How is this guy still alive?

7'2" and treefiddyish

Could you imagine how big his heart is and how awful his blood work looks?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>intimidates manlets through the internet

I'm 6'5 please don't talk about early death for us tall ppl.

>how is this relatively young giant still walkin' and talkin'?

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Roiding for this

Given that he has a metal bar in his chest,

dude is the size of a freakin Space Marine.

Good lord. I can feel his power through the picture alone. Imagine how he's like in real life. He'll have straight men turn gay just by being near him
no homo

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Tall guys always gets what coming to them when they die at 50, it's natural selection. The peak human male is 5'10/11, and we live long, healthy lives. Tall men are genetic aberrations, mutants and they live harsh lives because of it.

Based and manletpilled.

The matal bars were taken out after his ribs healed

this is your brain on height obsession

I think he needs like 50 pounds more muscle to really look "complete"

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How the fuck is he that massive? He must eat like 4K calories/day.

He's actually quite weak for his bodyweight of 150 kg, his DL is just 220 kg for example. These leverages arent efficient

Try 7k. I eat more than 4k at 6'5" lean

This guy would be worth much than a state of the art frigate

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He's skipping out on Calves..... That's part of leg day. Just sayin!

every time i see a negative post about this man i assume it's jealousy

i have yet to be proven wrong

Not Jealous. It's aesthetics. It is not proportional to his size. It's why you see so many guys wearing sweats at the gym. No leg day, all upper body. Back me up on this lifting bros!

Are you one of those retards who sees a guy do 5 reps on some video and goes "der thats AAAAWL he DUZ?"

He specifically said he never maxes and only trains for volume and never hoes under 5 reps, but 220kg for 5 reps is pretty strong.

Pound for pound is NOT how strength is measured amyway. There's a WILKS formula that factors in height, distance, and leverages by grading on a curve based on weight.

That's why bodyweight multipliers are useless. Strength does NOT go up in a 1:1 ratio with weight or height.

Going by Oliviers height and weight he's exactly as strong as he should be. His bodyweight of 342 on a 6'2" height would be WSM competitors tier - but that's ignoring height.

Honestly this should be re-established. Society needs something like this to weed out and expose the manlets (aka leeches aka lower than jews (think about it))

Nah, he's auschwitz compared to Space Marines. Even the scouts mog him.

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It already happens subconsciously,~90% of CEOs are 6’ or taller. There are already studies that taller men are better treated/payed.

4k at 6'5" is bulking level. If you eat 4k at a maintenance at 6'5" then you're a fatass.

You just exposed your complete and utter lack of intensity or effort in your workouts.

6'4 and I was eating 4k a day when I was a skinnyfat loser who didn't lift and I didn't gain any weight.

>dyel detected

I'm only 5'11 and 218lbs but I maintain on about 4000 kcal. I have a lot of muscle mass (1700 powerlifting total when I was 230 this December) and I lift 5-6 days a week plus cardio. 4k isn't really that much.

More like 150kg

>6'1" vs 5'11"

Fucking lost

>implying the two fuck shits bragging on the internet can count calories correctly

read it and weep

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sweats make my legs look smaller
if i wear tight short shorts to the gym my legs and ass look thick haha

>there were several regiments that contained nobody under 5’8
Top kek

Why do you rely on a fucking website calculator probably coded by some non-bodybuilder skinnyfat nerd? Learn from your own experience and build up from there. When society collapses you won't have a fucking website telling you exactly what to eat.

He's the size of Master Chief

I'm not sure, if you're trolling or retarded.

>Anecdotally making up your calorie requirements based on your feelings
>Using tried and true caloric formulas based on research of multiple doctors

You unironically sound like someone from My 600lb Life trying to convince someone that they eat a normal amount of food

Broscience like you heard about Jesus christ


>coed changing room
can you get a test boost looking at thots changing at this gym?

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THIS. I am 5'6 and don't want to go to military, imo it should only be for the lanklets. Why should I risk my life when lanklets can do it for me? They are too stupid for anything else beyond being a meat shield anyway

These are the people giving you fitness advice

>also pic related blow me

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lmao I maintain at 3500. He's very likely in 5 digits.

just having this face would kill me inside lol

Okay, all I'm saying is don't rely on a piece of software developed by someone that has no idea who you are or what situation you're in.

Go up to the biggest guys you can find in your gym and ask them what sort of diet they eat to maintain. I guarentee you that you'll get a variety of answers.

