I did steroids when I was 18, 500mg/deca and EQ, I got off and never recovered. It’s been almost 10 years. I’m contemplating getting on a TRT cycle of 250mg/week, what do you anons think? I just want to feel normal again. Should I have any PCT on standby just in case? And if so, what kind? Also, what is the difference between Cypionate and Enanthate?
TRT 27 years old 250mg
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heh... another fraud bites the dust
>I got off and never recovered
Do you just miss the feeling or did it really fuck your body?
whats the process? just tell the doc ?
Go to a doctor you retard. Don't self administer , you already fucked up yourself once
Really fucked my body, cartilage and ligaments are rekt, need stem cells honestly but that’s not really an option at this point.
250 is way too much. 100 is trt
Been there done that, no doctor is prescribing someone in there 20’s trt.
listen up kiddos
I’ve gone to doctors and had blood work done, they tell me I’m fine but I know I’m not. I feel like shit every day since I got off not to mention injuries and pain. Do you think an anti aging clinic would administer me drugs?
Fuck that, 100 is basically nothing, I want to feel good
Haha for real, use me as an example. I got persuaded by some pieces of shit and it has fucked me royally.
how long were you lifting before the first cycle?
Sorry friend. I warn lads all the time to never do it. There are therapies you can do that are becoming more affordable.
150 puts you at like 1400ng/do. 250 is way too much. You'll grow tits without ai
Im 26, my test level is 157 ng/dl. My doctor told me I was within range (by 7 points) so he would not be giving me TRT, regardless of the fact that the range is for all men, including 90 year old men (where my test levels were).
You're going to need to find other avenues for getting test, doctors are fucking SHIT
let's be real for a sec, you got on deca and equipoise while still growing, that's pretty fucking brutal, 99.9% of lifting adults wouldn't even approach that
3 years or so. Haven’t lifted seriously since because it literally hurts too much.
Thanks user. I tell everyone who asks not to do it but I’m in this boat and staying natty just isn’t cutting it for me. You can never go back :(
Yeah, your shits fucked forever bro.
You listened to the retards who don't give a shit about tomorrow or just want to fatten up their bankaccounts.
You can try HCG for a while and hope that your balls kick on but I doubt it.
Go to a trt clinic rather then your doctor.
They are about fixing life threatening injuries not bettering your life in a real way.
Would I honestly feel a significant effect on 100mg of test
Also what’s a great AI to use or have on standby
Yep, wasn’t my idea, some “elders” were in my ear. I’d give anything to go back and never touch the shit.
Toptier bait.
Who tf needs stem cells after a cycle and then thinks hey I'll do a permanent cycle for the rest of my life that further fucks my cartilage and connective tissue.
I need stem cells to heal my injuries but since that’s not an option I just want to TRT and see if that makes me feel at least normal.
It might not be your T that's making you feel this way.
What else could it be
Damn, yeah that’s how I feel. Fucked.
organ damage, or something user. You really need to talk to a pro about this.
Could anyone educate a brainlet on the difference between a test cycle and TRT?
Depends on how much you aromatise, I don't need an AI at ~600mg of test a week
Lmao at 18 years old you did EQ and DECA tf were you thinking about? If you jump on gear before 21 you will lose everything and you will fuck up your body. Good job mate! Remember, once you start steroids you have to process that you will never want to be natural again.
Have you had your blood levels checked?
Have you considered that you might just be mentally ill?
Did you take finasteride with your boldenone/nandrolone/no testosterone cycle?
Yeah I was trying to get massive, it worked lol. I was a retard, I know.
Yeah all the bloodwork came back normal, I’m probably mentally ill as well. Defeinitely depressed and have anxiety now.
I got an 1800 total no roids. You niggers dont need drugs unless you wanna look like arnold which is a pretty gay goal tb h
If your test levels are normal then why do you want to go on TRT
If you want to go on gear go on gear you don't need my permission.
Have you been taking AIs/anything that would lower your estrogen?
Also this video may be of interest to you
Because I feel like absolute dog shit. Literally depressed 24/7 for going on 10 years
If your test levels are decent then they're probably not the root of your depression. Hop on again if you want to, but I wouldn't expect a non placebo effect from 250 mg of test a week.
This. What the fuck is this thread? Is this some demoralization effort or something?
You took a cycle without a test base, something even literal retards don't do, and you complain that you did permanent damage to your joints, which these drugs would not cause. What you probably mean to say is that you took these drugs, against any advice you'd find on almost any even shady website, and you went too hard in the gym and fucked up your joints because you gained strength faster than your connective tissue could keep up?
Pretty much but I was running test at the same time. Wasn’t just blasting gear..
why dont u hop on a cycle again
>test level is 157 ng/dl
>within range
what the fuck
did they change the "range" again? i could have sworn it used to be around ~350 at the lower end
>I got off and never recovered
What did you do to recover?
