/qtddtot/ questions that don't deserve their own thread

wtf why no thread?- edition

how do I self-treat an abdominal hernia? I feel it tightening up and throbbing after light-moderate core exercise and I don't have insurance.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Are seated leg curts enough for my hammiebois? Jeff said to strengthen them instead of stretching but the only machine my shit gym has is the seatcurl

Also, when doing the mandatory follow up exercise for my non-negotiable face pulls, how far apart are my hands supposed to be? How straight my arms? How far back do I go? Talking about the lat overhead raises or whatever they're called

I meant cable rowing, no legs involved. Is that no good?

What is the "mind-muscle connection"?

Muscular coordination. If the only way you can squat right is remembering a thousand cues, that's poor mind-muscle connection. Comes with time

Do I have to brace my core when doing arm things if seated?

>twf you're in an endless circle of getting a feel for the exercise/stop using cues, start doubting if your form is correct and start using cues again until the process repeats

I fucking hate this shit

I spent two hours at the gym today, got my best workout ever, my biceps got the biggest pump I've ever had.
However I have a slight headache and I feel a bit dizzy when I get up.
Am I going to die?

Did you drink water?

Recommend me a 3 times per week program (preferably full body). Current lifts: squat 105kg (230lbs), bench 85kg (187lbs), overhead 57,5kg (126lbs), diddly 170kg (375lbs). Doing PHUL atm and I'm cutting. I feel like I'm too strong for SS/Greyskull and too weak for Texas/Madcow.

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Is there any point in lifting 2x a day?

If you get a good hour and a half workout in, is repeating the same workout going to do anything for you?

Do you not think you might be a bit obsessed if you're asking that?

"Did I drink water" lol who is this dude? Looks like we've got a fresh one bros!

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I'm currently going to the gym 3x a week, with cardio the other 3. I'm trying to lose weight but I don't want to fail my lifts, so I've been eating big on lift days and eating small on cardio days. I haven't seen any downsides so far but I'd just like to know if there's a better way to do it?

I'm bored and replacing worse addictions with lifting. Do you have an answer to the question?

If you're gonna do it anyway, look into how to recognize signs of overtraining. Otherwise I don't see any reason it wouldn't do "anything"

Do I include the oil I cook my food in my macros?

Autistic detail if you don't use fucking shitloads, don't bother.

Can I cut and train for strength at the same time?
I'm currently 5'10 and at 184 lb, Im doing 30 minutes of cardio everyday while on Greyskull. Any advice?

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if anything, you should ONLY do strength workouts while cutting

Basically, you never want to go any lighter on any lifts during a cut, maybe decrease your volume a bit so you don't get burnt before you get all your workouts in, but definitely do not go any lighter

Going lighter while on a cut is basically saying to your body "We're in a situation where we don't need to be as strong, we can go ahead and lose a bit of muscle". Don't let that happen

Hope that's what you meant with your question

It's something, I'm happy anyone replied at all.
I read the sticky a few months ago and in general am a Jow Forums newfag. I want to lose fat but gain muscle at the same time. I just wanted to know if it was possible I guess. Thanks again.

I read somewhere that it's no good to have a couple of protein shakes in quick succession because the body can only process so much protein at once. Any more and it gets flushed out or something.

Is this true or is this BS?

I'd say it's probably true for shakes. Your body is better at processing protein from food sources that require digestion, so if you take more than two scoops in a short amount of time, you're probably just gonna piss a lot of it out

Frens, does this count as muscle-ups?

Feels like cheating after the thrust it gets after the first one.

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Doubt there is a better way to do it t b h

Generally the body can only process ~25g of protein per hour. But it does take 6+ hours for a meal to fully digest

I'd say they definitely count, but with the possibility of going stricter. Not that anyone gives a shit outside of here so good on you

Imbalance if my bent over rows are 10lbs higher than my bench?

Be honest, Jow Forums
How bad is it.

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for those who have escaped skinnyfat hell, how did you navigate cut/bulk cycles? I've been eating at maintenance and lifting for ~6 months and feel like I want to commit to a cut since i'm ~21% bf (6'4 183) was thinking of trying to hit 170 then begin a bulk

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Not looking good m8

5’4 manlet here going for a cut roughly at 63.2kg / 139lbs im aiming for 120lbs where i was before why does 1200 calorie maintenance sound like hell


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Why tf are you cutting I'm 160 pounds 5 foot 4 and bulking cmon


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Can anyone help this specific fitness video?

The video is about getting started lifting and has a storyline of a guy wanting to get fit after his girlefriend leaves him. The first 3 steps are sensible and then it gets insanely realistic with the next step. It starts talking about a year later after you became adjusted to gym culture and you forget about her. And the guy meets a new girl and the rest of the steps go on like normal.

I saw it on here a while ago, I need it for motivation but i can't remember the title.

