking gain weight bro! No matter what I do
How!? I eat 2600-2800 calories a day and I just maintain the same weight - I'm 6'3 and fluctuate between 62-65kg, skelly mode. Been this way since a teen. What do? I've fucking tried and nothing. Tried GOMAD. What am I doing wrong? Am I eating the wrong foods or what?! It's frustrating, I need to escape skelly mode ffs
I can't fucking gain weight bro! No matter what I do
I think you're lying about some things here user.
Like what? I'm really not. Starting to think I have a fucking tapeworm or some shit honestly
Are you sure you actually did GOMAD
Yeah I'm pretty fucking sure because I was almost shitting my pants every day
eat more. 2600+ is what I eat as a manlet
OP is a retard who can't count calories properly
I'm 6'2" and I cut 1lb a week on 2800 cals.
Ik this is a b8 thread but eat more like 3600
EAT MORE for fuck's sake. If you can't gain weight with that or start having stomach problems see a fucking doctor
Not bait but wtf 3600?
>6'3 and fluctuate between 62-65kg
Holy fuck dude I'm 6"3' and 105kg LEAN AND NATTY
you must be a fucking skeleton!
i'm 5'11 and I bulk on just north of 3000 calories user you gotta eat at least 3500 i'd guess
I'm 6'3 and I eat 3,5k to maintain my weight...
High Carb/Moderate Fat/Moderate Protein
It's really not that hard lol
I have a skelly as a friend, I've given him advice to gain weight and he continues to think eating only chicken will get him jacked
Ok guess I have to eat way more then
>I've tried everything
>Except the most fucking obvious thing
Did you even try looking up info?
Took me 10 seconds, you're an idiot, I hope you stay skelly forever
You are lactose intolerant you fucking retard don't touch milk
Wtf man I thought it was 2300 or something
If you're working out then your calories go up a lot, depends on your lifestyle
Good luck bro
>2600-2800 calories a day
You're eating at fucking maintenance retard. Eat more.
Nah I'm not at all, I was just drinking a lot of it. Have no problems with milk drink it daily just not GOMAD amounts
>6'3, 62-65 kg
got that SCP-096 bodytype real good
Lol it's not funny bro I get mogged even though I'm tall and good looking
>I can't fucking gain weight bro! No matter what I do
Have you tried eating more?
Eat more
>I can't gain weight I've tried everything
Have you worked out your Tdee?
Obviously bait. Theres no way this can be true op. Im a stick and I weight 80kg being 6 ft tall. A guy who goes to the gym, tries GOMAD, eats a lot like you say you did cannot have those stats. Its simply impossible
This happens to everyone, only the internet is autismo about all women being into the exact same things.
I can't gain height no matter what I do, what the fuck Jow Forums
eat a lot of easy digestible calorie dense foot.
Drink a beer almost every day, soda, milk, juice etc. only minimum water.
Eat a lot of fatty meat and butter with white bread, but not too little protein. Limit unsaturated fats and complex carbs.
This might be the worst advice I've ever seen on fit. Eat stuff that is actually decent for you like relatively high fiber carbs or meats or actual fruit but definitely don't drink soda, beer or juice.
>I eat 2600-2800 calories a day and I just maintain the same weight
You're not counting your calories right if that's the case. I'm willing to bet you're eating only 2000-2200 calories.
Count your calories. Sounds like you are doing that already, so step 2 is to make sure you are counting them ACCURATELY. Measure everything. Use your measuring cups and table and teaspoons every day. Buy a food scale (can get one at the 99) and measure all your meat. See if you are really consuming the amount of calories you are.
If you are 100% sure you are calculating everything to the BEST OF YOUR ABILITY (it's impossible to be 100% accurate, but measuring and weighing everything is going to get you as close to it as you can get) then the only fucking obvious answer is to eat more you stupid retard
2.8k is Not enough, at your height its 3.5 atleast. I'm 6'5"-6'6" and lean bulk on 4.3k
those are twink calories.
I eat 4k just to maintain at 6'2" 170.
I'm 178cm (5'11?), 87kg.
I eat 4k for maintenance.
You can gain weight, you're just weak-willed.
Im 6'2 and 2600-2800 isnt enough calories.
At 6'3 i need 3k minimum just to maintain my skinny 160lb physique
Add 10-15% to grow, im up to 3400 calories a day to grow
You need more food
this is why skellys are even worse than fatties. I guarantee he'll be back in a month saying it's impossible to eat 3000 cals a day.
>less than 3.5k bulk at that heigjt
Nah I won't shut up
Eat a big breakfast. At least 1500 calories.
Big smoothie with Greek yogurt and oats in it + some kind of food. If you're lazy you can buy frozen dinners and eat them for breakfast
you will, all you idiots do
No I won't, stop projecting
Yes i bulk with 4000kcal:
300g of noodles - 1110kcal
200g of oats - 710 kcal
500g of meat - 500kcal
1liter of orange juice - 440kcal
500g of quark - 400kcal
100g of peanut butter - 650kcal
Those are 3800kcal, rest are high protein sources. Its not really expensive, i would say less then 10 bucks a day.
>be Jow Forums
>fat is NOT genetic!!!!
>oh lol skelly just the way you are
nigga i'm italian, I've never had a problem eating big
Jesus christ even 5'6 manlets on CBT look lean and shredded at 70-75kg or built mode at higher.
just eat the same but add 50g of olive oil to all your meals, doesn't matter what it is
if it doesn't work add 100g next week
if you are lactose intolerant all that food was probably going from your stomach direct to your asshole without digesting
eat a lot, but eat stuff that you can digest
Bro you’re a giant
Pro tip, if your not gaining weight EAT FUCKING MORE
is it that hard to comprehend?