Be american get moged

be american get moged

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Dios mio.......

>be America
>recruit manlets and niggers as cannon fodder
>be Europe
>recruit the most genetically gifted people to the military so they can get killed by a sandnigger with one bullet
so smart

>be taller
>get shot

God loves manlets

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>recruit the most genetically gifted
should we tell him ?

>that cope
If you notice, these are actually below average genetic speciments. The actual gifted one go for sports or everything else but army. Amerimutts are not humans, that coping in unreal.

Can you imagine if we created an entire division that was only NFL players?

Would be pretty interesting. Linemen could be mortar or heavy machine gun teams

>Be Yuropoor or Amerishart
>Find comfort in the knowledge that no matter what a bunch of faggots say on the internet you'll have each other's back

>82 IQ israel monkeys
>genetically gifted

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based and redpilled those digits

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>that uniformity

be [insert irrelevant country] be obsessed

holy shit those digits

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In Nam, The ARVN Rangers and other SF used to hide behind our guys because we would absorb the bullets by sticking out like sore thumbs in the jungle. I don't know who these Uzbeki idiots are (Afghans? w/e), but either way they're lumbering across those mountains like giant bullet collectors for the Taliban

>sir they’re still moving into position
cut to 10 linebackers huffing and puffing because they cant move more than 100yards at a time

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>so fat gooks use you as a shield

Fingorian master race

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>dog is whiter than the yank

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