Drinking ruins your gains

>drinking ruins your gains
try again, robots

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Empty calories with no nutritional benefits

We'll get you next time m8.

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Banning alcohol consumption during your fit life isnt about the calories you retarded monkey ape

Eating half a kilo of eggs is a lot harder than drinking 0.5L of vodka.

Calories are calories, you retard.
If you’re hitting your macros, you don’t giver a shit about muh empty calories, you just need the calories.

That aside, alcohol isn’t bad because it lacks nutrients.

Then just drink 0.5L of eggs you retard

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Post body

I don't like to drink eggs

Have sex.

I have a daily macro goal of
20% carbs
30% protein
5% fat
45% alcohol


can drink it raw




>tfw I already don't consume soda or alcohol so I can't get those sweet, sweet free gains by cutting them out of my diet

You make most of your gains in your sleep. Your body uses that time to recover.

Drinking makes your body not recover and thus, lose gains.

You don't get sleep gains.

But please continue, the shittier you all look, the better I do by comparison.

How many calories in gasoline?
Daddy needs his juice. Maybe just a lil' squirt

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based retard
alcohol inhibits protein synthesis so it actually damages recovery.
it also dehydrates you and kills your sleep quality.

Alcohol is literally a different macro nutrient you fucking moron. Drinking this will take away from every other macro you are trying to get. That plus all the effects it has on muscle.

Just eat pure sugar then you retard

So is it ok to live of water, whey and sugar?

People who do vodka raises to failure for decades tend to look like walking corpses

31,000,000 per gallon

>kills your sleep quality
Bullshit I sleep way better after drinking some whiskey

You'll fucking die if you drink 400 grams of vodka

You fall asleep faster but sleep quality is trash because alcohol inhibits REM sleep.

>0,4 liter of vodka
That would give me a nice buzz without much headace the next day. Are you 12?


Underage please ban

No, but are you an alcoholic & proud?

Half a bottle of vodka is not much. I drink maybe once a month.

If youre a guy and cant drink 0.4 liters of vodka youre probably gay.. thats 2 glasses of vodka kek

>Calories are calories
>alcohol isn’t bad because it lacks nutrients
>t. fat dyel

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