This is why I lift

This is why I lift.

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Other urls found in this thread:

post stats incel r9k faget

never forget

Attached: gains_fairy.png (1080x1920, 1.43M)

This is why I lift (and am currently foam rolling for).

Attached: 468584 armor artoria_pendragon_(lancer) fate_grand_order heels ishida_akira thighhighs weap (1200x1678, 269K)

A cartoon?

I lift for Christ

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>These are the people you share Jow Forums with

She's from a smartphone game so more vidya than cartoon.

You may ask me for fitness advice (read: opinions) whenever you wish.

Is not even real, user you fucking faggot.

Post body with timestamp
Don’t forget to sage and report these shitty r9k threads

>tfw you lift to get that bag

Attached: 1552018699661m.jpg (1024x578, 84K)

My 375 lb bench is real.
Let me know if you benching more than that is real.

Already did.

Based and heavenpilled

I lift to kill discord dyel faggots like and op
Body weight benching isn’t impressive

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gay reason, i lift because i want there is one chick im absolutely infatuated with.
i know ill never get her but i want to improve my sexual market value so chicks like her are at least within my grasp. Basically i want to increase my sexual market value hell im even learning another language and learning to ride a bike. I want to be intimidating. Superfical i know but in this plane of reality we exist in thats the truth we have to accept

Nice job r9k faggot, i bench 378 lb

Post body

Get use to it, they ussualy come in here lying about their bench/squad/deadlift and post their shity fake cartoon womens, pathethic

Yes Gains Fairy! Absolutely!

I've already posted my body in two separate threads.
I feel like I'm going to be asked this every single thread.

Where are they in the archives?

Are you serious?
You better post your body now, and you better not be this guy because I already btfo (You).

>thinking they can force a meme

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No you don’t.

Amen, brother


Oh ho ho.
All it takes is a gym bathroom selfie with an arm pump to make you feel insecure about posting your own body?
Is it because I'm bigger than you, stronger than you, or both?
Look user, I get that you and the others think all waifu posters are dyel robots but that's simply not the case.
Waifu posters on Jow Forums are lifting and making gains just as much as everyone else, and in some cases more.
When I say I'm going to bench 4pl8s for mai waifu I mean it.
I'll record it and post it on here too.
Not sure when but sometime before July.

Attached: 503987 artoria_pendragon_(lancer) fate_grand_order mordred_(fate) tagme.jpg (2047x1465, 527K)

Oh yes totally.

That's all I get, a low-energy three word response that doesn't even address anything?
If you're going to bash on weebs I'd think you'd have a little to show for yourself just out of self respect.
It's hilarious when tripfags from /fraud/ go on their anti-anime tirades and rants because they're over the top and only half serious.
You anti-waifu crusaders are no fun.

Yes Gains Fairy! Absolutely!

>benching 4 plate


30 more lbs to go buddy.
I already decline benched that but >lol decline.

Post body

Yes Gains Fairy! Absolutely!

gotta lose enough weight to get on that swing, if you know what I mean heh

in gonna do a loopdy-loop

Must be Groundhog Day or something.

Does it have a penis?

What’s the matter, You’re boyfriend isn’t awake to snap a cap?

Before you look at the 20th post of this very thread, reflect on how stupid you are.

It’s Kiki ffs.

You were asked multiple times and didn’t deliver and insist you’re someone else
Take a multivitamin because jacking off to your imaginary girlfriend 50 times a day seems to have drained out some important minerals
You should have at least chosen a better person to impersonate because fatty lifters are gross and it’s not impressive to lift your body weight when you’re fat as fuck

Ella Hollywood?

>hurr that's not you even though you posted a timestamped pic wearing the exact same clothes from later that day
>you're just a fat roiding incel!

Attached: sad!.png (879x253, 17K)

I’m talking about today and (You) we’re asked three times and delivered zero until you said that you’re someone else. cope harder
Your Bf sleeping, Does he know you’re cheating on him with a cartoon?

Yes Gains Fairy! Absolutely!

Would you care to link those?
I have no idea what you're talking about.