Before you ask your retarded question about what program you should run, make sure to read below. This was polled by the 30 strongest users in PLG on what they deem to be acceptable or great programs. Novice programs aren’t included as you shouldn’t be focusing on powerlifts as a novice.
There aren’t too many universally accepted programs, however, the go to recommended program is running PH3. Voting was almost unanimous. Once you complete the cycle, feel free to start back to week 1 as this week is relatively easy and acts as a deload. You can typically run this program at mid to late intermediate, all the way into advanced and elite levels of strength. The good thing about this program is you can run it for years without stalling. It simply works. Available for download here. Programming (As of 4-7-2016).xlsx?dl=0
Smolov is another program that can do wonders for your gains. It came second for the top ranked PLG program.
>Novice programs aren’t included as you shouldn’t be focusing on powerlifts as a novice.
So much this. I always cringe when I see noobs SQUATTING and they're only doing like 120kg.
Put the fucking barbell down, and work on machine movements before you even dream of touching a free weight.
Brody Sullivan
damn i want a choco waifu so bad
Wyatt Sullivan
>Oxford Dictionary defines sport as "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or a team competes against another or others for entertainment".
By this definition, powerlifting AND soccer are not sports because they aren't entertaining. And Oxford is British, so you can't be arguing with them.
Cooper Taylor
I'm looking forward to bench pressing tomorrow. Am I a weirdo
Chase Nguyen
Doesn't specify whose entertainment and competing is very entertaining so check mate bitch
Ryan Nelson
Lel, get out Matt Wenning.
Josiah Sanchez
How do I learn proper powercheater bench techinque so I cheat the most amount of weight?
Michael Parker
It also says "physical exertion AND skill." Powerlifting is either physical exertion (RAW lifting) OR skill (equipped lifting), and therefore not a sport.
Charles Clark
It's a hobby to compare gym lifts.
Taking it super serious makes it quantifiably autistic
Carson Long
You need to eat alot to get a huge fucking powergut. Then learn to arch your back. Like alot.
Any ROM that is left, you just powerbounce of your powergut. Please note that if you have to powerbounce more than 10 cm ROM, you are better off going back to step 1 and 2 above.
Aaron Jones
but those twinks do it too
Dominic Moore
Give me one good reason not to wank myself into oblivion tonight
T. never done an equipped lift.
It's farrrrr more exhausting than a raw one
Jacob Roberts
But football is technically uninteresting and less entertaining than chess, this can't be argued.
Isaac Hernandez
It is a skill to do the movements properly to get 2 or 3 whites. And walking out, unracking, and stabilizing several hundred pounds over your raw maxes is pretty damn physically exerting.
can you internally rotate shoulders while retracting scapula?
Adrian Perez
No. Its just a cue.
Gavin Collins
Yes, easily
Daniel Foster
Xavier Ward
The only way to quantify autism is the size of your Anime Girls folder in terabytes.
>walking out
So it's not a sport if you use a monolift?
Jaxon Walker
I benched 95kg for 3 today!
Owen Baker
See unracking and stabilizing
Aaron Garcia
But YOU don't unrack a monolift. The monolift unracks you.
Liam Gray
Correct. If you use a monolift, deadlift bar, take steroids, or get your mate to give you a lift off, then it's a circus event, not a sport.
Hunter Butler
>football is technically uninteresting and less entertaining than chess, I love chess, but this is one of the most incelibate things I've ever read
Kevin Ortiz
Goddamn Europoors. Do you mean Rugby, rugby league, rugby 7s, American football, Canadian football, arena football, Australian football, that Aztec game where you had to kick a ball through a hoop, or soccer?
I'm a brit who doesn't like football, I'm a bit strange. Just like you're a yank who prefers rugby over handegg.
Wanna guess why we're talking on Jow Forums?
Also the US can't dab on ANYONE in football so it's not that yank to say.
Carter Garcia
Please be stone
Samuel Gomez
Whether rugby or football is superior is subjective, but I absolutely cannot understand how anyone would prefer handegg over rugby. Handegg is literally rugby but dumbed down.
Benjamin Ross
Hey don't look at me like I'm going to disagree.
I've never watched a game of handegg in my LIFE but I did enjoy Aussie rules when I watched it.
Liam Carter
This d esu. I liker browsing /sp/ during world cup for bantz and memes.
James Bennett
>doomguy is now a girl Fuck jews
Charles Edwards
Are jewish powerlifters any good
Ayden Watson
>Also the US can't dab on ANYONE in football so it's not that yank to say.
I clearly remember the US tying Bongistan in a group match in 2010, and only not winning outright because some Brit got away with pulling down Clint Dempsey on whatever soccer calls a "breakaway." US won the group anyway.
And advanced to the knockouts out of the baddest group in the tournament in 2014, while England failed to win a single match in the weakest group in the tournament.
>Handegg is literally rugby but dumbed down.
Handegg is actually the thinking man's football. The full minute in between plays for the fat bastards to catch their breath leads to incredibly detailed plays that can't possibly occur in rugby because we're too busy actually fucking playing. Also, no one is worried about blocking schemes or downfield pass coverage in rugby for obvious reasons.
