First time going to the gym at 5 am and wew lads

First time going to the gym at 5 am and wew lads.

>No gym Bros
>No tempting thots
>No waiting
>Complete focus
>Amazing energy afterwards
>Evening is free now

It's superior to evening lifting in every way.

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Morning lifting is the best, but my gym is pretty busy from 5am to 8am. You're lucky.

Shhhh the evening babbies are still sleeping

How did you transition from working out late to that early? Is it just man up and go?

Yeah I prepared my pre workout the night before, woke up at 430 and just jumped out of bed, devoured that shit, and made my way to the gym.

The hard part is getting up, but if you do the necessary prep work the night before you get that extra motivation. Last thing I wanted to do was let myself down

BTW 7 fucking captchas? Fuck this site man

I prefer to lift during the lunch break.

Aren't you very tired at work/study?

Not him but you unironically adjust and you will learn to not be able to live without lifting early. I was kinda run down for a week but mon-sat and then a rest day Sunday and then I couldn't stop getting up to go at 5 am. I get up at 3 am, since I have work at 6 am and class at 4pm. It gives you more energy and it's the best part of my day. In a way my night too cuz I know I'm gonna get up and go lift. So try it.

i love it in theory but no matter how/when i eat i'm noticeably weaker in the mornings than i am at night. any tips?

I was the same, but i think it was a mental hump that i had to get over. Do it long enough and you acclimate. Preworkout also helped.

>evening is free now
>goes to bed at 830pm

How the fuck do you get up so early? I feel like shit if I get up before 8!

Exactly! How can you live that way?

this image alone throws me into anxiety - i have no idea how weed bros do it.

even the act of eating those fruit loops (whilst high) would bother me, thinking about how easily they get stuck in the teeth and are basically sugar pellets built to decay on arrival. Then the idea of smoking cigarettes - this one is obvious, all the tar build up and smell, etc. Finally, SITTING there (I hate sitting whilst high, I always have to stretch) but sitting there watching this small screen of a cartoon for pseudo intellectuals, I would be FREAKING OUT at the idea of that alone, but also the state my life was in.

How do you weed bros do it? Most of the stuff I've described, I can get over. But one thing I've always noticed when I smoke is how suddenly the state of my body begins to bother me... like I said, feeling tight. And I also feel all the aches and pains in my body i've been ignoring

I do this too. There are a few people, but most find it insane to get up before 7:30 unless they have to. Fucking bliss.

Would do this even if I had a homegym, it makes the rest of the day open

I get up at 4:45 and is pretty much the most energetic and focused in my class
Lessons start at 9 am and some who live close get up at like 8:15 and are wrecks until lunchtime

Start by getting up an hour earlier, and then keep doing it until you can fit whatever time your workout and travel takes

>Ahhh, done with work for today
>Goes to gym and is third in cue to the benchpress

Also, besides any pre-planned social activities, what good things happen after 8:30?

I feel like crap when I don't have a bit of food in me and try to lift heavy.

Cream of rice might be light enough to eat a good bit of and not feel bloated at the gym, I'll have to try that.

I agree with the sentiment, but you're thinking of midnight. Our elders had a phrase, "Nothing good ever happens after midnight." Which, I've found to be quite true.

Of course, I have many memories in my youth of things that happened past this point, who doesn't? But it's a GENERAL colloquial phrase with some in-house wisdom. Even at a drunk frat house keger rager, if you can have the discipline to wrap up your part around midnight, you'll benefit by avoid a LOT of problems... drunken fights, drunken driving issues, the 2am blitz to grab the drunkest whore you can find, getting way too drunk, etc etc etc.

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No, I am literally wondering what things necessitates someone staying up after 8:30 that can't be done some other time of the day

Holy fuck the user in your pic is projecting so fucking hard. Whenever someone gets extremely specific like "Cigarettes every hour, gaining weight and is unhappy, he doesnt feel as well as he used to" How the fuck did he get all of that from a picture of someone eating cereal on a Saturday morning. Fuck i feel bad for that guy.

Just did the same this moring, usually go after work.
>show up at 5:30
>tired, feel weak
>thots everywhere
>not doing shit
>just showing off bodies
>gymbros everywhere
>not even lifting
>just hanging out and giggling like retards
>still have to wait for fucking squat rack
There's a serious lack of real gyms in my town, but no lack of retards. Shit sucks.

Weed is bad and people pretend it is good. Don't smoke weed and everything is fine. Simple as that really.

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Not only would I never argue with quads, but that logic is pretty sound too.

Dare I say... based and red-pilled?

I like weed but tripsquints is convincing me...

The good man, though a slave, is free; the wicked, though he reigns, is a slave, and not the slave of a single man, but — what is worse — the slave of as many masters as he has vices

If this is some bible bullshit you're losing me.

You can't create more time. Just because you did everything earlier doesn't mean you have more time. You still have the same amount of free time but just at a different hour of the day. You still have to basically follow the same schedule but now your schedule is just rearranged.

meh, id rather live than to listen to some dorks on how to live

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Nobody said that you absolute low iq imbecile

based & redpilled
witnessed & approved

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I used to be a morning gym guy but the biggest hurdle was needing to shower and eat afterwards. Post workout meal zapped all my energy and made me drowsy. Needing to carry extra clothes with me was a hassle. Also I was completely reliant on preworkout to wake me up to lift so intensely.

The evenings are just better naturally. I'm stronger and more alert on the evenings and cna go home, eat dinner and fall asleep at a reasonable time.

>And I also feel all the aches and pains in my body i've been ignoring

This freaks me out also. I thought I was the only one

>no audience to watch me lift/mire me
>have to train a new set of gym goers on how to spot correctly
Sounds fucking awful desu

Holy shit I’ve never seen this one kek

This is also my issue, I am noticeably weaker in the morning. I've never felt great with caffeine and I feel like preworkout would make my heart explode.

It's Saint Augustine dude...

So, Bible bullshit then?

No I believe it's from The City of God

It's a good book you should read it even if you're not a Christian

Can any weed bros comment on this? It's freaking me and user out, we don't like it.
