Any other boomers wish they were zoomers?

Any other boomers wish they were zoomers?

26 year old Boomer here.

I kind of wish I was a zoomer desu

Zoomers got it good nowadays.

> highschool filled with thots walking around in yogapants
> so many youtube fitness channels to teach you how to properly lift/count macros/get aesthetic
> dumb PRIME sloots sending you noodles on snapchat/instagram

any other boomers wish they were a zoomer?

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Fuck no, being an adult is the best.

I definately feel like I've missed out on the tinder generation man.

true its definitely nice not having to do gay shit like homework anymore. (although worklife is way worse than school life overall imo)

but it would have been better to experience the zoomer generation of great technology and easy pussy before becoming a full adult


What about the negatives then? Social media is HUGE for zoomers. Even though I was an autistic beta faggot, I still had friends and girls because I was pretty average in looks and everything else. If I was a teenager now? I would get BTFO by girls and everyone else too because I would have like 30 followers on Instagram, my Snapchat score would be lower than their parents' etc. And if you fuck up? It lives forever because everyone will record it with their phones, probably even post it on Youtube so it becomes a meme and you can't escape it by moving to another school/city.

Also, for 10% of zoomer guys fuck 90% zoomer girls. The competition is fierce as fuck. Wasn't like that back in the good ol' days.

>not leeching off your parents
>having a house, dogs, and a wife

Feels good not being a limp wristed faggot zoomer desu

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Man that's a good point

but who knows?
maybe with youtube vids, sites like reddit and Jow Forums actually giving out GOOD advice on lifting, youtube vids on how to talk to people and get social, etc

I think it wouldnt be too hard to be a normal zoomer and have a decent following on social

Also zoomer girls are the biggest thots in history.

a legitimate hooker from the 1950s would have more shame than an average zoomer girl posting ass pics on instagram.

yeah but...why u a tranny tho?

No, I played morrowind

>just turned 29
wish I could go back to high school and continue playing sports and become a gigachad. Now I just work in software security and flip real estate. Oh well...

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Controversial opinion: Zero calorie energy drinks arn't as good as regular. Zero calorie ones just taste like fruit juice, not an energy drink.

24 yo doomer here

My childhood was goat and I wouldn't want to be any other age

desu, we (boomers) had it pretty good in high school

Our generation saw the rise of two things:
1.) Thongs
2.) Booty dancing

Yes, of course they existed before, but never before were they as popular as they were whilst we were in high school, and were especially not allowed. However, we reached an age in which degeneracy was increasing little by litttle. I saw many thongs in middle and high school, it was the best part of my day. And when I was finally able to go to a dance with a girl, all i had to do was stand there whilst she rubbed her ass all over my dick.

No clue what zoomers are up to these days, besides rainbow parties...

tinder came out right after i got out of college. it was awesome being 25 with tinder.

after a break up, i tried it again at 30
>not a single like

bumble was a lot more successful though.

t. never drank fruit juice in life

we missed out on the yogapants phase though.
I graduated in 2010 and honestly it seems like immediately after I graduated, yoga pants became standard attire for girls.

and honestly twerking isn't attractive to me.
it's usually ratchet af girls who do it and I'm not into ghetto trash.

that's true about the yoga pants, but the thing about those is that they're fucking everywhere now. Like everyday at the gym, so did we really miss out?

either way, think what the zoomer's zoomer will be going through in high school. Will the girls just wear crotchless pants - and if the teachers say anything about them, the parents threaten to sue the school, so yet again the west is cucked into allowing more degeneracy?

Does Tinder (or dating in general) actually crater for men 30+? I thought you're fine until like 34ish

Always thought Tinder was for the 18-24 bracket anyway

life was comfy before 9/11 user. be grateful you got to experience it.

Being a normal zoomer isn't enough. Normal is average and you need to be in the top 10%

Hell, I had acne so bad that it left tons of scars and I still got laid etc. in my teens. No chance I would get any action as a teenager in 2019.

