What do you think of while getting your sweat on?
What do you think of while getting your sweat on?
Other urls found in this thread:
Every sweat drop a jew dies
I contemplate the dynamics of shaking my six pack
How the holocaust never happened, but should have
why are jews so evil? Sometimes I think History was rewritten completely and Hitler was trying to exterminate the true evil.
killing capitalists
Really makes you think
talmud brainwashing + generations of incest
How the Holocaust was like a really fun effective amusement park
is the holocaust fake?
In the middle east currently. At the hotel gym. How the fuck this beast is on the treadmill with a cigarette in his mouth. Dude lit another one up when he lifted. Fucking phenomenal.
Would make fun of the guy but bruh why the fuck are you in the Middle East on fucking Jow Forums
6 million wasn't enough
She looks like she's bracing for a bukake
Not him but I’m in Oman at the moment. Some people move around for work reasons.
Chasing down prey or other inner barbarian larping.
Getting leaner so I can avoid eye contact with qts who smile at me even harder.
I don't get it
I think about what i am doing with my life
Based jihadi
Gas chambers had wooden doors.
Gibson is a notorious anti-semite/glorious JIDF inciter depending on view.
Joe is kind of short.
Anti-semite is code for pro-human.
(((Silverman))).. Every fucking time.
White men constantly getting btfo by their own women and black men
>their own women
Imagine a world where the Holocaust actually happened for real.
This one for me
She knows what she’s doing
I need to quit drinking
oy whadda hitsiger yenta
Usually I start out good because I'm lifting then that feeling thats pushed out when I realize I'm weak and will never amount to anything so I should just quit. Of course I won't quit and tearing myself down mentally helps in the long run as I'll be stronger whenever it rebuilds.
I'm so glad I was born Australian and not wh*te
Please don't steal my gains, KingCarb
I want to say something, but that's basically me preaching to the choir at this point.
Ovenbait is ovenbaiting again.
Hey Carb King, suck my dick!
You're right.
How do I get your job? I want respect from the oil magnates for being a strong honest white man selling them shit.
>jews, white.
Yeah nah.
nice thumbnail ya pinhead
Eat more carrots blindie.
>Jews are white
Sure they are
could be...
women are not funny
Most of the alleged holocaust againgst the Jews is grossly exaggerated. There have been a lot of holocausts in the history of mankind, but thanks to propaganda this is the only one that people have in mind and are constantly reminded of.
big if true
General killing, oats and vitamins, masturbation, and rock 'n' roll, unironically.
Also, in that order.
I used to stick fight with a guy who would smoke most of the time. He was very skilled. If he was up against someone super new he would sometimes fight with a stick in one hand, a beer in the other, and a cigarette in his mouth.
daily reminder that Nicotine is a cognitive stimulate
i think about why boogers are so salty but taste good
yet when you swallow mucus or phlegm its just meh
i really dislike jews
christkillers. hitler should have finished the job.
Ay I donno Tony something doesn't add up.
i unironically think about destroying my body through exercise to ascend to divinity and leave humanity behind
female jews are not women
Military security at the embassy.
Satan agrees
do you know who jonas salk was?
he was the jewish scientist that cured polio. he created the march of dimes to raise millions to fund his research.
polio was a crippling and deadly disease putting children all over the world into a wheelchair or an early grave. the vaccine for polio was one of the greatest medical achievements of the last century. its a globally essential medicine.
and this guy jonas salk?
he could have made billions from it. he could have patented it and made actual billions of dollars.
you know what he did? he waived the patent. he gave up billions just to make sure as many people who could be helped got the help they needed. he became a celeb after that even though he hated it. truly a great man and he left the world a better place than he came into it.
If I had a choice between polio existing in the USA/world and jews. I would choose polio every single time and twice on sundays. I would infect myself with polio and tour america spreading the disease in a custom built wheelchair or crutches if it meant all the jews and their influence were excised from my country like the cancer they are.
polio is nothing compared to the harmful effects of jews on the USA and world.I would give anything to live in a world where our biggest problem was building access ramps and compliance with the civil disabilities act.
that sounds like hyperbole. it is not. 100% authentic feelings. I cant sleep at night anymore. I wish I never started questioning things. I wish I was still a dumb rube out there able to laugh at things instead of a woke misanthrope. I envy the dumb.
dl;dr fuck jews, kill em all and let God sort it out
Nevermind, just read it. I admire your hatred of the Jew rat.
very avant-garde
By being by far the most wanted on every dating study. Blacks get turned down by prostitutes and escorts kek
thank you.
I would kill every member of my family, all the loved ones in my life.
children. mother. father. extended family. best friends that I love who are starting families with their new wives.
I would do that in a heartbeat if it meant the rest of the world could be free of the jewish menace.
(including free masons)
hmph. another bogus money grabbing hoax invented by the jews
ok Im scared now
OK but what is the significance of that?
Needs two more dots
I don't think about anything except sets, reps and exercises.
Real gas chambers don't have wooden doors.
Being short means you need a stepladder to reach your freezer.
It's uncommon to find counter-semitic sentiment from figures in jew-dominated Hollywood.
TOP kek
History is written by winners. Jews, globalists and socialists won and their plans have been set in motion in 1984 (Agenda 21). We are only now realizing the consequences when its too late
This, but unironically
God I hope not
what is this jewish woman's obsession with dark guys and why does she seem to hate white guys?
can someone please explain this to me?
it seems that now this is the norm in the US
Jewish women love black dick
Friendly reminder that the 6 million number has absolutely no basis in reality and was construed as propaganda by the Soviets after the war.
i want to kill sarah silverman but i also want to throatfuck her while smelling her feet and then cum in her hair
That's disgusting user
i know
Jewish psyop
Remove white people's identities, allowing easy submission
>dont be proud of your heritage
>let in refugees, we are all equal
>you can change your gender / men and women are equal
>push porn / masturbation / associate blacks with sex
>work to undermine cultural values (gay marriage, australia day is racist etc)
>no white countries, you are all invaders anyway
Amerimutts live in too much comfort to be honest and don't like breaking the laws and commiting violence that's why you all are getting cucked by women and nigs
>t. 3rd world white boi
Which country user?
Mooooods! Shut it down!
lol how does she wanna twerk with an ass like that?
for some reason I retched when I saw that picture.
southeast brazil
Is that the infamous velociraptor? Wot a majestic creatar mate, look'a'it lookin' awound for food, this big predaytur culd snape yor head off with one bite
Imagine the smell (not good)
Uh, the problem in front of me?
Oh sorry, forgot have so many "lift heavy thing and put it back down exactly where you got it" "Jow Forums"izens here.
i erd culd wrip it of wiv alf a bite! scwary
Thought so, so you're probably German/Italian. Based.
You should rethink your life man