>not running the best intermediate program
what's your excuse, Jow Forums?
>not running the best intermediate program
what's your excuse, Jow Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the bridge
Too complicate
I go gym to work muscle, no head
RPE too complex
the bridge is just SS with extra steps
>implying that's a bad thing
Well post the program faggot we ain't got time to googler shit
>8 Week Novice to VOLEM "Strength" Program
i just do
m f w: deadlift, bench press
t th sat: pull ups push ups sit ups sprints
dont care if bad i like it and have fun
How do you even calculate your working sets at a given RPE? Why not just work with %?
If you're a recreational natty lifter all you have to do is full body 4-5 times a week and you will get good results
I do squat, pullups/chinups, clean&press, deadlifts and dips three sets 4-5 times a week
>Weights change based on the feelings of the trainee
Njaa, gonna choose something else
It's not an intermediate program you retard
To accommodate for natural strength variation between training days.
So how do you know your working weight?
not him but i test 1rep max every 6 weeks and progress 3x5 based on a % of that.
i.e. 6 weeks ago i benched exactly 200, so week 1 i did 70% of 200, week 2 was 75% of 200 ... week 6 i did 3x5 200. now ill retest 1rm.
But how is that related to RPE user?
So you're a weak DYEL
You should have accumulated significant experience under the bar before using an RPE program. It sounds like a cop out but you should "just know". A good RPE program will allow for adjustment between sets as well.
Maybe I'm just retarded but doing 5-rep squats I can barely tell the difference between my 5RM and 10kg below that.
no idea what RPE is but it sounds like "fucking around at the gym" made official. not that thats a bad thing
>not running 5/3/1
>running 5/3/1
>not Juggernaut Method 2.0 or Beyond 5/3/1
>running 531
>not running 531
Absolute brainlet
>Beyond 5/3/1
>not at least some distance ahead of 5/3/1
smooth brain
Do pic related instead.
They need to take The Bridge to The Oven
Feigenbaum is a snake oil salesman of the highest caliber
>lift to failure (1-2 left) in some rep range
>add weight when you can do all sets with the top of your rep range or when you feel really good
Programming only gets confusing when you dive into periodization.
I run c6w for squat and deadlift and Hepburn for bench because I'm a big dumb idiot.