>caring about what others think
>being a boomer
>pick 1

feels good, lads

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You guys dont get it. NOBODY in genZ is getting any pussy. I just ain't happening. The 16-17 year-old guys are almost all absolute spergs with no confidence or actual drive to get girls.
The girls are split into 2 groups.
1. The thots that are too occupied with social media attention to have actual sex.
2. The normal girls who really just don't care.
GenZ girls are also sleazy af, Ive seen some with seriously unwashed hair.

Even the athletic guys are autistic and spergs. Maybe 1% are chads with actual good relationships, the chads aren't even having sex with tons of girls.

Oh, it defiantly is. Bumble is a gentleman's app, however. As you get girls who are DTF but are too classy to say they're DTF.

Those are the girls I'm after >:)

>"gentleman's app"

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yea, there's a county in california that just got rid of their dress code.

I agree its degenerate af and I would never want a daughter in this day and age. But those teenage boys are lucky af.

yoga pants, midriffs, deep cut cleavage everywhere. everyone has snapchat and phones. hnngg

sounds like cope desu

fuck off zoomers, Jow Forums is boomer board

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Are you a house wholesaler? How did you get into that?

Did you grow up in fucking saudi arabia or something?

Im 24, i remembered even way back in HS thots were alreadty walking around in hotpants

Nah, I just horde my cash (I make slightly under 6 figures a year from my software job -- net) and put 20%down and finance the rest for 30 years. Fix it up and sell for a profit. I do about 5-6 of these a year but I've been doing it since my mid 20s so it's a bit easier now.

No, their lives seem stressful.

I agree with this. Thongs showing all the damn time. Also,

>2 weeks of nofap
>girl starts grinding on my 16 year old dick
>almost bust in my pants

Good times.

Nice. Does it work better instead of fixing up a place and renting? Probably less profit but less of a hassle to maintain, right?

18 yo zoomer here. It sucks unless you're a gigachad. I am pretty athletic and did sports in hs but had only had 2 girlfriends when I was 16. And all my friends are in the same situation finding grills

26 y.o. here. fuck NO why the fuck does everyone think high school was so cool. shit is way more cash now

Oh god no
29 year old boomer here
Fuck the world today, I wouldn't want to deal with this zoomer shit
>Everyone has a camera phone ready to take a high resolution picture of your every fuckup
>Everything ends up on one of the 10 different social media outlets that must be updated every few minutes lest you fall out of the social sphere
>Girls always comparing you to Chads all over the world
>Sluttiness is now seen as empowering
>Homosexuality is fashionable
>Nobody does anything outside anymore, its all internet-based

Give me the mid 2000s with my sexy bulimic emo girls any day

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Yoga pants < Tight jeans < Skirts (especially with long socks)
Change my mind

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I envy their economic outlook, literally nothing else about the lads. I want to protect them from this shitty gay earth.

fastest way to kill myself?

We graduated during the financial crisis and had to deal with much of the same shit. All of his "muh generation" bullshit just proves that the eternal boomer has won.

don't forget the mental disorder flip-flop
>gender disorder and trans is """normal"""
>i'm sad today, thus I suffer mental health issues

>The only things you wish for in life are sluts and nudes
Don't worry buddy, you're a soulless zoomer at heart

20 year old zoomer. AMA on zoomer culture and I will have a response. Trust me you boomers do not want to have to deal what we are going through right now....

>Give me the mid 2000s
The best time of my life.

2004 - 2009

I miss these days so much ...

I'm turning 30 and only just started lifting.
I have two degrees but have made more consistent work from technical drawing than either of them.

I want a lithe or at most plush G or H cup chick who's under 25yo.
Sadly it's not going to happen now, it's impossible to compete and I'm not willing to settle for 28+yo women who are, almost universally, used up.

>I wanted a big tiddy goth gf, and all I got was pain-

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i want to fuck 18yo zoomer pusy

I am 21 years old, 190cm and 112kg. I'm a Fat fuck playing Vidya allday. Fuck Girls, most of them are overrated and the good ones are taken by better guys. But i meet and fuck Boomerladys. They love it.

>Any other boomers wish they were zoomers?
Are you kidding That's like wishing one was permanently retarded.
No thanks. I pity those stupid, dumb, young bastards.

