>lift for 3 years >never got a single injury, everything feels good and stable >boulder for 6 months >my fingers hurt, my shoulder and elbow tendons are chronically inflammated, my ankle has been sprained, my left shoulder was slightly subluxed
Yes it's honestly hilarious if you think about it.
Bodybuilding style workouts using machines for 8 or more reps on a couple sets are actually way healthier and easier on your body than almost anything else.
As you mentioned, actual sports can result in life long injuries and immobility. I used to swim and row, and know tons of people with permanent shoulder, back and knee problems because of it.
Hudson Barnes
Was it worth it though?
Oliver Wood
Yeah, because real things test your muscles and tendons in highly dynamic ways; whilst lifting tests your muscles in an extremely regimented and static way. No shit.
Andrew Ramirez
Bouldering requires restraint so you don't overdo it, and climbing down off the wall whenever you can vs. jumping off
Owen King
Did you start lifting by trying to 1rm every lift every time? Did you start bouldering gradually increasing intensity. There's a high change both answers are no.
Camden Kelly
I boulder before every workout. Used to be my main thing before I got into lifting. The tendon issues suck but as long as you do plenty of antagonistic training and always warm up before pushing yourself on the wall they can be mitigated.
I alternate pullups/pushup sets in between problems. Works well for me and helps me get volume in.
Means I spend 3 hours in the gym 3 times a week but worth it.
Thomas Turner
>my fingers hurt, my shoulder and elbow tendons are chronically inflammated, my ankle has been sprained, my left shoulder was slightly subluxed It means you're alive m8
Imagine going through life avoiding anything risky so you can arrive at death with healthy shoulders
Henry Hernandez
Bouldering is the ultimate pull/back day. No amount of rows, deadlifts, chin ups, or curls has left me as fucked as two hours of bouldering. My forearms feel like they're exploding and I can barely grip anything, but man do my arms and back look joocy.
Though all it takes is one misjudged fall and you shatter your ankle.
i have been bouldering everyday for the last 8 days, every day i plan on "going easy" but i just end up trying hard on boulders at my limit
i'm wondering how long it'll take before i injure a pulley
t. 24 yo 6 months into bouldering
Adam Russell
yeah it must be great honestly, you do not want your mobility restricted at old age
Julian Reyes
falls that scare me : - falling during a drop knee - falling on a slab when my foot slip while my head is hugging the wall
Brandon Gomez
I'm scared of falling and having one foot miss the mat and just fucking crumple it under my full weight. That's why I prefer to climb down at least more than half way.
Daniel Cooper
What about falling while your whole hand is jammed in a crack that gets narrower as it goes down
David Richardson
That's a great way to get yourself injured and fuck up your progression
Jose Wood
alex megos trains everyday why can't I
Jordan Wright
At 6 months you should be relatively adjusted to the tendon strain. But it really depends what your top level climbs are and how much you weigh.
Mason Rodriguez
>start BJJ >during one of the warmups a female purple belt decides we should do summersalts >sprain my ankle on my first attempt
Brandon Bell
maybe if you got into competitive lifting, the weights would get scary too
Owen Diaz
That's retarded.
Hudson Myers
if you rock climbed from the beginning along with lifting your tendons would have adapted to the extra bodyweight
unless you didnt make any gains then idk you just suck lmao
Carson Barnes
ITT: inexperienced climbers popping pullies on V3's because they don't know shit but refuse to take lessons even though they obviously fuck up and skinnyfar teenagers crying about scratches or splits.
Camden Ortiz
>6 months get a load of this faggot. Tendons will constantly adapt to new stimuli just like muscles do.
Christopher Garcia
Your muscles are unbalanced, you have the strength to hold certain positions but the smaller stability muscles and tendons have recieved very little training.
Take it easy my nigga, just because you can doesn't mean you should. Work up to that shit instead of immediately trying to push your limits.
Austin Russell
I have a similar experience >Lift for two years >Only one minor injury >Start wrestling >Multiple sprains, multiple bruises per day, dozens of strained and a few torn muscles, and a broken bone Fucking worth it tho
Thomas Stewart
>does bodybuiling style workouts using machines >afraid of real sports dyel twink
Daniel Collins
>arms and back look joocy no it doesnt. Your probably 140lbs >Bouldering is the ultimate pull/back day wut. literal retard >No amount of rows, deadlifts, chin ups, or curls has left me as fucked as two hours of bouldering soreness doesnt mean muscle growth retard. also this means you havent actually lifted
Jason Morales
Jeremiah Rodriguez
wow gee you're totally right scaling a rock wall with just your arms is just a babby tier warmup
Parker Jones
bouldering plebs
who here top rope master race
Oliver Baker
swam in highschool and i thought it would be the best on the joints (vs running for instance) is it common to hurt yourself swimming?
Evan Allen
you dont get doms? post body
David Young
you're an idiot for going every day. Unless you're working with a professional coach and following a strict program, at 6 months you should be going every other day at absolute max and making sure to relax and stretch between climbs.
You're going to seriously fuck up your tendons and there's no coming back from that
t.30 yo 4 years into bouldering
Nicholas Harris
Warm up longer and stretch, and use warmups that target your elbows
Don’t go for crimphold climbs if they hurt your fingers so much, it means you haven’t let the tendons adapt enough yet, I used to boulder 6 days a week and my shoulders would kill and ruin progress. Way better to go 3-4 days a week, maybe go lift on the other days. Always climb down when you can, your elbows will thank You
Gabriel Wright
Ooft that slab fear. Tfw it's legitimate
Tyler Reed
If you ever start lead climbing you'll never top rope again.
Isaiah Peterson
That's why you should've done regular or weighted calisthenics, faggot. >joints never in pain >tendons are fine >nothing bad happens unless you do freestyle