/fat/ - alcoholism edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For roly poly roundbois who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss, but use that thread for general questions.

>Read the Jow Forums sticky (redundant in that you should have already but it covers all the basics of diet and exercise)

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your BMI

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Works best on smartphones
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micro-nutrients)

>count calories, all of them.
>calculate your TDEE at sedentary.
>buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate.
>learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables.
>develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits
>eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight)
>walk, swim, or bike, just get moving.
>start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners!
>post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

>eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
>eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
>drink your calories. alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it.
>be a retard


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Other urls found in this thread:



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I'm down to 161lbs from 250lbs at 5'10" but I still feel like I look fat. When will this hell end?

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I've tried to quit alcohol like ten times. I'm trying again. Wish me luck.

Alcohol is a shitty drug. Good luck user.

I can't quit candy. I still have little bits every now and again, much smaller than the serving size. It's the only way I know how to sate the cravings without completely caving into them.

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70 days with nothing to confess
kiss my ass

>fasted for 2 days
>got diarrhea
I don't think i've gone that long without food in a decade and a half

No more cocktails.
>inb4 rum and Diet Coke
Fuck ass-pertame!
>inb4 vodka & soda water
Ah, notaste with a side of burning.
Tequila and True Lemonade for me. Damn shame though; I have a 24oz can of Pacifico Clara that’s sitting in my fridge. Maybe When I dump 50lbs I’ll indulge and celebrate with that.

Make sure you learn how to eat instead of forcing yourself to lose weight user. You want long term benefits, not short term. Stay safe.

Dude never drink cocktails. Just drink the liquor straight.

I just binged. 1134 kcal.
Oh well. Done it before and somehow weight still continued to drop. Think I'll be fine.

god I miss being 10 stone
fairly sure the girl at the corner shop knew I was bulimic though, when a skinny lad sheepishly buys a whole tray of flapjack and a chocolate chip cake

I reckon that was about my weight when I was homeless, maybe even less. I was proper skeleton mode.

Hi guys, it has been a while since I went here.

I just want to tell you three things:
1) I lost over 30 kg, going to 108 kg to 74, and I am still going
2) Today I have ran 2.1 km all in one set, something that had never happened before
3) Thank you guys for everything, you have been my family last year.

Thanks, and keep going!


I'm so hungry reeee

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>I'm so hungry reeee
that means it's working.

would utterly fucking demolish that with no regrets

then massive regrets the next morning

I caught myself comparing coupons for different pizza places yesterday when I snapped out of it and realized what I was doing. Don't do it user. Don't do it.

looks like shit, anyway

I've heard this a million times and I still don't know what it means

what does good food look like?

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aha ha, hahAHAHAHAHAAA

ahhh, you're precious

Nutritionally, is there a difference between the really cheap eggs and the ones that are cage free & humane? Like do the cheap eggs have worse qualities because the chickens are roided up & treated/fed worse?

Here's a pizza that's not American diahhrea.

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>Nutritionally, is there a difference between the really cheap eggs and the ones that are cage free & humane?

looks greasier than the other one, and this is obviously a promotional photo, not a random snap with a camera phone

That is good food but it’s also enough to feed about 10 people. Oh right this is /fat/

>what does good food look like?
the answer is so subjective that it's not worth answering
but watch people do it regardless

Some eggs have better fat profiles (lower saturated, higher omega 3s) due to the feed they’re given. Organic is better than nonorganic and is actually mandated by the FDA. However, terms such as cage free or free range are not mandated and could mean nothing. I just buy whichever organic is cheapest.

Juice from the tomatoes. That's also fresh mozzarella.

lets fucking do this lads

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forgot to cook it, silly

And a slab of barbecue

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>that pathetic children’s size portion
yeah like i’m paying for that shit

Those are actual normal portions of food, that's why we're in these threads in the first place.