How could a professional MMA fighter who's not even 6ft take down this beast? The guy has a longer range and way more strength than all of them.

Read what and weep? I weigh my food, I know my calories, ya dyel skinnyfat retard.

I'd still kick his ass

That's not how it fucking works, you absolute melon. That's like asking someone what gas mileage they get in their car and then pretending you get the same. Why the fuck would I waste my time anecdotally measuring my fucking weight gain/loss when I can get a base number and work right from there?

TDEE isn't some magical fucking number, it's a very simple number. And even if it is off, it's way closer to your actual numbers than asking some juice monster in the gym "How many calories do you think I should be getting, Daddy?"

There's a 20-year-old 7'3" kid in my small town. He's 250 lbs of spooky right now though. How do I approach him to offer coaching to make him faukin juicy? I'm only a 6'4" manlet.

>"I don't gain any weight eating at a surplus for my height"

That's because you're fat, and you're maintaining that fat by eating at the maintenance of a fat person

215 at 6'5 is dyel as fuck, m8.

With their superior speed

Any good heavyweight and most light heavyweights would knock him out in a punch or two if he hasn't trained. Deal with it.

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You should work calves every day but leg day

Not at 12% bf m8

>tfw I`m as much smaller than the left guy as the left guy is smaller than the right guy

not only that but he's as retarded as all of you

>i lift weights so im in FANTASTIC shape even though I ignore cardiovascular health entirely and it's almost completely exclusive from training for strength

Can this guy with his size and musculature even run a half mile? Highly doubt it.

but not to worry, because his big squat numbers ASSUREDLY mean he's healthy, right? you stupid curl bro fucks?


fucking retard, i should track you down and strangle you in your sleep for being so stupid

I'm the 6'5" guy who originally posted, I'm 235 lbs at 12% lifting for more than 5 years. My maintenance calories according to the calculator are 4133 (hint hint, that's over 4k), which makes sense. I clean bulk on 4.5k, which is over 4k.

also, 215 at 12% isn't "dyel as fuck at all" at my height, that would be 180 lbs or how the average guy that height weighs at 12%. A 6'5" 215 can very well be dyel, but he'll be skinnyfat and 20% atleast. at 215 lbs 12% I looked athletic mode, think Superhero physique mode. Currently pretty built, close to 19" arms and 27" quads

btw, I just used the tdee calculator for stats similar to oliver richters (He's 7'2" and around 340 lbs?) I used 7' and 330 lbs ~13%, heavy exercise and it gives me 5.5k calories just for maintenance. Most of the time he will easily eat 6k a day in this case, rendering my initial 7k estimate closer than 4k

I'd rather be tall and die young than be a pathetic genetic dead end known as a manlet and suffer until the age of 90, thank you very much.

look at his face. it's the face of someone who knows he is not normal. He tried to compensate for it by working hard and being successful, but deep down he knows everyone still look at him as a freak. People take pictures of him. They look at him as they look at the animals in the zoo. And he is going to die before he has grand-kids and he knows it. He would give everything to be the guy on the left

I used 6'5" 215lbs at 12% because that's about my stats rn, and I bulk at ~4200 calories. That being said, 6'5" 235lbs isn't fucking joking around, the average NBA player weight is like 225lbs.

I would be interested to see what 235lbs @ 6'5" and 12% bf looks like cause it would be interesting to see me + 20lbs of muscle

>advocating killing dwarfs
>not wanting them to build your weapons&armor.
never gonna make it

dudes calves are as big as that guys upper arms lol

>mogs literally all of fit just walking down the street

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He goes over his daily diet here

Everyone laugh at this manlet cope

Just to let you know, when people see your 5’6” frame, they have a worse reaction, not only are they repulsed and see you as a freak, you’re not even worth the time to take a picture

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>that chick in the bottom left at 0:10

holy fuck she mired so hard god damn she wants his dick

And his calves are his worst part

My father’s line, besides my grandfather who smoked, were all 6’2”+ and lived into their 80s. My old man also smoked unfortunately, but he’s in his 60s and still going strong.

Cope harder. Some people are just better than you without a catch. The sooner you accept it the happier you’ll be.

You're retarded if you think distance running at 7 feet in height is a good idea at all let alone an indicator of health. If you had said "can this guy ride a bike for 12 miles" then you would look a lot less fucking stupid. I don't even know what your point is. By your standards it's impossible to be healthy if you grow too tall, so why not become a fucking giant monster while you're alive?

Jow Forums stopped being "health and fitness" years ago for a reason, faggot.