>If you jump on gear before 21 you will lose everything
Just go on a
Lmao what the fuck did you even do to yourself? I was also retarded enough to do steroids when i was 18 years old and it has been 3 year since and I feel absolutely fantastic and healthy. Got my test levels checked and came back at 700 ng 3 months ago.
I don’t want to do steroids but I may need to to help lube my joints. I’m hoping test will be enough
Took pct , hcg and clomid but I honestly still feel terrible
If you have hypogonadism, yes
Any as long as you understand how to use them
In a cycle you just take way more than a human could possibly produce. 3-4 times more at least.
Even if you don't feel symptoms, having very high estrogen is bad for your prostate
The bussy was so worth it dawg amirite!?!
This is why I'd never touch that shit. I know I'd fuck it up. Rather stay a decently strong normal dude than risk fucking my hormonal system up for the rest of my life, and given my lack of knowledge that would fucking happen.
This shot stresses me out cause I'm young but I'm fucking with juice for non superficial reasons.( Athlete) I did dbol n prop for 5 weeks came off and was a OK back to normal jerking off 5x + a day. On test rn took took tbol up 10lbs gonna throw in superdrol come off and use hcg and hgh
Brother, please just go on self prescribed Test. TRT through a doctor costs you like 130 bucks a month, if you just pin UGL test at trt doses it'll be closer to 10-20 dollars a month
>be teen
>do hardcore roids
You got what you deserve, why not do halotestin and trenbolone too?
Honestly wouldn't give plain T to anyone under 25. Get to the level you can natty, be somewhat lean for years, and then.
You did ONE cycle and never recovered?
I don't believe you, testicular atrophy is almost always reversable, even when you go full retard and cycle for 12+ weeks
I've had chronically low test levels for ages but my docs don't give a shit so I bought some black market androgel last week.
Waiting for it to arrive.
Shit wasn't even hard to buy if you know how to google and have bitcoin (who the fuck doesn't have bitcoin in this day and age?)
I'm pretty sure that nerd larry wheels is smarter than you and reads books and shit, unlike most roiders
Motherfucker wears glasses
Damn dude sorry you chose to /fraud/
Yeah, just because roiders like to inject doesn't mean people who want legit TRT need to.
I can't imagine some kind of cream is doing anything to your T-Levels. Smells like scam
You know, 5 seconds of googling could have shown you that real life doctors prescribe real life testosterone for real life TRT in patch and gel form
not even... UGL test is $20~30 for 250 mg/mL * 10 mL. That's 2.5g. Divide that by a liberal 150 mg a week... That's around 16 weeks. Using standard $25/vial, you could even do 10 weeks of a mini-cycle at 250 mg at $2.50/wk.
Except Androgel has really poor availability, not to mention it means you can't have contact with females in case you gel them up.
>I did steroids when I was 18
This is simply because you choose not to listen and didn't ease into your new strength. If you was slow with your increased ability maybe you wouldn't have fucked yourself
I believe you 100%
larry jumped on at 19 lol
Rub it on your penis. All of it.
Nope it’s possible to fuck your natural test production even just doing one cycle.
Other people took roids for years and they fully recovered.
Life isn’t fair.
OP is fucked up at 28
Now lets wait a couple of more years to see where this tool will be at
>Life isn’t fair.
Fuck off, dude.
You took a risk and damaged yourself, take ownership of your actions.
I've never touched roids, same age, and my test levels are probably lower, and you don't hear me moaning about how life is unfair.
Who gives a fuck if you gel them up
Are you retarded?
On one hand he's saying
>B-but it doesn't have any effect!
On the other hand he's saying
>But if you touch a wamen with your gel'd up penis they'll grow a beard
This is avoidable if you just blast and cruise forever
Your natty test crashes hard after 30 anyway, why not keep prime teenage levels of test all the way to 75, with occasional blasts to add real size and strength
Well yeah, you can do that if you want to be a GDE that never has kids
Go ahead
But you'll never be able to get your waifu pregnant when you're chemically castrating yourself with bathtub chemicals
Don't want kids anyway
BRB being rich and aesthetic forever
Go see a urologist or andrologist. Most regular doctors knows fuckall about the endocrine system, and they just follow the charts they see on their computer.
99% of urologists who actually knows shit about the endocrine system would rush you onto TRT when you have 157 fucking ng/dl at 26 years old.
This is why you lift and get strong natty for 3 - 5 years before roiding.
You're not going to make it to 75
Like the grim reaper would say shit to me
Unlike with you where he'll offer to spot your 50lb natty bench and drop it on your pigeon chest before carting you off to no gainz hell
My current stats are 150kg bench, 240kg squat, and 260kg deadlift. Natty.
Do you really want to?
Living life as a geriatric sucks.
The only reason I'd want to live longer is if I got a robot body or some shit, or if I felt bad about leaving my wife to live for 30 years without me