Martial arts/self defense

I want to start some sort of martial art/self-defense training, wondering which one should I go with. There’re BJJ, judo, Okinawan Karate and normal boxing schools near me. Anyone here taking a martial art?

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Bjj, judo or boxing. Probably boxing.

Realistically though, if you're burger and in a self-defense situation without being armed you're more than likely fucked

Can’t I disarm someone if they’re close to me with one of these martial arts though? Also yeah I’m wondering which one is the best overall and the best for actual applicable self-defense. Of course I grew up on kung fu movies and want to do all the crazy karate shit but I need to know the best chance I can get against a fucking nigger trying to rob me with a knife or something. I got my concealed carry last week but I’d like to know a martial art just in case.

What I was thinking about doing was taking different classes with different styles and quite literally mixing the martial arts I use in a real situation or while training. Anybody here taken multiple styles of martial arts that have done something similar?

don't know if troll or not, but if you try to disarm someone holding a knife or a gun, you'll mostly lie on the floor, shot or stabbed

Also I’m about 5’11 or 5’10, 210 pounds about, and though I’m not Jow Forums and currently don’t work out much I did do gymnastics and various sports all my life and have a lot of latent strength. What would also be the best style for someone of my build?

Why would I be trolling? You’re saying it’s completely impossible to disarm even a retarded nigger burglar? All the times I’ve seen it done in the movies no matter how grounded in reality it seems it’s all just complete fantasy and fiction? That’s unironically what you’re telling me? Because I don’t really believe that

What about a Krav Maga or literal kung fu master having a gun pointed in their face? They’re just fucking helpless???


Self defense?
Take boxing and a little judo and practice the ground stuff from judo a bit more.
That's all you need.

Yes. More than likely they will have their finger on the trigger. Now, which is faster: their moving their finger or your 5 point death touch?

John wick isn't a documentary m8. Do you know why military combatives, unless voluntarily pursued, are shit? They're not intended to replace a firearm. Theyre for subduing aggressive, unarmed civilians.

Never seen John wick in my life but alright. You really think it’s impossible to disarm someone?

I think its highly unlikely to successfully disarm someone actually intending you harm without getting at least injured in the process.
What about videos like these? So they’re just predicated on a lie? It’s not possible for you to simply have faster reflexes than a gunman?

okinawan karate is pretty badass but no head punches are kind of ridiculous

train 1 year of each and you will be able to beat up to 90% of human male population

if you have to stick to one go for boxing or judo

>get NVOD's like in silence of the lambs
>walk around house silently like a lamb
>wait for home intruders to open door
>standing on step stool on other side of door, shotgun pointing downward over door
>criddler looks up

fuck all this kungfu shit nibbas
come into this castle u funsta die die

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This, the only time I think disarming someone, again unless you’re a highly trained badass, would be effective against someone that is too much of a pussy to actually kill anyone, just using the gun to rob you not thinking you’re going to actually try and retaliate.

Dude just dont. Dont waste your money and time. I have a bunch of friends who train multiple martial arts and stuff, mainly manlets, bjj and muai thai. I had a fight once with one of my friends that trains bjj and I just fucking wrecked him and I dont know how to fight. Im also not the most muscular ive only trained for abput 2 years, 160lbs. (I did karate when I was little, but thats just a meme martial art). All you need to do to win in a fight is be bigger and stronger than your oponent. Theres this bro at my gym that is same height as me, but he is much wider, heavier and overall lifts more, crazy wide shoulders. I would never fight him, hes probably 200+lbs. Being big is all that matters, lift and keep lifting, nobody fucks with a big man. I would also add that in a fight knowing this things will make you win almost always (assuming of course that you are big and built) learn how to dodge, and strike when you have an opportunity, learn to tackle and grapple. Thats it
You dont need to go and learn useless shit. Godpseed.

Try fighting a BJJ master that’s also a manlet and see if you feel the same

>I had a fight once with one of my friends that trains bjj and I just fucking wrecked hi

either lying or friend trained with a hack

>bjj master

a blue belt is literally enough

Literally as opposed to what? Figuratively? Sorry, I can’t help but feel like I’m talking to a woman when someone misuses literally like a teenager girl and types in all lowercase.

both autistic and misogynistic, what a surprise


Wow, I was right, or at least right enough, since you’re a low t numale.

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i'm wondering what you are mad about, maybe the fact you don't know jackshit about martial arts or something and pretending online you do?

You mean MMA?

to be honest, often in MMA gyms, bjj, boxing and MT are different classes

Nice projection

are all your answers going to be the most repeated phrases in all Jow Forums history?

