So apparently this year there is such an oversupply of these that Tesco is knocking them out for 20p each. The calorie to cost ratio is insanely cheap. What is the best way I can incorporate them into a bulk? I'm thinking 5 eggs with 150g of tuna for three meals a day. That's around 3,000 calories of eggy energy and 140g of protein
So apparently this year there is such an oversupply of these that Tesco is knocking them out for 20p each...
>What is the best way I can incorporate them into a bulk?
You don't.
Nothing about these contribute anything positive to your body, physically. You knew this, and yet you made this god awful thread anyway, because you are hoping that someone will post a pubmed link, that you will not even click on, and tell you that little balls of 99% processed sugar are great for you.
lmao bulking on Cadbury creme eggs
You don't. You buy a fuck ton of them in bulk, wait for them to go out of season again, then sell them to high school kids for 50p a piece.
>bulking on candy
I ate one of those when I was 5 and threw up all over the place.
A sports nutrition book of mine advised 50g of high GI and 50g of low GI carbs post workout (note this book is now a decade old) had benefits.
So an egg (maybe two) after workout may fit into your plan.
a celebration?
>candy eggs and tuna three times daily
Please do this and update us on how your bowels respond to it.
>Fatass moron looking for an excuse to pig out on cheap-ass candy
how much protien compared to a regular egg
Those aren't the same as actual eggs.
What kind of medieval video game currency are you niggers peddling?
Nice bait friend, 9/10
>Not perma-bulking on Freddos
I think you will be fine. It's just fucking Calories in - Calories out, CICO. These morons don't know what they're talking about.
>buying anything from cadburys
their chocolate stinks now
>what are micronutrients
never gonna make it
you'd either have to be a skinny twink dyel beyond hope or a lardass to be bulking on candy
I ate 2 of those Cadbury eggs in one night last week and still lost 2 pounds for the week
Fight me
Hasn't the recipe in Cadbury's changed and the eggs taste like shit now?
I don't think so. They didn't taste any different to me, at least
They have, however, gotten smaller it seems
Have they somehow managed to get worse? British chocolate is the second-worst in the world, and Cadbury's were not even good by British standards.
Just start popping em. Calories are calories so as long as you hit your macros more power to ya.
>can't even find them at any store within 50 miles most of the time and when they are there, they still cost more per ounce than any other Easter candy
Why do people on this site just outright lie?
>empty calories
>fucked hormones from major insulin spike
Yep, cico is the only thing that matters to nonces that lack nuance
>Per ounce
Probably because op is a Brit and you are a yank
>not bulking on the superior eggs
what kind of highschoolers buy cadbury creme eggs from you
shouldn´t they at least be buying pot
disgusting, it's a disgrace that kraft were allowed to buy Cadburies, fucked up the chocolate already.
That explains why the omelette I made was so bad
remember to only bulk with the whites for max gainz
Eat regular eggs you fat fuck
If you're already inserting candy into your diet you've got some serious fucking issues
you killed me user
Eat 50 eggs and leave humanity behind, OP.
why do I feel like passing out after eating one of these?
oh fug where do i get those
Beetus. Not joking. Check your blood sugar user.
More like Cadbury CUM egg!
Already thought about it mate, trust me even for a dirty bulk it's not worth the diabetes
Use them as pre-workout so you can burn off the sugar during a preworkout