>Jow Forums says she’s ugly and in bad shape
>not realizing her true potential as breeding stock
I pity you delusional fools
Jow Forums says she’s ugly and in bad shape
Other urls found in this thread:
>recognizing her breeding potential
>not simultaneously knowing that there are grander pursuits than the pursuit of mindless procreation
Go post on Leddit like the filthy animal you are.
99% of the dudes on here are still virgins in their college years/twenties, haven't had a serious relationship and get no matches on tinder. what'd you expect? haha
>not impregnating every woman you come into contact with
Holy shit hahahahahaha
you would never breed with her though retarded incel
>whiteknight ugly slags
What's her @ig?
She's beautiful.
Hahah this is so relatable to me
>t. maradona
>implying I’m whiteknighting
>implying I’m not trying to recruit fitizens to slam stupid slags into oblivion and knock em up
>What's her @ig?
>She's beautiful.
>damage control
like pottery
go back to redd/it
>Breeding stock
>Literally got tons of surgeries
Sure bro, she got shit genes, but here on Jow Forums some of us got standards and dont jump on every chick we see cuz we aren't khv with on female interaction
How’s your second week on 4channel treating you?
Suck a dick you faggot
Would i fuck her? yes
Would i impregnate her and form a serious relationship with her? No
Then again i fuck everything above 5/10, and only do relationship with 8/10 atleast
Ew Ur selfie is gross faggot
anyone who says they wouldn't fuck this chick is either lying for the giggles or a faggot. wide hips with a tight ass and thighs is GODTIER doggystyle material
>you dont like what i like so you must be new!
>Ew Ur selfie is gross faggot
XD epic reply
Thats not cope retard, that quite the opposite which make you the coping nigga
jesus christ this board sucks, nothing's fun anymore. just a bunch of onions posting moral fags everywhere
>Has potential as breeding stock
Whatever this imp did doesn't transfer over genes user.
>Doesn't realize this thot is coping degenerate with all her surgeries
kek, white knights to the rescue
incels getting upset seeing beautiful women theyd never have a chance with. whats new?
if you dont like slampigs youre a low test beta
Do you want sons with wide hips?
she's literally just standing differently. added a little muscle to legs and lost some fat too.
no, i want daughters with wide hips
I gotchu user - Madalin Giorgetta
>Being a fucking pedo
She realised that shes just another girland didnt like that, ended up standing like she have balls between her legs and dieted off some fat on the hips.
Shes nothing special.
hips aren't supposed to be wide at the hip joint, that's why hers look so fucking weird
they're supposed to get wide near the rib cage, so a baby has actual room to grow, not wide on her thighs so she looks like a fucking centaur
she looks exactly like every other fitness slut you guys post here
>Breeding potential
She has no belly fat. If a famine happens during her pregnancy, your babby is toast.
I wish there was a fitness community that banned instagramposters.
I love how this is always the same reaction from every coping retard on this board. lol
Fucking this so hard. It's ridiculous.
>Projecting this hard
some really hard shilling for another chick that posts pics of herself in underwear for the world, i aint complaining but i dont see what the big deal is.
Its just virgins crying some guy on the internet called their fapping material ugly
she's perfect breeding material, dont be surprised by Jow Forums hating her when 60% of it consists of fags
>being such a cuck that you inflate her value even more.
You're supposed to call all women ugly so it's easier for you.
Where was this the consensus on /fit?
This is what a fit girl looks like
Don’t want to be that guy, but she looked better before
ahem, thots and whores are total degenerate. Instead, I spend my hours in my wheat field in the midwest with my conservative waifu practicing the art and discipline of the Katana. For when the race war begins, I shall be at the forefront because I read Jordan Peterson, watch Ben Shapiro OWNED compilations and expose the ways of the Jew on an online gameboy circuitry message board. Heh, nothing personnel kid. I just have standards; something you know nothing about.
>linking to instagram
This should be a permanent ban
only making my point
This girl has admitted to have a LOT of work done. Your children will not look like her until they’re old enough for surgery.
Dude, it's mostly 14 year olds. No legal adult worries about height as much as some of these jack wagons.
Eh, I'd fuck either.
Good body, but looks like a Jew. That's going to be a hard pass from me.
>Change camera angles, pose, clothes and perspective.
She's done literally no work from left to right. And left is better. Women are mentally ill.
not bad/10
she also has great hip structure for that thigh gap
no amount of squats wil lgive you that
Self project more
I would desecrate her sweet walls
t. Turbomanlet
someone’s not based
you sound like a retard, please never return.
How does everyone feel about her being pooed in the loo? Chad Sri Lankan's rise up
Sure shes good looking but those clothes are tacky af.
devilishly accurate post
She looks pretty DYEL to me
>Pidgeon toes to give increased thigh gap
Professional thot right here
She could easily be cute, its just too bad shes an IG thot
this is what you have to do when god cucks you with no tits
>that thigh gap
disgusting. it's probably a hallway down there. wouldn't be able to finish.
Thanks brother
unfortunately its not true because pewdiepie let in all the fucking normalfags to Jow Forums
Larping incel spotted. You will have sex one day user.
>that login logo on the right
imagine being such a brainlet that you cant figure out how to save images from instagram and have to screenshot and crop them
You ... do you ... know about vaginas?
> tfw there are 8 year olds on Jow Forums that think you fugg the thigh gap
>You ... do you ... know about vaginas?
where do you think you are?
i guess it's back to then?
Why is that bow legged harry potter looking transvestite thot being posted on here all the time?
Is "it" posting about it's self?
more like put your dick in a blender, amirite?
I would fuck her so good 'til the day fucking Gymshark names me CEO, if you catch my drift, negro.
why is Jow Forums so obsessed with trannys now?
Hey fuck you, if it wasn't serious there wouldn't be a restraining order now would there, retard?
this bitch's legs look like a crab leg cracker
Think its just a common insult on Jow Forums, you never see this on Jow Forums
>you never see this on Jow Forums
I see them shitting up /v/ and Jow Forums accusing everyone as being "discord trannys"
you're 5'9" tho
> wouldn't be able to finish
Didn't have to tell us, Billy Elliot
seems like you are the mentally ill one
i would eat that asshole for hours
Excuse me faggot, I match with fatties and single mothers on tinder
>this comment destroyed 99% of Jow Forums
It has to be a meme. Shes not ugly at all. She just has a freakishly big gap between her legs
Dude i would fucking destroy that girl.
Imagine her twerking on your dick. Id cum fairly quick id say.