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I'm gonna bump this for like an hour

I'm new to fit and fitness

WTF is 1/2/3/4 or 2/3/4/5

1p8 ohp
2p8 bench
3p8 squat
4pl8 dl


cant you just look through your history

"a while ago"

Like 6 months at least. This is my last resort, i've tried tons of searches

browser doesnt forget, same with yt history


bro i literally googled "guy wanting to get fit after his girlefriend leaves him" straight from your post and it was the first result


I literally googled a hundred variations of that and got jack shit, it's like they didn't want me to see it.

Anyways, thank you

what does an abdominal hernia feel like? i have this chronic, vague kind of pain in my lower right abdomen that extends to my right testicle

When calculating for a bulk do you use bmr or tdee, and should i eat a maintenance for 2 weeks.

Pls rate this spin off from GZCLP aimed at hypertrophy. Is it balanced enough?

Made some changes from last time, unfortunately thread died before I could discuss with user who suggested stuff.

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Seriously, how do you get 4700mg of potassium each day through a normal diet?

It seems like hard work. It's like the centerpiece that your whole diet surrounds. Look at the screenshot. That's all just to get the potassium RDA.

Tell me your secret. How do you get enough potassium?

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What phone apps do you use to track calories eaten, protein intake, etc?

I remember I used MyFitnessPal about 5-6 years ago and it was alright

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i aint trynna look like mo fuckin jeff nippard im trynna be a manny pacquiao lookin bih

Cronometer. See the image above your post.

How to lose weight in 4 easy steps - JASH

I have a question about cardio:
I have fractured cartilage in my knee, so my options are limited (running is out of the question), and I thought cycling would be my saving grace, but it hurts my ass (I've been doing it for a month, so it's not a question of getting used to it), particularly my seat bones and my tailbone.
I've recently tried the elliptical, and although it's better for my knees, I still get pain.
What else should I try?

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only an hour late

How do I get a twink body?
What should I do?

I haven't had soup in years, and while shopping I noticed that campbells chunky soup has "healthy request" soups.

As a fat guy, is this ok to eat while losing weight?

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I just got here homo, also I was thinking about the video just the other day, and I'm glad this jogged it back into my mind. Ty faggot

No, like the answer was posted an hour ago

Get a new seat or buy lycra cycling pants, they're padded to stop that from happening. Although if it's your tailbone hurting you're probably just not adjusting your seat right. Go to for advice on it desu. Try swimming if your joints are fucked.

Not even gay desu
Although I do want a chun-li gf thats stronger than me

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I’m 6’3 and 165
Should I eat below maintenance, lift 5 days, and do a cardio day? I’m not super interested in getting 20 inch biceps, I just want my stomach to be flat and body to be lean more than anything

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IIFYM. The sodium content is a fucking killer.
Not eat, mostly genetics for thin shoulders/hips. Try fasting and shaving your ass desu.

lift 5 days eat no cardio bitch you can't have a nice lean body without proper muscle in the first place

Yeah but I just got here

I guess “lean” in the sense of low bf with not a huge stress on muscle
But remaining consistent should give me some newbie gains, especially considering the pounds of calories I’ve got around my gut

Is working out 6 times a week too much if natty? I do a total of 5 lifts (1-2 are compounds) on those days plus core work and 30 min cardio.

boi you need some fucking muscle lmao

I forgot about /n/

for me, feels just feels like a muscle tightening up for no reason to the point that it hurts and feels hard to the touch. sometimes I even feel it tightening up when I'm not doing anything and need to rub it out

I know, but at this point, I’d rather be DYEL skelly than chub

Well online calculators won't tell you shit. You could be 0% bf with an insane metabolism and you'd get the same BMR calculation result as if you were morbidly obese and had 60%bf

Just keep working away at your goals in the gym and measure progress by how you feel. >Do you feel good about your workout, diet and general well being? That's great, good for you.
>Do you feel unhappy about your workout, diet and general well being? Change something until you do.

Are the Arnold blueprints a meme or are they good to do?

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I've been drinking 2 tbsp. of organic apple cider vinegar (with "the mother") before bed.

At first I drank it with ~8 oz. of cold water just to dilute it. Old bodybuilder coworker told me he drinks it hot with green tea and a tiny drop of honey, so I started doing that. I also have made a larger "batch" of this ACV, green tea, and honey drink and refrigerated it in a pitcher so I could drink it cold a few times.

Is this a pointless fucking meme or are there any actual benefits? I'm doing intermittent fasting too, so if anything I'm concerned the minuscule natural sugar from the honey is fucking with ketosis before I sleep.

Have I been deceived by Big Vinegar?

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you're already there

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Bulking is a meme. Eat clean, train hard, do cardio at least 3 times a week and don't overdo it on the cheat days.

Not gonna read that user, decide for yourself. feel free to modify it to suit you.

Try the elliptical machine, it's no impact and mimics running, great for bad knees or longevity of knees.
For everyone else, don't run on concrete, the impact will destroy your knees by your mid 30's, stick to dirt paths, running tracks, or treadmills if you can.

