Manlet goal body / motivation thread


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women on twitter want my head severed

nice schizo poster

He's 5'7

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are you wokemanlet?

This 3ft11 bodybuilder with rippling muscles is proving his haters wrong

wtf is wrong with his body he looks like my foreskin

Hes just wau more shredded then yull ever be bro. Try again next time, kid. Don't make fun of his gunshot wounds

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>Simo Häyhä.

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wtf is wrong with your foreskin

he looks pretty good for a 5 foot turtle

is this the coping lanky general

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we need to make him smaller

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he's 5'7

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child body building kek

this one is pretty brutal. Jeff has an objectively more beautiful face, better body, better hair and he still looks like he gets brutally mogged because of height.

Current me.

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nice nips

how long?

Damn, never noticed the size of the gun next to him. Looks like 4'something

Imagine a manlet shooting a Mauser 1918 Tankgewehr next to a tall man shooting a K-98K

Going from the first part of the first picture to the second picture is 1yr 4mos.

rather be 15% bodyfat than have steroid junkie dickskin

Possible natty?
I really cant tell because he looks crazy in certain pics.

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hes natty

>manlet thread

Yeah for sure he’s mostly just lean. Not a ton of muscle. But you’d need excellent genetics.

>omfg are there any good looking manlets? t.5’4’’

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I'm like 5'8 or 5'9 maybe with no shoes and a shaved head, I'm hall of fame manlet and I have no trouble with women beyond the normal, you niggas are just weak

That's just a regular ruler.

Balding soiboy on the right looks like a faggot, the earring confirms it. At least he knows his place and has given up on women. Lanklets cannot compete with Chadlets.