>3 carrots, 6 shrimp and 100g of risotto
literally like 400 calories. and you pay like what $25 for it? get the fuck out of here dude. for $25 I can get groceries for a whole week of eating 2000 cals a day of chicken, fruit, peanut butter, broccoli, salsa, eggs, milk etc

I paid $120 for that meal (including drinks). 5/5, bredy gud, would recommend if you're ever in Vegas

if that's ramsays restaurant then those plates are probably 50 quid a piece

Am no longer considered overweight on the BMI scale am 174 and 5' 10" down from 205.

Been doing 1300-1700 range of calories for a little while, down 13 lbs now and I donated blood today so maybe that burns calories

never probably

i just want to die

At home? Simple, clean, and wholesome.

Out someplace? Depends on what you're looking for.

Most of my meals are eaten at home and resemble the one I posted.

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It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. Yet I want to sprint.
Another week of plateauing.

suck it up buttercup, time to lose more weight

Whew I know that feel bro. I'm down to 170 and I'm thinking I'll have to trim down to 150 before I can really bulk/cut cycle

What's the best way to be a qt trap? I've been fasting for a while, and was thinking to get into cardio as well to be skinny and qt :3

Cardio is good so you don't get worn out bouncing on my dick before I cum.

I deal with depression, anxiety, existential crises, and drown them all in booze. My depression is cyclical, and I'm on the upswing. I have a $10 gym membership at Planet Fitness. I hadn't been back since July 2018, but went today because I was having a not-so-suicidal-ideation day. I feel good, but like I said, my depression is cyclical, and I know in a 2-5 months, I'll be back to giving no fucks as I self-destruct for an untold number of months.

Any advice on what I can do to keep myself from slipping?

just be yourself

"Myself" is a 440lb whale who is too much of a pussy to kill himself, and so unmotivated to fix his life because it is convincingly pointless to exist. That's the exact opposite of who and what I want to be.

I'd gladly take your cock in my ass when I get to reach my goal, user :3, wait for me.

you're an obese, hairy, smelly introvert
stop it

Find something you can truly enjoy and stop drinking. By stop I mean full stop, I drink maybe once or twice a year.

You have to replace your coping mechanism with something that isn't alcohol

Ideally you can replace it with working out

good luck bro


stop projecting this hard sweetie.

I'm trans and I've had a lot of success losing 20 lbs, gaining 20 lbs, then losing 20 lbs repeatedly. Because of HRT all the new fat goes to my tits and ass instead of my stomach

do me a favour and check the OP title, retard

Keep drinking Pepsi and eating toast :( I’m still under my calorie goal but gaining an losing 8 lbs of water constantly can’t be good for you

I manage to stop drinking for weeks or a couple months at a time. What gets me are the anxiety attacks that make no sense when they pop up. It's what I imagine having a bad acid trip is like, except you're sober and freaking out over nothing.

I've tried this. In previous upswings, I was die-hard about hitting the gym, eating healthy and lost a good 20-30lbs in those 2-3 months. I just have those gradual, increasingly steep declines where I withdraw from the world and cannot function without something to even me out. Imagine trying to force yourself to do simple chores and losing your shit because it's giving you anxiety. Washing dishes and doing laundry without a time limit on your day off should not be doing that.

I don't think that's how it works
fat isn't a liquid you can pour from one jug and into another
they're just cells that change size, like a million balloons taped to your skin

Pretty much do now. The lemonade is just there as a chaser.

I don't know where I'm losing weight from. Back to 220 pounds from 250 and yet the clothes I used to wear at 220 are super fucking tight.
Only the scale is moving for me.

I'm not any of the anons you were talking to but have you tried smoking weed? I don't smoke but I have found that alcohol doesn't actually even me out, my brain thinks it will, so I drink, but then it ends up doing the opposite.

Nice. I like my tequila. What kind of lemonade do you drink?

Fat distribution is controlled by your hormones user. You can't pick and choose where it goes obviously but there is a sex-based difference that you can exploit

influenced, not controlled

I become entirely non-functional when I smoke weed. I can't walk or talk at all. Even shitty weed wrecks me.