>it's impossible to compete
Why do you say this user?

I'm 21 and I wish I was a boomer. I hate social media. I grew up without smartphones and then they exploded in my teens and I was left in the dust. The best cultural times of my life are from my childhood. Retro vidya, movies that weren't 100% cgi, that sense of wonder in the world when every question wasn't a google search away. I'm left longing for a time I hardly got to know.

This guy explained it well. Hardly any guys in my high school got laid. The girls that were sleeping around did it with older guys that they met online.

>Why do you say this user?
I'm 5'9, only 70kg and mostly skinny fat, I have Norwood JUSTing my hairline, I'm on a shitty AUD $65k job, and I have no social media clout.

I can't rely on looks, money, or social proof. I have to rely exclusively on my personality WHICH is attractive to skinny pixie art-hoes (who I do enjoy the company of but not for smash) but doesn't seem to work on girls over a C cup.

Fact is the chick who are slim with massive mams are either already taken, don't frequent the circles I do, when I try to "go out and get lit" or festivals I get btfo by Chads, and some a recluses or know (and we all do) why it is I'm even engaging with them in the first place.

That's not to say I'm not trying. I've been approaching just to chat with hucows every day, usually I try for 8-12 reps, but it just seems so tiresome.

First you have to go out (I've done it before work, at lunch times, after work, evenings, weekends, etc.), then you have to find them (percentile of a percentile), then you have to engage (and they may just ignore you so it doesn't count as a rep), then you need to get them to at least give you their contact deets (on which 50% will ghost you), then organise a meetup that's convenient, then repeat until you get PinV action (which will most likely be lacklustre).

I know it's 'work' being a man, but fuck me I'm one of those dude who is sex work was legal here or sex-bots were a thing, I'd be an early adopter in just disregarding women for sex and relations. Be friends sure, but nothing more.

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depends on how big the unit size is and your local market. I buy houses between the $90,000 and $150,000 range so my cashflow per month -- renting -- would be around $1100, but I use a management company so I don't have to fix toilets and what not at 3 am (I would do this myself to save money, but I work in an office 5 days a week). You have the right idea, though. I would prefer to have monthly cashflow from rent as opposed to buying a house for, say, $100k, fixing it up and selling it for $130l. Monthly cash flow >>>> flipping a couple times a year. But the only "real" way to play the cashflow game is through multi family (apartments) and those fuckers are expensive. I'm basically building my bankroll capital right now from flips and my job's income so I can buy a big apartment unit. That's where the big money is.

Idk what the fuck he's talking about. I'm 26 and yoga pants were taking off around the time I started highschool. I even have a few spankbank memories of my 10th grade MILF science teacher wearing them on a field trip.

>that one 27 year old boomer who was in a daethcore band and got tons of scene girl pussy

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What’s up grant Cardone

>27 years old
>been a loser my entire life

i dont think it would matter when i was born, i would be a loser no matter what

Yeah, you think it's cool to be surrounded by easy sluts but it fucking sucks. I want a smart and reserved woman, so just the sight of yoga pants makes me instantly disgusted

No way I'm on the Jingu Spiders as a left handed relief pitcher and I was only making 18 million yen a year before, but now I make about 26 million yen

There's money buried under the pitch

trips of truth

Because girls being dumb sluts is such a great thing. I bet you'll love showing your children their moms 10, 000 nudes. And if you don't they'll find it anyway and turn sick in the head.

The fact that you see it as a good thing is insane. It's not cool to be living meme who only cares about his dick.

37 yo boomer here, and I wouldn't trade it for shit. I dated before socal media, girls were easy as shit, only two genders, everyone made fun of fags, and no internet ment we just went out to drink and fuck

>27 year old boomer
>People take me seriously
>Can openly express opinions and ideas while people pause and listen
>Sit with people older than me, we all laugh together
>Have a beer and cigarette after every meal
>Simply don't give a fuck

Feels fucking good man


yeah but id probably just fucking waste it again if i was given another chance

2012-2016 was a bumpy road as a white guy in a big city but our popularity seems to be on the rise again especially this year. But i loathe girls my age now for this reason and will probably settle with a zoomer girl.

