>depressive episodes are becoming more frequent and longer lasting
How can I get them to go away? I lift and run, work and study, am not in debt - my life is overall fairly good. I just feel sad all the time. I dont want to be doped on medications to "help" me
Depressive episodes are becoming more frequent and longer lasting
add some adversity to your life.
mild would be trying to live in your car for a week.
ramp it up by doing other things like, quitting your job and leaving for a third world country.
Maybe stop listening to the Cure, the Smiths and Joy Division all the time.
Unironically those are my most listened to bands
I love them to, but ya gotta save em for a rainy day. They can sink you in a state.
i'd have depressive episodes too if i had that shitty taste
>I dont want to be doped on medications to "help" me
Have you tried not being retarded?
The Loudest Sound is one of their best songs
Have you tried just like not being sad?
Try to change it up, doing the same thing over and over again will take the joy out for everything
Music has a bigger impact in your moods as you might think. Stop listening to sad and melancholy shit.
If only our society had some kind of people who were educated about mental health problems and able to recommend treatment based on scientific studies of what works. Sadly, no such group exists, so you will just have to take advice from strangers on a Mongolian stop-motion appreciation forum. Good luck!
You can't run from urself buddeh all that exercise isn't going to fix shit. Do something that scares the shit out of you every day, come out the other end see how you feel. Also this is 4chann so get the fuck out of the house faggot. Read some books at a coffee shop, fuck a mild switch the pace up and surprise urself.
Just because all the conventional checkboxes are ticked doesn’t mean you’ll be happy. If you think about it, really think about it, and be honest to yourself no matter how ridiculous or implausible, you’ll realise what it is that makes you happy. Unless you haven’t encountered it yet, but that’s unlikely.
It also might just be chemical depression desu
What do you propose instead? Listen to ABBA on loop?
Anything that is upbeat really, lots of electronic music out there that can get you pumped up
>trusting therapists who take your money so that you can feel “normal” for half an hour
fuck off
Nice try
just kys I guess
I have suicidal thoughts all the time but I'm a pussy so I can't do it. I'm just really tired desu.
Highs and lows pal. That's all it is. Just get under that iron and it'll be all good.
You do not need meds ever. Even if you are at your worst you do not need meds. Do not ever take them they are death
Superb taste
seriously, antidepressants are the devil.
they turn your life greyscale and lifeless, it's almost better to suffer through the depression
t. guy who was on Prozac for almost ten years
>my life is shit because of meds
quality excuse