Hey Jow Forums. Relatively new here. Pretty new ish to this whole fitness stuff. I gotta ask...

Hey Jow Forums. Relatively new here. Pretty new ish to this whole fitness stuff. I gotta ask, what's the best way to lose fat and gain muscle? Before I used to be pretty skinny. My friends told me to 'put on some mass' before working out, as it would make things somewhat easier. I've done that part, so what should I do next?

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>My friends told me to 'put on some mass' before working out, as it would make things somewhat easier.


Lift faggot. Also your friend sound like tards dont listen to them

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this "toxic masculinity" is really like a disease you can catch, damn

Kill your friends,


Do SS for minimum 6 months, ideally 8-12

Optional add cardio here

Move onto PPL for 6-8 months

If you haven’t already mandatory add cardio (run, swim)

1-2 years in here
Make shit up here, you should know enough by now

yeah well makes sense. sumo wrestlers are fucking fat as shit but they can stomp your ass pretty easily
i think that's pretty obvious dude, what else?


Listen to these guys not those shitty friends

what's that
miss me with that gay shit
what's that
i'm not fat or overweight nigga, just skinnyfat. before i used to be REALLY skinny like a skelly

read sticky

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Read sticky
Lurk more

i've lurked here for like 2 years lmao. been doing pleb tier 'excercises' for like 7 months now

>eats without lifting to get stronger
>lurks for 2 (TWO!) years but doesn't know what SS is

Some things are just not meant to be

>lurked here for 2 years
>"how do i do something that's clearly explained in the sticky?"

lurk moar

>eats without lifting to get stronger
don't you fags constantly say 'gotta eat big to get big?' anyways i've been doing squats, lifting dumbbells, doing pushups, pullups at home for like 7 months now, so that has to count for something
>lurks for 2 (TWO!) years but doesn't know what SS is
i've mainly been here for the memes and discussions. i didn't really care about all those acronyms that much
reading it atm. the sticky doesn't mention excercises about losing fat. what are some good ways to lower bf %?

>Wants to be fit

>doesn’t know the acronyms

Choose one

>'gotta eat big to get big?'
What part of this makes you think you're supposed to be sedentary?

only recently have i started to take Jow Forums seriously

>What part of this makes you think you're supposed to be sedentary?
what makes you think so i'm sedentary?

>dude why're you eating without lifting
>"get big eat big"
that's why, you fat retard

>have a bmi of 21
>calls me fat

>bulk up to a bmi of 21
I concede, you're a retarded skeltal

Just had a steak at Penn state, am I about to be expelled bros?

Do SS and eat 2 Jumbo size Dominos pizzas every day. Also drink about a gallon of milk. As soon as you reach a 2pl squat go to PPL. At this point you should be a big boy.

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and you are going to stay skinnyfat. have a good life.

>my friends told me if I got fat it would be easier to look good

Eat at a healthy calorie surplus of 250-500 cals while lifting unless you've already larded out.

read the sticky