32 year old boomer here, I missed out on banging prime chicks because I was a shy insecure beta. On Tinder within the last two years, the youngest girl I've gone on a date with was 23, which is pretty good, but I wanted to experience 18 since I never did.

So, I lied. I made a fake tinder account, put my age down to 24 (I can pass as 24 EZ. Didn't drink, do drugs, or party. Hell I still get carded for buying fucking scratch&win tickets). Instantly started matching with 18 year olds. Fairly hot too. But my lord are they flakey. I think around 50% of the girls that I met up with, flaked. I also just straight up invited them to my place, because they apparently see no problem with that. Then we bang. And then I don't contact her again.

I've only told my age to 2 of them after the deed. Neither of them cared. But they probably would have before we fucked.

So while fucking their super hot bodies was great, I just want a 21-25 year old gf who wants kids and isn't a whore now

Son for you to be a Boomer you would have to be at very least 55 by now.You are a millennial

Imagine actually being this delusional.
Guys are the most horny at this age so are girls. Tell me reason why some horny girl wouldn't fuck some chad from her school?

>I’m left longing for a time I hardly got to know
Fucking hell every sentence of that paragraph depressed me

This, if you want actual companionship being a zoomer is terrible. I don’t understand how someone with any amount of pride can bring themselves to date one of these 18-24 year old girls, 99% of them are garbage

33yo boomer here. I have been roiding for two years and have a body slightly beyond ottermode. I’m fucking three very attractive girls on rotation (18, 20 and 29) all of which know about each other. The two youngest are friends and we all join sometimes. Business is going amazing in the Trump economy. I’m old enough to brush shoulders with DC elites and young enough to fit in with college thots.
I wouldn’t trade my current life for anything.... really not looking forward to getting older but I definitely don’t want to be a high school zoomer.


Being a 26yo boomer has it's perks, I can hang around younger girls but I'm now old enough that I can deal with peers 30+. True peak for me will be when I graduate and move out and have a place to smash chicks at but more importantly, start with an empty slate that I can do minimalist ricing with ikea lights and a good battlestation.

So sad to see this shit
Seems like everything in life is about women women women
Getting with multiply of women is overrated, either you the guy that been there done that or the guy crying about never been there and wants to be there, now you just another boomer who didn't get with enough girls when he was at his peak
Everyone cringe and old boomers going for younger girls, its pathetic

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>why not do things that feel good

no male should validate himself via women, yet younger, hotter women are a great way to spend time and will continue to be until the end of time

>still in school
I'm 27. When I go back to finish my bachelors in a year or two, will I be the creepy old dude? My family doesn't age much, I don't drink or smoke, and I keep in shape, which will probably help some.

don't worry you've missed out on literally nothing, i've seen my friends chase the tinder hole and come out of it just sadder / more pissed off.

dude, we caught the alt phase of things while we were in school, we got some cool shit too, bebo, bluetooth was just coming out on phones ,anyone remember any 2005 memes?

if you look young AND attractive you'll zoom right in no issue, I'm not sure what to do with my life... I need to train myself in something

Short answer no, there will be people your age or older studying.

Long answer, it entirely depends on how you act. I also look younger than I am, the last time someone guessed they said 22-24. I made an effort to be friendly and crack jokes, and do well in class, I'm dyel by Jow Forums standards but not horrible by normie standards, dress well, and it's paid off for me.

>if you look young AND attractive
I'm good there, but I'm also autistic.
>I'm not sure what to do with my life... I need to train myself in something
What are you even doing in school?

>it entirely depends on how you act

I am 25, I did software development in college but then became a drug addict till just now. I have employment gaps and am considering lying bigly on my CV to bypass it. I am considering making my own website development business/ marketing/ advertising/ media, etc... but now I need to put food on the table. I was considering getting some form of skills labour (electrician) certification just so I always have something to fall back on but its such a hard hole to dig myself out from.

I was a complete social autist but grinded the basics through working as a bouncer, you need to do the same, even retail is good.

