I'm an athelete

>I'm an athelete

Jason "The Bowling pin" Blaha

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shitty genes and low test during adolescence produces men like this

actually this is a butch dyke with shaved head

Klinefelter syndrome.

Jason doesn't have KF, he's a 5'7 midget. He's just a fat slob with no willpower. Dexa scan vid proves his skeleton isn't that bad. He just has a layer of fat over his waist and hips.

>fat fuck with wide hips
is there any point in even bothering to lose the weight?

Pretty crazy when you consider that he has been on more than a gram of test + tren and deca.

muh athleticism, full range of motion, perfect form

Attached: perfect form.webm (1280x720, 940K)

>365ish on a safety bar as a fat manlet


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my mother's friends call me "the monster"

he loves to shit on alex but he should definetly take the neck pill

imagine decades of lifting and several years of drug use resulting in this

Neck training is a meme unless you're doing contact sports.

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Post body and stats

8% bf
500lbs reverse grip bench press
800lbs deadlift
600lbs squat for reps
can't tell you about my background because it's classified and you will be guilty of espionage

Pic related is a picture from my male model days when i was 3% body fat

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Came here to post this webm but you beat me to it

Delete these posts right now. I have your IP addresses and locations. You will all feel my wrath, non-negotiable.

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Same amount of muscle mass as Ryback btw non negotiable

Dude wanted so desperately to be a big bodybuilder but his genetics are fucking horrible for it. He copes by calling bodybuilders fags and is a mid-low tier powerlifter with a loyal and obnoxious fanbase. Fuck him and his sheep fans.

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Why is there such a correlation with fitness and mental illness?

He comes off as tough guy, an alpha male

He probably has the worst genetics out of every popular eceleb.

Is that actually true holy fuck

Yep. He was open about his stacks on bodybuilding.com.

You bros give him so much shit that I gave a few of his vids a watch a while back. He did one of his q&a sessions and unironically said that the pushup was a bad exercise because there is no way to load it.

This shit really made me think about nerd tendencies and how guys the world over will just stick to the shitty program, lifting heavy weight and eating absurd amounts of food for no fucking reason at all... What's it all for? Is the illusion of progress enough for most people? Is this nerd cycle enough? How in the fuck can a human being look and mouth breathe and have shit lifts like Jason Blaha and think that he is somehow above doing pushups? Not even admitting he's wrong, just doing simple shit that fit people actually do, like pushups... It makes no sense to me.

I sort of agree with him. Push-ups definintely have their place...if you're a skinny teenager working out with whatever you've got in your bedroom. Build up a little muscle before moving on to something better like the bench, dips, etc.

Every aesthetic person and athlete I know does pushups. Every powerlifter that gets winded by 2 flights of stairs agrees with Blaha.

I follow Joe Defranco's advice on having a 1/1 pressing to push-ups ratio. He's got mighty fucked up acromion so i follow his shit on shoulder health.

>Those womanly hips

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All I'm saying is I'd rather do a set of weighted dips than a set of push-ups. It makes no sense for a powerlifter to do them either. Also you look like a douche if you do them in the gym so I get to avoid that.

You mean relatively narrow hips

dude looks like a walmart mom

>'Leg day everyday, brah!! AmIrite!?!?'

I don't do them at the gym, I'm just not saying that I'm above doing pushups. No one with a shit physique is, especially when athletes do them.

Pic related is Charles Bronson (ignore the kinda gay costume, and instead watch Hard Times if you've never seen it). He apparently never even lifted, he did calisthenics when training for roles and 200 pushups every day of his life until he got too old. I would much rather my body look like his than a powerlifter desu. Especially fucking Jason, who is on TRT + tren and still looks like that.

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Lol, I literally just finished watching Once Upon a Time in the West for the umpteenth time. One of my favourite movies of all time and one of the greatest actors of all time.

Anyway, our goals are entirely different. I don't want to be a fat powerlifter either, but I also don't want to be Bronson/Athlete either. I idolize guys like Lou Ferrigno, Greg Kovacs, and Peter Steele because they're similar height to myself but escaped the 'Lanky Bastard' territory that comes with the height.

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Oh good on you bro, I admire your aesthetic and your goals are solid (srs & no homo). I'm not saying that one needs to program pushups and do some exact amount. I'm just saying that, that's kind of a cancerous position for Jason to take, that one is "past it" when it comes to basic things. Holding onto a mastery of the basics is the foundation of everything higher.

I'd bet that Peter Steele could drop and do 25+ ordinary pushups w/o bitching out, assuming he was at sober and healthy point in his life I mean. I doubt Jason could do that on his best day while on TRT and tren, and that is not Jow Forums imo. That is cringe and bluepilled.

Fuck off Jason. You have XXY

You're absolutely right. Good luck with your goals and keep at it, no matter what.

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thanks fren

I agree with him on the push up thing. Unless you're doing some sort of endurance sport, they're basically worthless. I did plenty of push ups in my teenage years between cross country and boxing and they're just an obnoxious exercise, especially when you're skinny and tall with disproportionately heavy legs and an undersized upper body from long distance running.

Dips (both kinds), ring holds, bench, etc. are all much better. Occassionally, I'll do 2x25 push ups as a warm up and sometimes another 2x25 at the end of a workout just for the pump and to drain out that little bit of extra energy, but I don't think they do a whole lot for you.

>all these excuses
>agrees with blaha
>ignores jacked calisthenicians
>probably did standard push ups, no variation and no load

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you're a retard mayne pushups are garbage and I promise I'm bigger leaner and more aesthetic than you

Jason has high bodyfat and his genes for aesthetics are trash. His knowledge is spot on though and he's right about most things. He will change his opinion when presented with new evidence or research and is willing to admit he was once wrong, and the reason his knowledge is good is BECAUSE his genes are trash. If he had genes like the guz or steve cook he would've just looked great in his 20s/30s and developed a huge social media following and had no reason to develop his knowledge about training and fitness.

