Guys I just wanted to share a really happy and proud moment of my life. I've lost 60lbs in a year (starting losing weight in June, 2018)! My goal weight is 170-160lbs by summer! I can feel that it's very possible. We're all going to make it bros! Today is gonna be push day for me and I can't be anymore excited. Thanks for reading
Guys I just wanted to share a really happy and proud moment of my life...
das it mane
good job nigga
Congratulations user, good job.
Thanks Jow Forums if it weren't for you guys, I'd still be the depressed fatass. I actually wake up happy and have goals everyday now. I can't wait til I reach my goal weight and be confident enough to post body pics
Great job user. Keep it up, you can make your goal.
Congrats man, a big one.
Noice dude, keep it up
Congrats user, Hope I can do the same
Were all gonna make it
You're gonna make it congrats user
Nice job user, how tall are you and what are your lifts at?
Great job bro
Keep at it user, good job.
How tall are you?
>weighing under 200
ferk yar brew
keep up the good work!
Congrats user!
Based. I lost 50 in six months, you can do it bro
Absolutely kino wichita falls, home of the professional wrestling hall of fame, run by "the pride of Montauk county" "cowboy" johnny mantell, located inside the historic "big blue", the smallest skyscraper in the world
Good for you. Keep it up.
OP here, I am 5'10"
I haven't gotten a chance to pr, but
Bench = 2pl8. Squat = 245lb. Deadlift = 190lbs (don't do much of it).
Thanks everybody!!!
You're doing good work, friend, and I'm inspired by your progress. I'm also working toward a similar goal and on track to also lose about 60 lbs before summer ends to get down to about 160-ish -- lost 25 so far since starting in January, got a few weeks before I run my first half marathon.
Props user. You're gonna make it.
Really cool, you're an inspiration. Any tip?
My fitness pal has helped me so God damn much, without it I would be loss. Props to all the people who did everything before the help of calorie counters. Right now I'm - 1000 calories every day and with fasting for 14 hours. I do omad, but this was when I was 200lbs. So in 2 weeks I dropped 10lbs. I feel amazing rather than sluggish. I can do many things like lifting without any negative side affects of doing too much.
I lived there for about 8 months while training at Sheppard AFB. Don't really remember much at all about the place... other than my retarded friends and I would often go to this awful fucking club near the mall filled with hambeasts that was popular at the time for some reason. They played a mix of country and hip hop music and that always struck me as really weird. Think it was called Stage West. Those were truly desperate days.
Some of us might not make it, but this one will. Congrats man.
Yeah, it's a really odd little town.
Dog and girl
Did I make it?
Congratulations. Nice work, buddy. Keep pushin'.
where's the ass
Good for you, mate. It's definitely possible.
You did, if you've had sex with either of.
good going user
on the most superficial level of reading your post and knowing nothing about your mental game and / or future plans, yes.
>posting gf's naked ass
>making it
pick two
Good job man, for real. What you did is not easy and is already more tthan most normies would bother with
Waaaait a minute..
Only made it if that's your place, and you're black, and that's not her old black boyfriend, or some shit.
Posting in wholesome thread.
We're all gonna make it, bros.
nice progress my dude! Never give up!