The first few months I attended, and I picked a course where I was 1 out of 2 guys, with the rest mostly being young girls, I made sure to be friendly, to smile, to maintain eye contact etc, to crack jokes, help them if they needed help etc. a lot of it was manual and pretend. I may have even got a gf as a girl started showing a ton of attraction but sadly I never grinded my relationship skills and that was a complete failure BUT the point remains that there are absolutely no signs of the remaining class members thinking I'm an autistic Jow Forumsposter.

You can do it too.

>working as a bouncer
Did that at a strip club, the whole crew was a jaded bunch of misanthropes with a disdain for both the customers and the product, really just left me bitter and blackpilled. Where'd you work that helped you?

this. also show genuineness.

I literally had a cute shop assistant girl come from behind the counter and give me a hug then make a heart with her hands as I was leaving because she had seen the progress I made from loser drug addict to semi-fit respectable citizen.

any girl worth her salt will come to like you as a person if you work hard and show willingness more than anything.

If you pick the right trade for your region, you can have a solid income and benefits with enough free time to develop your ideal business.

>I lived when it was cool to go to festivals and not just something you did to create social media content.
>We didn't all lie about how great our lives were on social media.
>Everyone didn't carry round a video camera or even a camera 24/7 recording every dumb thing you did.
>everyone didn't observe everything through a four inch screen on their phone rather than living the experience first hand.
>People were more willing to go out and play sports or just hang around on the streets rather than sit in playing games online.
>underage drinking was easier because there was no challenge 25 or any of that shit.
>we were not all addicted to porn. Finding a shred of a porn mag in a bush on the park was like finding gold in the hills.
>Bullying just involved being beaten up at school and not long social media based hate campaigns

Basically while there are some benefits to being young today, there are also a fair few negatives I'm happy to have missed.

bars, clubs, sport events, hotels

I was starting from absolute zero in terms of social skills so emulating confident guys having to deal with friendly people, idiots, scantily dressed women, and idiots again was a crash course in dealing with people. If you're the 27yo going back to studying, being a jaded misanthrope won't be too bad, just remember you're dealing with nice bright naive kids. Relax a little, study well, and joke around with them. It took some time for me to get as comfortable as I am with my current class.

did you have to do a course to become a bouncer? is it worth the time/effort? in the uk you have to be certified

You have to be a certified bellend

>heavily implied that you need to be certified in my post
>didn't answer my question

>just remember you're dealing with nice bright naive kids. Relax a little
Holy hell, that's going to be an adjustment. I'm used to being the bitter dose of harsh reality in a given conversation.
>bars, clubs, sport events, hotels
Was that with some kind of security firm, or did you just freelance a bunch of places?
In my state, to my knowledge, only armed security needs a special certification. I'm sure it varies across the US.

straya here

yes, 2-3 week course, loicense fees but you're well used to this part, background checks, then waiting for government bureaucracy to issue licenses

yes it was worth it, I used to be one of tens of thousands of unemployed deadends applying for retail jobs, then I got my security certs and license, and became one of hundreds of unemployed deadends applying for jobs. I got a job fairly quick too, within a month.

I think you misread my post

oh shit sorry didn't catch your joke, it's still early, I partially agree

everything in the UK requires a fucking licence 4 dat, literally cash in hand work is basically illegal I cant stand it, all the red tape is really getting me down

cheers friend, yeah that sounds similar here


You must be 30+ years old to ride this ride, friendo.

Fucking cope my man.
Git gud or kys

Two firms to make up the hours, ended up getting most of my hours as in-house for a quiet hotel. It's almost a retirement position apart from freak incidents.

You call it bitter dose of harsh reality, I call it invaluable life experience dealing with difficult people. Tone it down a little, and you could find you have good advice to give or know how to approach things better than others. If nothing else, you probably don't want to go back to dealing with idiots at strip clubs, and will study better than zoomers who still think it's high school.

>Give me the mid 2000s with my sexy bulimic emo girls any day

give me my fucking youth back

>you probably don't want to go back to dealing with idiots at strip clubs
It was entertaining, at least.
>will study better than zoomers who still think it's high school.
I graduated in the top 2% of my high school class and was a fucking weirdo then, it'll probably be the same except with even more of a gap between me and my peers.