What is the best routines for girls main focus on glutes and lower body?
What is the best routines for girls main focus on glutes and lower body?
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Just hit the gym for 3 years and youll be set.
Squats, deadlifts, weighted leg extensions and core work on leg day, cardio and light upper body workout on upper body days. Talking like 15 minutes of running and some weighted rows and bench press so you won't be completely lacking in the upper body. Don't go crazy with it.
3*10 squats on my face
3*10 squats on my dick
If I mail you a jar would you brap into it, seal it, and mail it back to me?
Pecs are still somewhat important for girls (support the breasts), so cable flys or some kind of bench press are probably a good idea. You're going to want to do face-pulls too, to keep your shoulder joints healthy while developing chest.
Core is important for everyone; both because it keeps your abdomen nice and tight and because it means less chance of injury. Some kind of squat or deadlift is probably good for the lower back; I'd say trap-bar deadlift (safest DL variant) or sumo DL (hits the glutes best). Then add crunches or cable-crunches for the abs, and cable side-bends and 'chops' to strengthen the sides.
Then you have the glutes, which are the muscles most women care about most. In order to get big, firm buttocks, you need to isolate them. Best exercise for this is hip thrusts. Aim for a long time under tension by doing them slowly, rather than rushing to move big weights.
To keep your hips healthy and develop your glutes further, use a cable machine with a foot strap to do back-kicks (face the machine with one leg in the loop, kick it back against the force), side-kicks (the same, but to the side) and reverse side-kicks (start with legs wide apart, bring the leg with cable attached over to the other one). Alternatively, use the good girl / bad girl and leg curl machines (don't bother with the leg extension).
Finally, for cardio, use the treadmill or stationary bike. These will give your calves a bit of shape.
based and advicepilled.
Gonna use this on my gf, thanks
I will never do this cause I'm a male but great post user! Finally some quality content.
Just squat. Maybe add hip thrusts
Gomad ss
The cable machine shit exercises can be all done with a rubber band instead. You save so much time from putting that fucking strap on your ankle
Look up Bret Contreras. he has workouts
donkey kicks backs with resistance band or smith machine
wide grip/close grip pulldown for hourglass shape
stairmaster is also a great substitute for treadmill
Bret Contreras Strong Curves
Romanian deadlifts, romanian split squats, high bar squat, lunges/step ups(higest glute activation), hip thrusts, something for quads, rest of the meme cable exercises you mentioned.
Squats, Deadlifts, and Hip Thrusts