You've never truly made it till you can see your abs while sitting down

You've never truly made it till you can see your abs while sitting down

Attached: zuko_abs.png (658x870, 1.06M)

I was a 215 lb 6'1 giga fatty with a massive frame. Currently lifting and dieting like fucking mad. All I want is to see my abs. I'm down to 185 after 2 months.

Yet I still look like a fat ugly shit. Basically the exact same as when I started. How fucking far do I have to go? What is lean weight for a guy my height? I thought it would be 170ish but clearly its way lower than that. Like 150?

160 i think, 150 might look too skelly

>massive frame

massive jelly donut gut maybe you big ol fatty haha

>massive frame
>still fat slob at 185
these things don't compute, also you must have like zero muscle mass at that height/weight. You just started 2 moths ago?

What bf do you have to be, 8%?

>posture is too bad to ever be able to see my abs
I lift like an hour a day, but sit at my computer the rest of that day

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>sit at my computer the rest of that day
wow so sad, if only something could be done about this

It depends on how much muscle you have. I'm 5'8 at 190lbs and my upper abs are clearly visible, lower abs visible if I'm fasting.
I ran into a similar problem when I was younger and cut from 225 down to 170. I looked leaner, but I still didnt look shredded or lean like I thought I would, with visible love handles.
What fixed it was just putting on muscle. Now I'm 20lbs heavier and look muscular.
The trick with cutting is to always go further than you think you need to, because you're always fatter than you think you are. It sucks, but once you embrace it and start working around it you can control your weight more easily and have a more realistic idea of your goals.

I'm as confused as you are. But I do indeed have very broad shoulders, wide hips, and a big ribcage. So much so it's unaesthetic in its own right. Hoping to work towards greekmode after this cut is over.

Attached: greek.jpg (546x1000, 133K)

abs while sitting down = women

Attached: abs_no_audio.webm (184x400, 978K)

That's literally every fucking skinny fag out there

Post body

Depends what your lifts are honestly. I'm the same height but I'm 170 and can see my abs clearly in any lighting. The reason I say it depends on your lifts is because there's a huge difference between 170lbs of mostly muscle and 170 of mostly fat. When I started lifting I was the same height but 135 lbs, so almost all the weight I've put on since then has been muscle. Just focus on getting stronger and stay in a slight deficit and you should be good. Making sure you aren't losing any muscle during that cut is the most important thing, and it sounds like you're losing a lot of it if you cut that much that fast

What is the source of this? Does he get his tiny yellow dick sucked by those chinkettes?

What are your lifts?


Attached: 20190311_200945.jpg (2123x3233, 3.17M)

>ohp 110
>bench 160
>squat 280
>dl 340

is that Roger from American Dad?

With your current muscle mass Id guess you need to lose about 25lbs for a 4x visible abs. Do strength training. Add chinups for Starting Strenght program for best results. Deadlift, squat and chinups for sick core, no need for a direct ab workout.

>those lifts
>most likely e-stated
>Why do I not have abs
Cmon m8 you have no muscle mass in the least with those bitch ass lifts
start moving some bigboy weight for reps and then maybe you can complain.

Its on the list after the fat loss.

Good luck moving weight as a 6'1 literal Auschwitz survivor with 160 lbs

This is objectively incorrect. Lifting more wont give you abs, burning off the gut and spare tire might though.

they're white women

Burning off fat only exposes your abs. If you want a good looking 6 pack rather than a flat stomach with some shallow lines, you need to actually build up abdominal muscles. Just like a guy losing arm fat to reveal his delts. He'd first have to build up delts.

Todd, we have eyes. At least be realistic with your self hating cuckoldry.

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Avatar was truly the greatest show of the last decade

As user said, 0 muscle mass. That's why you should focus on eating big and lifting big as a beginner. Even a fatass should eat to maintenance, not deficit

My fat rolls look like inflated abs, did I made it?
