Any militaryfags here?

Shipping out for training in a couple weeks, and I still feel unprepared as fuck

I can do a couple sit-ups and push-ups, but I can't run for shit.

Any workouts you got for me, Jow Forums? Or should I just an hero?

6'3, 200lbs btw

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>Or should I just an hero?
At least wait for proper PTSD like most of the idiots who couldn't get a real job.

>Fighting for israel
get a real job

>Shipping out for training in a couple weeks
>I can do a couple sit-ups and push-ups, but I can't run for shit.

wew, you're in for an insanely rough first couple weeks once you ship out I can tell you that much

Ok bud, I went from a sub to 150 to a 300 doing this. Get this app, runtastic pushups. Do that every day, and do an additional 50 or a hundred throughout the day. Do them in sets of 10 or 20, throughout the day, this is called greasing the grooves.

For running, fucking sprints. do 400 meter sprints and jog/walk back. Work on getting your 400m sprint below 1:30. Once you can do that consistently for all 8 sprints move on to 800 meter sprints and do four of those until all four are below 3:00. Do this every other day with the occasional two mile instead in order to see where you're at.

For situps idk, I've almost always maxxed those. Good luck brother.

Careful with that edge, kids. It's sharp.

>using phrases you dont know the meaning of

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back to Jow Forums with you two

Gonna have the shit beat out of me, but it's fine, I want to at least be at least prepared for the suck since I want to be SF eventually

Thanks man, I'll give the app a shot

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Do you suck dicks?

> I want to be SF eventually

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this nigga actually thinks hes john wayne

lmao no way you're going to be SF bud. There are dudes who have been training all their lives to go 75th, SF or whatever high speeds there is in the wider military and have failed.

>wants to be SF
>can only do a couple of sit ups and push ups and can't run

Are you a 11B? You're in for a massively rude awakening when you get to the line units.

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>Training all their lives

Not to sound like a know it all, but not everyone who does make it past selection knew about SF before they joined. Not to downplay the pipeline or anything, but it's not because they weren't fit enough that people don't make it.

I enlisted as an 11B, yeah. I plan on volunteering for SFAS when AIT concludes.

You should have posted this earlier to give yourself more time, but here's how I'd approach things with my limited knowledge of the demands of military training:
>Do 100+ Pushups and sit-ups throughout the day, everyday, more is better.
>Go to the gym and try to just generally improve your fitness as much as possible, go everyday.
>Build up your running as much as possible, do 5k or more everyday, run as much of it as possible, increasing each day, your goal should be to run the full 5k or more.
>I'd also suggest ruck marching everyday at a steady cadence of 120-130bpm, go nice and long, 10k without too much issue should be you goal before leaving.
You're still fucked, but it'll certainly help. Also remember that you can do a lot more than you'd expect if you're willing to push through discomfort, don't be a pussy.

what branch op

army LMAO

>I want to be SF
You haven't had the discipline to train up until now, but you think you are going to actually make it through one of the world's most psychologically demanding selection and training programs?

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I was in military. Not American, mind you, but it was western one, so I would expect it will be very similar in US Army too. I propose six tips:
>Shut up and keep it that way.
>Always help your bros. Don't be a dick, don't jew, don't lie.
>Run until all the running is done.
>Embrace the suck.
>Do what being told, don't allow yourself to question it, even inside your head. You will hate it if you do, military doesn't make sense.
>Learn to wait so you can hurry up later.

Other than that, don't be afraid about your running endurance. It will suck for a few weeks and then you gonna be okay, just hold strong. Also as soon as you can, buy some supplements for your knees/ankles and eat those religiously. And don't fall for infantry meme, that is the most boring job.

>trying to prep for army basic training

You could literally grab a fat as fatass off the street and he’d complete army basic.

>tfw veteran myself
>mfw I hate most veterans because of how fucking stupid they are
>”hur respecc MUH service”

Shut the fuck up faggots. No one cares that you served. Just appreciate it for yourself that you did the time and move on. Stop making a fool of yourself in colleges and workplaces after you get out