I did muay Thai for several years, got into bjj and then weightlifting. Pick one striking and one grappling art. You'll be able to mix and match the two over time as you become more coordinated and nimble. Eventually you can drop one and pick up another. Drop bjj and try judo, drop muay Thai and pick up boxing. Up to you man

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Butthurt much? Tell me who would fuck with a 200lbs muscle dude that knows how to fight without having to waste time in a dojo. All of that grappling and chokes are useless when you are knocked out cold in the ground, fuck off

Don't get into fights, but if you really want to train for self-defense:
>i want to punch or kick people
boxing, muay thai
>i want to throw people
judo, sambo, wrestling
>i want to take the fight to the ground and possibly get kicked to death by someone else
>i want to lose fights
karate, wing chun, aikido, krav maga, hapkido, most self-defense "systems", etc.

>self defense
>someone pulls a gun or knife

Again, someone intending you harm. A random dude standing around compliantly is not intending you harm. You pull that shit on a nigger looking to scratch his crack itch you're getting shot the second you flinch.

Lots of people disarm knives and guns, it’s not really hard. I would never recommend it but it is entirely doable. I disarmed knives as a bouncer, know people who disarmed knives and guns as well. It’s literally just wrist control, hell any half decent high school wrestler could probably disarm a knife or gun. A guy I used to bounce with had a guy walk up randomly, slice his stomach open and then he disarmed him and beat the shit out of him. It isn’t super human but once again I’d never recommend anyone do it, fucking run and don’t risk it. It can be hard to even see someone has a knife if it’s dark.
>be working as bouncer/doorman with another guy, basically just check IDs and tell people we’re at capacity so they have to wait
>line of people of people at the door, waiting for people to leave so they can get in
>light comes on, signal for a fight
>other guy handles it and I stay to make sure no one else gets in because the limit is set by the fire marshall
>other bouncer drags a guy out and throws him on the street
>notice he had a boxcutter
>other bouncer didn’t notice the box cutter in the crowded dark floor
>dude was just flailing around cutting people while he was dragged out
>he cut almost 20 people and got away with it

People shit talk Karate a lot but I'm really proud of the Dojo I've joined. My teacher usually brings us to other dojos and once a week we usually go take a BJJ class.

Most of the training we do comes from Judo and Boxing as well since my teacher is proficient in both and there's no belt testing which I really like.

Long Live the Emperor!

Let me weight in as a KM practicioner.

Krav Maga is not magic - it is boxing and wrestling with a few modifications and some situational awareness training - the guy that invented it was a competitive boxer and wrestler.
There are some knife defences in Krav, but they're last resorts - if someone is about to stab you, you've already fucked up.
Best defence against a knife attack is being aware of who and what is around you, and carry a gun.

Boxing, but beware the usual red flags.

You mean thai boxing, obviously

The most important part of all martial arts is movement or foot work. GETTING out of the way of the attack. Do this first. Disarms work if you train hard for a long time. Only issue is you must know them all. One mite not work for one situation, when another Will.

Martial arts isn't self defense. Staying away from bad people, at bad places at bad times is. Along with awareness and running( you can train this). If you are not aware nothing will work.

I have spent $10,000+, three broken knees, a torn rotator cuff, broken ribs, broken toes/fingers. And a lot of time, sweat, blood learning how to fight. You have to find out if it is worth it for you.

The simplest martial art to learn and up keep ( you have to keep training to keep it). Is boxing, 6 months of solid training will let you throw knock out punches unconsciously, and give you good foot work. Long term training 5 plus years will give you brain damage, better to move to kickboxing.

Pick one. Master it. You must learn the basics first. 3 years or so of one martial art or "MMA".
Jumping around won't teach you anything. Better to pick a deep well, then going around to tons of shallow wells. Cross training is good after that.

You need to train awareness first, and how criminals attack. Then how to use that pistol, quick draws, situations, force on force, targets.
Then you should get a soild year of mma training to get the basic movement down. After that the most lethal martial art is the Philippino martial arts. Kali or eskrima. You learn how to turn any object into a weapon, disarms, how not to get cut. Thai boxing or any striking martial art is the best for defense. Grappling is for disarms, control or assassination.

Get the book, meditations on violence and escape the wolf.

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Jocko Willink argues for BJJ by pointing out that the only situation where you can't just leave is one where somebody grabs you, which is where BJJ is the strongest.

As a practical matter, you can also train it more hard, more often than some alternatives like boxing, since the sparring doesn't include scrambling your brains with constant shots to the head. You can pretty much spar every single day if you can find time, so you can really develop a lot of skill in a relatively short amount of time.

Fucking this. Just lift if you wanna be able to defend yourself. I'm 6'2 and 215 lbs and I've beaten my manlet friend who is like 5'9 180lbs who does BJJ grappling and had trained for like 5+ years. We were inside a friend's house and were joking about grappling each other. He kept saying shit like "Nah I can do a takedown on you, I know this lock, etc etc" Somehow it ended up with us getting into grappling each other and the dude tried his hardest to take me down. I know he wasn't going easy on me because he was grunting and shit and he was struggling hard.