The problem with handegg is that, over the last decade, the soy has completely subsumed it. And in the Beankin's desire to control and micromanage absolutely fucking everything to one day earn the approval of their fathers they don't even know, they have created a clusterfuck of a rules environment where you get ejected for tackling a grown ass man in 30 pounds of armor, with a helmet that might actually be rated as bulletproof, but the refs don't even know how to spot the fucking ball. It has become as blatantly fixed as pro wrestling or FIFA.
Eli Nguyen
Roidaroo womanlets are strong. Manlets (Amit Sapir) as well.
Jayden Bell
>fat retard No
David Gomez
bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.
nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".
>ohp day (the bridge (tm)) >working set >increase weight by 2.5kg as expected >put belt >get memed by jewtube and dont get it rly tight, end up loose >feels like rpe 8 rpe9.5 >starting to get mad and look like pic related >get belt tighter, can only fit one finger inbetween the belt >feels like rpe8 as expected hehe
on evermediate routines like HLM is there any preference between increasing deadlift 2.5kg every week or increasing every other week by 5kg and doing rack pulls on the other week?
Carson Butler
The stronger you get the harder it is to linearly increase gains on everything at once, if you feel like you'd be better off alternating heavy deads with something more for volume then do it.
Blake Johnson
The more frequently you max out, the less actual work you can get in Try something like this w1d1 6x4 80% w1d5 8x3 85% w2d1 4x2 90% w2d5 max attempt
Hunter Butler
decent arch + being fat + wide grip
mostly being fat
Luke King
But he stated specifically that the unit for 95 was kg so I can only assume you meant the unitless 3 to be stones.
if thats what negresses are taking its not win dumb faggots
Benjamin Morales
Seriously dude you think it's funny that OP comes on here to ask for genuine advice and you try to do stand up comedy? I don't know where you're from but from where I am from we do not tolerate this sort of disrespect. Tone it down and keep it to yourself, I'll accept your apology here. Try to grow up in the future.
Justin Ross
Instagram won't FUCKING WORK how am I supposed to post my very impressive training now >:(
Parker Myers
Zoomers out
Aaron Carter
Nice blog *makes millennial screeching noise*
Nolan Bell
Got size M SBD knee sleeves but I got them on really easy even though my calves are 38,5cm and knee joint 38cm. I was thinking should I get size S?
Wyatt Rivera
>female PT in gym, only one that's not totally retarded >early 40s, won national bb and wl competitions a bunch of times 15-20 years ago (small country, but still) >fucking tiny, maybe 50 kg, but lean and full for her fame I want to benis her so bad but she's married
Jeremiah Peterson
Thought about buying Nuckols average to savage because his bench programs work really well for me. Is that average to savage any good?
Samuel Perry
Just bc there's a goalie doesn't mean you can't score my man
Thomas Lopez
You are a literal nigger and should kill yourself, have some honour.
Gavin Wright
>honour Lmao faggot
Joshua Gray
Anyone got some ab accessory recommendations?
I generally do ab wheel and leg raises all the time but I wanna get thicc abs so I can use my gut to support myself going into the hole.
Brody Davis
Squats and deadlifts
Jayden Peterson
I'm so happy I'm not a manlet
Angel Brown
*Laughs in 6'3"*
I'm only like 88kg though lmao.
Christopher Collins
When I grow up I want to be big lenny
Brandon Robinson
>big lenny So let me get this straight. You want to:
>Look terrible >Get jaundice from liver failure >Fuck trannies >Be friends with retards >Die early >Burn in hell
go back to sleep and never wake up you fucking faggot
Nathaniel Bennett
.t shit bench, shit squat, shit deadlift, shit every other lift, shit body, shit hobbies, shit job (jk you don't have a job CSLAHDYATNCTCWUAJMILAYNA [Cachinnated So Loudly At How Delusional You Are That Neighbors Call The Cops Who, Upon Arrival, Joined Me In Laughing At Your Narrow Ass]), shit life.
Still to bed-shittingly scared of me to post BEFORE I leave for the gym, eh? I'm beginning to wonder if I need to check my place for bugs, wires, or cameras, you manage to so perfectly time your little tard spasms until RIGHT after I bounce. All because you never learn. You never do, man, you just never learn. I will always come BACK from the gym and roast your ass like a supermarket chicken. You need to get a hold of yourself, quit the delusional LARPing on an Yemeni Camel Racing Enthusiasts' subreddit, post your no doubt pathetic body and lifts, fuck off to get your life in order, and stop being so predictable.
Is Fig also Sean? Wouldn't be the first time his characters argued
James Carter
he's just some weak, retarded faggot who won't go away, so actually, he might be. he's obsessed with the 'bench press is kind' poster, so just ignore him. he contributes nothing anyway.
Joseph Ramirez
oh do i love her i miss her so`
Liam Wright
Not even ten minutes before you respond. You were really waiting to enact the same impotent damage control you always do. You're clearly
>Still obsessed with me >Still projecting your own shortcomings onto me >Still too fat to post body >Still too weak to post lifts >Still BTFO'ed beyond human comprehension
I feel sorry for you, really. Why don't you step away from the keyboard, instead of hanging on my every biting word, and go to the gym?