So, you vape right?
So, you vape right?
why yes I am also a homosexual
Some of my best associates are gay. It's not a choice.
I do it for the health benefits.
I vape straight out of my ass
another proof that /fit is full of fucking faggots
>not a choice
Oh lawd
yea but i'm a boomer and got addicted to cigs when they cost 1.50. vaping saved my life and the government is going to fuck me over again in the next few years
Someone as unintelligent and yourself couldn't possibly understand. Humans on the genotypic level have a propensity toward certain genders. When evil people like you try to remove their identity it makes me rage inside. You will know my wrath.
Why does every vaper look like such a fucking cunt?
I find it hard to not consume it to a point where its more negative. It happened naturally as tolerance increased but at first there were more benefits. Guess it doesnt help that I use very concentrated nicotine as liquid since when theres too much PG or VG I find it causes gut disturbances.
Fashion is an extension of our very soul. When someone can't perceive the underlying meaning... well do they even deserve to live?
>Playing the space flute
>Sucking robot cock
>Tipping your mouth fedora
>Snowballing a cirrus cloud
Which are you?
I smoke pipe tobacco.
>blocks your path
Don't you understand how negative smoking is to your organization system? No, of course you do not accept it because it would cause a rift in your feeble mind. Sheep.
I snus because vaping is a public nuisance. You faggots need to go and stay go.
More like I don't care and I have the free will to do what I want.
What the fuck man, this dude could be Chad if he didn't dress like Fred Durst.
Your retarded I fuck dudes in the ass by choice
I have a dab pen, 90% indica. Does that count?
Honestly nothing enrages me more than seeing some fuccboi at the gym with a vape. Like what’s the fucking point of being at the gym and you’re vaping. Also just quit being a pussy and smoke a cigarette or just stop altogether, shit is half assed like drinking diet pop