Which exercises/routine do i have to do to be a sexgod(harder erections,long hours of hard fuck ,more cum,etc)

Which exercises/routine do i have to do to be a sexgod(harder erections,long hours of hard fuck ,more cum,etc)

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Sandpaper your dick, makes you lose sensation so yoh last longer

Cardio and core endurance. But especially cardio.

>harder erections
cardio, nofap
>long hours of hard fuck
kegels, pee-pausing
>more cum
take zinc and magnesium supplements

Just go for more rounds?
I usually go 1. for me, enjoy fucking slowly feeling her wet pussy etc, basically getting maximum enjoyment and give 0 fuck about hers
2. round, i can go hard and i already got mine so this one is for her, fuck her hard until she cums a few times, let her ride etc, until she gets enough then i come or when i get really tired of hard smashing for a long ass time

Transverse abdominal exercises. Any ab work really.

I can tell you a hundred things that I do, but the most important is: eat celery, drink a gallon or more of water daily, and avoid porn and other forms of instant gratification

All you need is cardio, L-arginine and get a fucking pump before sex. The boner gains will be amazing.


Do high rep weighted hip thrusts

Does anyone else have a hard time cumming from sex? I think I broke my dick watching porn and using my hand too much until I needed a super specific technique.

Do I need to quit porn/fapping?

how long do you wait between the 2 sessions ?


I pretty sure a pump will actually counter the hardness of the erection, since there will be more blood in your muscles and thus less available for the penis.


For me, im ready after like 5-10 min, it depends on the girls usually when i go for round 2 but usually around that
Third round take probably 10 min minimum

Whats so funny mr joker


Will it be worth it?

cardio, cardio, cardio
dick health is 90% vascular related and sex is an endurance exercise. So go for higher rep ranges with lower weight or isometic holds for your resistance training. Edging is more beneficial than kegels if you dont death grip or have a onahole or something related. Suppliment 25mg of zinc a day. (you probably get at least 30 from your diet if you eat meat at all.) Do varies cardio other than running elliptical, cycling and rowing. Once you have good vascular health start doing hiit. Since sex often requires bursts of higher exertion. Fuck every day if possible there's no substitute for experience.


honestly just try going slower. Vaginas are more about texture than tightness. When you go slow at first you can feel everything. Then you gradually speed up. If you're starting to lose sensation slow down again. You'll feel more if you have better blowflow and healthier blood sugar so do your cardio and eat right.

Ye its probably that youve conditioned yourself to only find pleasure in using certain techniques and rhythms. quitting porn and masturbating, or atleast drastically reducing it, will probably fix most of it. But depending on how bad it is, it might take a while.

Why does it matter in your case, OP? You're fat, ugly, weak, stupid, and unfunny. Nobody is going to get naked with you.