Finally did it bros

100lbs weighted chin. literally my lifetime fitness goal achieved. it's surreal

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Wow way to set the bar really low

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what's the appropriate goal?

Chins are objectively better than pulls; it uses more muscle mass to pull more weight over the same range if motion, making it better
>inb4 muh bicep involvment, muh lats
It works the same muscles as a pull, just differently; like a front squat vs back squat
>inb4 muh "what if you have to hang off a cliff"
Unless you can only do like one or two chins and can't do a pull, this is a non-issue

To be better than the man you were yesterday

Yeah buddy nice job but not really a lifetime fitness goal

I hit 135lb chin at 134 bw before I even turned 18

Well done OP. This place is just going to tear you down, but as long as your proud of yourself that’s what counts. Don’t be complacent though, time for a new goal

how is what you did even remotely relevant to my goals lmao


I love the way you fuckers just rain on each other's parades each day here

Probably best to just do both. that way you get the best of both worlds if there's really any difference between them.

we're constantly pushing each other to improve. if you're getting out of the game go celebrate on reddit.

How did you reach the bar

Hows about you encourage like an adult instead of shitting on him like a kid?

Good job man

honestly, why are you posting here?

It's supposed to be motivating. It's basically being told that you can always do better and that there is always room for improvement. Use the criticism to push even harder.
>user: Hmmph! I'll show them... I'll bench 4 plates! I'll become stronger than ever before. That ought to show Chad and Brad! NO MORE!

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Odds are that most people replying to him don't even lift.

i agree completely.only problem is that some people are clearly projecting or feel the need to push others down because of insecurities. it's usually easy to tell the difference but people should realize that this is a place to motivate not celebrate because this ride never ends

Do you count the body when you do weighted chins? You're lifting the weight and it makes no sense to say a 200lbs guy with +10kg is doing the same as a 280lbs guy with the same 10kg.

People doing records with chinups/dips usualy add bodyweight+added weight into the weight lifted, 200lbs man chinning 200lbs = "400lbs dip", but you usually then specify you bodyweight

What about the belt? The ones at my gym use heavy chains, so when you're chinning a 200lbs dip you're really lifting like 92 kg

No it's just shitposting by insecure losers who need to spread their "blackpill" to everyone. Instead of taking shit from people who probably don't even lift (forearm thread anyone?) or frauds you should probably just think to yourself "gee I don't see anyone in person doing more weight than me, that must be really good!" Don't even start to think you are doing people a favor by fake estatting.

Good job op, proud of ya.

>uses more muscle mass to pull more weight
isn't this a contradictory statement

How? When doing a back squat you use more muscle mass to lift more weight than you would on a front squat. When doing a bicep curl with one hand youre using less muscle to carry less weight than on a two arm bicep curl

why do people do chinups instead of pullups?

are they retarded? or just bitches?

nice job op, what's your next goal?

shut up

the question is rather why do people still do pull-ups?

*internally rotates*

How the fuck did you reach that bar my guy

because its vastly superior and more alpha

they're inferior

Noice I'm jealous. I'm still a fat fuck who has to use an assisted pull up machine just to do my pull ups and chin ups.

Nice point faggot.. kys


retarded af

Nah all this shitposting always leaves me confused as to what the fuck i should be doing so i decided just to lurk Jow Forums for humour threads

What about if i dont poop before training can i add 2kg from that?

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Grats OP. what's the next goal though?

but why stop there
go for the goat oap now
godspeed user

Good shit my dude