Look what i made Jow Forums

25 euros Total
50 cm long
20 cm tall

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Hurdles? Are you a fucking showdog?


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Those are push up shitty bars, mine are 20 cm tall and 50 cm long

>25 euros for some PVC pipe

Have you tried them yet because the plastic doesn't look durable enough to support a grown man

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Yes i can handstand on them

How much do you weight? I think you're asking for trouble using pvc

it's cause he had to pay 20 Euros for the license to own PVC

Sad calisthenics edition.

He's 5'11"


6'2, 175 lbs

Better start making a pvc pipe wheelchair to go with it when you break your neck. Somethings are worth spending extra on. Safety is one of them.

>If i made It my self with strong platic and glue i will brake my neck
> If they someone esle do it for me in china with cheap platic and shitty material i will be safe

you cant even do dips on those you tard

I have rings for dips, i need this for more Rom on handstand push up, l-sits, etc

it cost you 25 euro for some pipe a few elbows /.tees and some glue? the fuck

You can buy those in Decathlon for like 8 euro :|

PVC is incredibly strong, numb nuts. I can tell you've never had to do any repairs nor anything handy around the house.

Go get a 6" length of 3/4" PVC and try to break it with your hands.

finally a smart asshole

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Cringe italian poster. Buy dip bars at Decathlon not this tiny meme bars.


I though the same but is correct. Shit is strong as fuck.

T. Have worked with it and also as a kid used to cement putty/epoxy the ends shut after filling it with gunpowder to create over powered M80s

Since this thread is up, how can I do dips at home when the chairs I have aren’t good enough (just feels instable and the top is too rounded). I don’t wanna do the hole tricep dominant dips with feet on the ground, I’d like to do chest dips


Throw some gymnastic rings over a pull-up bar. Or a tree.

I work with it all the time in work and at home. I use it for conduit. It's not gonna snap but it seems far far too flexible for this sort of use.

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Good idea but if i was gonna but rings for my house just to do dips I’d just buy a fucking dip bar

Lol, using it as a wire organizing conduit is baby's first handyman project. Try some plumbing, fag. Also, try to bend 6" of 3/4" PVC with your bare hands. It is not flexible, you are full of shit,

And a chingo chong nip dong to you, ferrow Amelicans.

The jealousy sweat from your post more than you in your hardest workout.

It's not 6", its half a metre you bellend.

Yeah electrician is baby's play. There are apps for toddlers where you put pipes together and get water to run through it.

Overpaid and weak.

>PVC pipes for dips station
Just be sure that you can attach wheels on it. When it cannot hold the stress you will collapse and you can start to use it as walker