I think you can figure out how but want to hear some easy "quick fix" way to achieve your goal. There isn't. You work your ass off with lots of cardio, light lifting, many reps. You keep on a very strict diet for as long as it takes.

Cardio every day you go to the gym. Lift heavy weights, you will burn fat much faster than you'll build muscle as long as you're not eating unhealthily. Cardio sucks at first but once it becomes routine it's enjoyable.

It's not too much, make sure you keep at least one rest day in there. Your body needs time to recover, 2 days split up would be even better if you're going for strength. Cardio can be done every day because the recovery period is so short.

>minuscule natural sugar from the honey

user, honey has a decent amount of sugar and yes, that will 100% fuck up your ketosis.
The idea behind Ketosis is to wean your body off sugar so your body can no longer depend on sugar for energy. Once that is achieved your body uses your fat cells for energy, which is why it's used for cutting/weight loss. You might be fine with the amount of sugar in a tomato or a carrot, hell maybe even a banana or apple but DEFINITELY NOT FUCKING HONEY

How many days should I rest before a police academy PFT? I'm taking my entrance exam on the 30th. I nailed the 1.5 mile time, sit-ups, and benching. 300m time is borderline (56-60 seconds, we're allowed 62) but I got a week to train and improve it.

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yeah i checked the sodium content and its around 800-900, and yes thats for the whole can. its like 400-450 per serving.

I will look into my macro counting, and see if it does..

give me links for funny t shirts.

How the hell do you deadlift with a belt? Or rather, how do you properly brace? I have no problem doing it on any other lift.

I can pull over 4pl8 flawless with no belt, but as soon as that belt comes on my form goes to shit. Even if it's just warmup sets as low as 135/225. My setup looks good but as soon as I pull my back round immediately.

I've tried different tightness on the belt, tried 2" and 4" belts, etc. Nothing seems to work. I guess I don't really need to use a belt but i want to be able to protect my back when going for PRs or my last heavy sets.

I never really workout, plan to once I'm done with my new job training, but I've started dieting
>morning have a larabar
>lunch somesort of chicken usually with steamed veggies and maybe mash potatoes
>dinner idealshake
with maybe 2-3 bananas (the cheapest fucking fruit) as snacks and drinking water and green tea. Is this sustainable or will my body call me a fag and slow down my metabolism
I'm a 6'2 skinnyfat guy with a bit of a gut probably weighing like 220
plz no bully I'm retarded

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PPLR OR PPLPPLR if im on gear

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I'd just shot it honestly
it's like a kid with cold medicine, it fucking sucks but trying to tip toe around it is usually not worth the trouble

i doesnt matter if youre on gear

just chimp out at the gym

What's the general consensus on apple cider tablets? I'm still not convinced by my roommate that they aren't absolute bullshit, but he gave me a new bottle since it was "buy 1 get 1 free" at the store he visits, and over the past week my stools have definitely been smaller and less frequent.

Could it be some kind of placebo effect where I'm just eating less than I normally would? Is vinegar some kind of meme that cuts back on appetite?

>5'7" 145lbs skinnyfat
Part of it is intestinal bloat from chronic health shit, so it will never fully go away. But I should be able to start lifting again next week, so should I just do a clean bulk or an actual cut first?

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Is my meal prep alright? Planning on omading this (cutting)
i'm vegan be nice to me

>About half a cup of steamed white rice
>Closer to a full cup of steamed mixed peas and corn (didnt have broccoli)
>Some boiled pinto beans
>Some cut up carrot

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what is a good way to develop the delts without putting a lot of stress on the shoulders?

How do I develop eating discipline?
It's too easy for me to skip meals and ignore hunger and I'm not sure where or how to start

Dead lifts and low bar squats are your only salvation
No, retard
Simple. If you can't do progression on ss then you move on to Texas method progression. It's not difficult. Don't cut on those programs though. That's just not right. If you're cutting stick to what you're doing
Cutting on a strength program like that is stupid. At best you won't hit your potential and at worst you injure yourself.
I struggled in skinny fat zone for a year before I figured it out. Just bulk up. You end up building into a frame you didn't know that you had and you look great once you do end up cutting

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Is this retardation?

Why the fuck are you trying a belt if it doesn't work?

I fucked my back. Probably gonna take the whole week off to see if it unfucks. What can I do to optimize injury recovery? I hate being injured, I can feel myself atrophying.

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I'm trying to learn the hook grip for when I'll need it, I can't quite get it right. It feels weaker than my normal grip. Is it really better?
Fat gripz train your grip more by making the bar wider and therefore harder to grip. Doesn't sticking your thumb between your fingers and bar effectively do the same?

Thanks, other fren told me to try to go as low as possible.

If u stop flailing your legs under you like a crossfit whore then it may
But there is literally no reason for a 120lb person to do a muscleup