Just be big and lift. I had no training whatsoever and my brute strength managed to throw him to the floor. When he got up he laughed and complimented my strength. Told me I was impossible to take down.

Martial arts are just a hobby and a sport. That's it. If you're smaller than me, you're not going to beat me regardless of your skill level period. People who take it for "self-defense" are just wannabe tough guy twinks anyway.

>makes bullshit claims and puffs humself up
Sure buddy

Nobody should be taking a fight with someone who has 40 pounds of muscle on them. If you train bjj for a year you will be able to win vs most people and possibly people you would never ever be able to beat in a fist fight. There was some roid monkey who came into our gym with a massive ego talking all kinds of shit, the instructor paired him with the 15year old twink who does tournaments and stuff and the twink absolutely destroyed the guy, probably 15 submissions and he didn't last longer than a minute. at the end he was making all kinds of bullshit excuses but the reality is that good grappling training is extremely powerful

>need to know the best chance I can get against a fucking nigger trying to rob me with a knife or something.
You run, you give him what he wants, or you get stabbed and die. Knifes are more deadly than you think

You can type shit in the name field without a tripcode

Fighting is different than sparring. BJJ is great for grappling and all, but it will do fuck all to overcome a weight difference if someone is out to actually hurt you.

>mfw finally sparred for the first time after 5 months
It was so much fun, I felt like I learnt more sparring than just doing pads. I was fried by the end of it, but it felt nice to see everyone was cheering me on, However I've been nicknamed "The Machine" now.

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They’re so repeated because they’re useful against you and your numale/tranny ilk

What’s wrong with Aikido and Krav Maga?

Based solely from what you've posted in this thread, my assessment of you is that you are so dumb that you will die by your own weapon of you ever tried to use it in defense.

This. All the posters itt are assuming the guy pointing a gun at you is highly trained with faster reflexes than yours. If you’re dealing with a mugger on the street then that’s bullshit, it all depends on who’s faster, period, people have much slower reflexes than you think, even a crackhead who’s mind is always wondering and never really focused not disciplined. Disarming someone is very possible but pretty situational, and impossible if you’re dealing with a trained gunman that is deliberately standing too far from you. Again while yes it's possible it’s really never worth it, unironically nothing in your wallet is that valuable, and you’re stupid for keeping it there if there is. Only time you should ever even try to attempt it is if you know you or your loved one is going to die if you do nothing, and attempting to disarm the assailant will only increase your chance of surviving since your chance was 0% to begin with had you stood there complacent. Possible? Yes don’t pay attention to the LARPers that say otherwise itt, that bouncer user knows what he’s talking about as well. Situational and a high amount of training required? I would say so depending on the gunman. Worth it? Almost never, unless your life is 100% in danger and you’re not really left with a choice.

As for the original question of your thread? Boxing, BJJ, judo, Krav Maga. Not sure why that user thinks Krav Maga will help you lose fights, he sounds like a LARP. However someone else in the thread said that you should check a year of each, I highly recommend this as it’s what I’ve been doing since I was a kid, and though I’m 6’3 and 230 lbs of mostly muscle I know for a fact that someone of your build would be able to beat up 99% of dudes he came across with that sort of mma training. Though remember that no one is going to abide by Wing Chun rules in the street, it and Kung fu techniques can be useful but you have to be willing and able to mix them

Fuck off, I haven’t posted anything even remotely dumb, I’m just asking questions, I would never actually attempt any of this without proper training.

And I’m properly trained in firearm use as I have a concealed carry, and have been a hunting enthusiast since I was a child, you projecting retard.

What a fucking dumbass

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Aikido has no real sparing, you never fight a non compliant opponent. It looks very smooth, fancy and impressive, but it's never going to be like that if someone is actually attacking you.
Wrist locks are the only thing that's somewhat useful, but they're not exclusive to aikido.
You should probably just do judo instead.

Yeah, "real world martial arts" is a known myth. You can spend 20 years in all of them and still get cut in a scrum and die from a nog wanting your wallet while trying to utilize your superior skills.

That said, some basic boxing and take down defense alongside a CCW is the way to go imo.

You can disarm someone with a knife, but you will still get slashed and fucked up. If you don't have a knife or a gun to scare them off your best option is to run.

>Wrist locks are the only thing that's somewhat useful, but they're not exclusive to aikido.
Just look up police-used wristlocks.
Big focus on pain-compliance and being used against resisting idiots, as well as not wasting your time on timed ballerina moves against someone trying to sock you in the head. "Against resisting idiots" is the main pro, though. Aikido is a joke.

Y'all watch some Active Self Protection vids. And tell me how reasonable it looks to disarm someone at speed & on the spot.; this dude gets it.