Why is it so easy for mentally ill people to get estrogen from their doctors but testosterone isn't
Why is it so easy for mentally ill people to get estrogen from their doctors but testosterone isn't
Mentally ill people can get testosterone from their doctor's easily too. They just have to not have a Y chromosome.
I had a psychology professor who used to explain social shit to us on an almost Jow Forums level. He explained that (this was his view but he spoke as if it was factual, and it makes sense imo) why steroids are illegal. He said the government but he meant (((they))) don’t want us to be higher test. It would make us more free thinking and harder to control, more likely to revolt. I mean when you think about it, if every man in the US optimized his hormones and took them seriously, even if by chemical means, we’d definitely have an uprising and would have overthrown the government a while ago. Testosterone makes you more disagreeable and aggressive(not physically or verbally, but on the level of “I believe in/ want this I’m gonna get it”, the drive to do things.
Starts with J
If people have high testosterone they might get mad and start flipping over cop cars or killing politicians.
Thinking about how many cops are obviously on roids and the PD turns a blind eye to it.
This. When white people are high test you get another 1776.
Of course the state wants their goons jacked.
It would also hugely reduce life expectancy and be extremely expensive to supplement every man in the US with supraphysiological hormones that would also make a significant portion of them sick.
very blupilled user
kys tripfag
this is obviously a big part of it. not only are (((they))) reluctant to prescribe testo to men who are suffering, and constanly lowers the threshold of what is considered the "normal range", but (((they))) are also actively lowering your natural test production via the means of chemicals in the water, plastics and the food you consume, while simultaniously promoting a degenerate lifestyle of fastfood, internet addiction and masturbation.
Jehovah's Witnesses!
>"lemme just inject this hormone bro"
>"ill be like chad right?"
>"actually let me inject a triple dose, ill be like a superchad"
Fucking brainlets,testosterone isnt some magic potion that turns the average faggot into some ultra chad
>testosterone isnt some magic potion that turns the average faggot into some ultra chad
while this is true, the opposite is also true. the lack of testosterone will turn you in to a huge beta faggot.
It really wouldn’t be that expensive. Especially considering shit like having McDonald’s on every street corner arguably worsens Americans health much worse (therefor costing even more money) than steroids do. And I’m only talking testosterone esters. Those should absolutely be legal, shit like tren and other harsh compounds shouldn’t (not that I’m against them, but that is when you begin risking your health).
Yeah dude all the birth control piss in our water, the plastics and all that have fucked us since birth. Anyone born after like 1960 has been raped by these factors from birth. Like we’re not the same in our prime as people 200 years ago, not even close.
Don’t talk about things you don’t know anything about, it makes you look incredibly stupid. I don’t think anyone in this thread suggested test could be “some magic potion” except for you. Test shapes your brain and your behaviors. It affects our personailities. All our hormones do this. But testosterone is responsible for the more “male” traits. This is simple biology that everyone understands and if you’re honestly going to sit here and claim otherwise then you’re 100% trying to bait for attention.
Same reason why people complain when an MMO gets an update where "x" thing that required insane grinding has been made easy to have.
>testosterone isn't
I will shill for them forever because I owe them everything
>all online and over phone
>only need total T under 500ng/dL to qualify
>start you on 200mg test cyp/week
>ships to your door
>starts at $100/mo + bloodwork ($40-75 per test)
Best TRT clinic in the nation, hands down.
>isley "afraid to pin to beat supermong" isley
Laughable argument. Estrogen promotes almost every type of cancer.
Gorg didn't have to pin to beat Patrick