It triggers me people don't think he knows what he's talking about because he, admittedly, looks pretty bad. But at the end of the day why are coaches in the fitness industry looked at differently than in other athletic endeavours? You don't expect a track and field coach to be able to run a 4.4 and you don't expect a boxing coach to be able to fight floyd mayweather.

On the other hand, that's why most people on this board are small and weak. Because they listen to internet celebrities who have great genes, blast tons of gear and lie about it to their followers. Posting body next post, if you would like to present a counter argument to this, please provide a CB pic.

Cb pic as promised
420 squat 330 bench 500 dead 6'0 180

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>when Jason's fans lie as much as he does

And what am I lying about friend

Even crazier when you realize he stopped running those so he can knock up his girl, only to find out he's infertile so they get a pet instead.

Careful roiding, bros, srs. It's not worth the risk

>Even crazier when you realize he stopped running those so he can knock up his girl
Not true. He was still on gear during that video and his gf stated multiple times she didn't want kids with him. Besides, he's infertile because of Klinefelter's, not because of the drugs.

The pushup can be loaded tons of ways. I do it with 2 plyo boxes and a loading pin I've seen guys do it at my gym with a pit shark too. To add my bench is 375×2 and I can definitely say it's because of pushups and dips.

>That core
>Those legs
>Those numbers
Uh no

Shiiet, I must've gotten that wrong then, thanks for correcting me user

Maybe he can get knocked up by a tranny with his motherly Blaha hips

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Oh so you dont lift
Because you surely have reached those numbers and know what body they result in right? Post yours so we can see

This guy in the pic blows my lifts out the water by 100lbs on each one or more. Welcome to drug free lifting my newbie friend!

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>those lifts
>that weak as fuck frame
Want to know how I know your full of shit

>he looks worse than he did a year ago
>that face
>that tattoo
>he lies about his lifts

Look at his face, you know there isn't a lot going on behind that blank mask.

Well he has admitted to enjoying being pegged and his ex-wife stated that he owns a purple dildo (which he admitted to also) and that he was in possession of it before they even got together. It wouldn't surprise me if he has already taken dick from a tranny.

Post body big strong man
Those lifts arent even good! This is how weak you guys are

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>he looks worse than he did a year ago
Hahahaha. The guy in the second pic is a 74kg world class powerlifter. his lifts are 570/396/600 and youve admitted he looks worse than me
You guys are beyond dense

>495×2 Squat
550×2 DL
375×2 Bench
255×2 MP
Natty and I do pushups yet I look so much bigger than you

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>those obvious bullshit e-stats

LMAO. subtract about 200 from each of those lifts, 2-3 inches of height and 10-20 pounds of weight and we'd believe you ya lying faggot manlet.

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This is me fag

>looks like shit
>look at these lifts tho
Why are all """powerlifters""" so retarded? Is it a case like Blaha's? You look unaesthetic as fuck so you decide to cope by moving weight?

So youre stronger and therefore bigger than me
Im not sure where the confusion is? No idea why you think i wouldnt be able to hit those lifts

imagine if this guy had a youtube channel back in the late 90s when his parents were disowning him

Because your frame is way too small for those lifts and your lieing on the internet. I would be surprised if you have hit 1/2/3/4. Your forearms are small as fuck. You have the core of a twink and your legs are puny when comparing your squat and deadlift. You also have no anterior delts yet you have a 330 bench. Either your a non responder to compound lifts(which is literally impossible when you factor in all the studies that have been done in relation to hormone response and compound lifts)Yeah I'm calling your bluff your full of shit.

That man is a genetic anomaly and in the elite percentile you are not and besides look at his core in comparison to yours the thickness and density alone literally debunks your e-stats.

this is beyond terrible
who in their right mind would post this and claim to be a fitness guru with decades of experience

>Blano claims to be the same size as Serge Nubret and Ryback
>This faggot claims to bench 330 with no chest development, even when flexing hard
It's just shitty trolling to distract from the fact that Blano is a cuck

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What do you mean my frame is too small? Have you seen any IPF powerlifters? Is it because you have wide hips and had to get fat to get strong?
Youre so confused

Heres another guy who blows yours and my lifts out the water

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No youre just a moron
Go and look at any 83kg PL who lifts 30% more than me. You have no idea what a drug free physique looks like you fool

What a strange looking man.

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I have Blaha's body and fear that I'm going to end up looking like this dude.

Like my cut is going really well, but fuck me I need to get past this mode.

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Genetics bullshit is such a myth he just didn’t train hard enough to be a bodybuilder hahaha people don’t realize that it’s actually hard to be successful doing that

Kid your full of shit about your lifts the gig is up. You can post elite level powerlifters all you want but it still doesnt change the fact that in reality your small, weak and frail. There is a reason why medical practitioners are trained to not give into a patients delusions when dealing with mental health and schizophrenics.

Yeah naw

So you acknowledge that the user your responding to is much bigger than you by a landslide that being said for the numbers you stated your frame and size dont equate to those numbers even though strength does not always equate to size but in this case just looking at your core alone makes me think those numbers aren't legit.

Nice joke, user. I appreciate humor in my day, you tricky trickster.

It's like you faggots didn't even read the thread after he posted that. What fucking brainlets.

Your chest is shit.

Yeah I know

Reminder to stop responding to this attention whore.

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just cut fatty

Poops sorry this is me I double clicked that fagBut yeah my chest is shit