There's always the trained professional helpers. And no, just because 4chin says that they don't work doesn't mean that you shouldn't try one out.

Frozen pizza and a can of tuna comes out at 1200 kcal. Can't see why eating that would be bad for me.

Ah, dang. Yeah it's not for everybody but some people can be productive on it. Do you get anxiety attacks midway through your chores or does the weight of knowing they need to be done give you anxiety?

It doesn't sound too bad. What kind of pizza? You can make better use of 1200 calories but if that works for you then I don't see why you shouldn't do it.

It's a wide range of things that makes me anxious. I feel like I'm going to run out of time to do them, that I could be doing something much more productive than them, and doing the chores usually means I'm doing them to set up a bigger engagement later on. Laundry being one of those. I need clean clothes, it takes 2-3 hours if I include bed sheets and blankets, and then I have to wear these clothes to work, which I don't want to go to because that require going out in public. It all sounds retarded when you hear it from someone else, and sure, I left the house today to go to the gym, but that's because I was in a good headspace.

Do you guys also like to flex all your muscles and just roar? It gives me a kick and relieves all stress.

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>do five push ups
Funny. Think I'll just stick to not eating for now.

i like to look at the new muscles that are showing up in my forearms in recent weeks

What's your routine?

5 sets alternating of:

-half max pullups, various grips
-half max pushups, various grips


-i think they are called butterfly kicks, lay flat on your back push your lower back down and kick your legs up and down in a controlled manner back and forth, each leg 20 times
-15-20 reps of face pulls to help isolate on my bad posture
-30 seconds wall sits

I do this 5 days a week and run on 2 of those days, then 2 days of rest. For reference I am about 170lb right now and my pullups max overhand is 8

Sounds like a solid workout if you don't go to the gym. I'm doing home bodyweight workouts aswell, but i'm way too heavy for pullups (290lbs). I'm currently running a cardio/bodyweight regiment which i try to improve every day. Thing i noticed so far is that my stamina went way up so that's always a good thing.

Let's do this bro.

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yes im not ready for the gym yet, i need to add to my program as I find more things I want to do, I spent all of last night learning about push/pull combos. So Im still a big newbie, but I've already been making huge strength gains in recent weeks.

Be careful running if you are almost 3 bills, ive never weighed over 220 but i didnt run until i got down to 180 or so. Its not a big deal in terms of calories burned, and the risk of shredding your knees at your weight is way more than a little bit of cardiovascular gains that you can get 6 months from now anyways

Yeah knees are a problem. I actually started to try some lunges yesterday and my knees felt like they were about to explode.

I like to do jumping jacks for cardio because you can do them everywhere and they're easy on the knees.

fucking hell I love peanut butter, wish I could eat it all the time

Sounds like a piss poor ammount of protein probably. Other than that it depends on how shitty and processed the frozen pizza is.

Same. Too bad its complete shit for you.

What are some low calorie foods you dont buy every day but found they're something nice to treat yourself?

I've grown fond of buying olives (not in oil) as a treat to myself when I feel like snacking on something other than the usual, or pickled eggplant.

i'm suppose to be working out
just a few more lazy minutes..
but don't worry fellas i wont let myself eat anything but coffee till i work out.

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black coffee doesn't taste that bad after getting used to it but damn do i feel like my teeth are slowly melting away after two cups

Spicy pickles

I work out in the morning. I'm not 'allowed' to eat until after my workout but really, I just hate exercising and moving around when there is stuff in my stomach sloshing around

>run out of sweetener for my night tea
>decide to just use 3 teaspoons of sugar like I used to, my calories allow for it
>sugar now tastes like shit and I feel like I can feel the sugar in my mouth and teeth

How the fuck did I eat this regularly for so long

Stop drinking.

thank you scoobs. I've been sober for 10 days, and I am not going back to booze.

>if you wanna eat like an average American, you're gonna look like an average American: weak and obese.


are you implying hes wrong