How old were you when you quit the coffee (((jew)))?

How old were you when you quit the coffee (((jew)))?

me? 20

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Coffee is good man

why are alt right cucks always so pathetic retarded?

why look at ultra specific health outcomes instead of general health. coffee considerably reduces all cause mortality

>why are alt right cucks always so pathetic retarded?

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Literally yesterday 20

Never drank coffee really. Tea master race.

wheres proofs

Are you fucking retarded brah? Back to Jow Forums

have fun with kidney stones

But it prevents them though.

me? never started

>Foods high in octate include:

Too much oxalate "may cause" stones "in some people".
So yeah this info is not very valuable.

What are you, a fucking brit? You know there are hundreds of types of tea?

Literally writes like a brain-dead nitwit. Try harder you onions drinking fuck

>Sweet potatoes
>Not regular potatoes
Sweet potatoes are way lower in oxalic acid than most of those foods. Also it says spinach twice

Too much oxalate will cause kidney stones in anyone, its fatal if you ingest a high enough dose. Go eat 2lbs of spinach and find out.

Not really.. Tea leaves are tea leaves. White tea, green tea, and black teas are all made from the exact same plant with the only difference being how mature they are. Different species of plants make little difference since their compositions are all very similar.
Its a green plant. They're all containing the same pigments and anti nutrients.

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>its fatal if you ingest a high enough dose. Go eat 2lbs of spinach and find out.
That would really only screw with your digestion. It's chronically high oxalic acid intake that is the real risk due to it's nutrient blocking/binding properties. If you're getting plenty of calcium you're pretty much going to be fine.

I've done that before. I've eaten like 200 grams of spinach and kale every day for several years now, and i have genetic predisposition for kidney stones, but i havent had any problems :)

Never really got hooked. On the other hand I do love tea, like 4 liters a day

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