Why do you guys lift?

just made this for the mina bros took me 40 hours. also motivation thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/fit/search/subject/motivational thread/
desuarchive.org/fit/search/subject/who do you lift for/

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Jesus christ you outside dude

let me see the money first

>Lifting for soviet shitole mutt w*men
Fucking pathetic, I doubt you lift

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I lift to be the kind of man my father should have been.

I lift for Him.

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>for the mina
Meua migo...

I lift for the mires.
After 3 years of lifting I haven't gotten real-life mires from anyone except boomers and faggots. Might kill myself soon senpai

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For the day I bench 4pl8s and she spots me.

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>OP spent more time making this pic, spamming waifu threads, and dodging jannies bans than actually working out

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She's not real you delusional faggot, I hope you come to your sense before its too late, and anyhow I remember the first time I could bench my bodyweight

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Post body.

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you probably have gotten lots of mires from grills. Unlike us they know how to look at someone without them noticing.

>puh-Post b-b-buh-body
Fatty powerlifters make me sick

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Damn bro if you cut you’ll look like a god, right now you’re beefcake mode and could probably slay at Jersey Shore or a Jason Aldean concert


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Btfo again.
You know I've posted my body five times at this point and not once have I received one in return?
Hmm I wonder why?

I don't like being 235-240 I'm definitely going to cut after 4pl8 bench.

stop sucking your gut in lmao

>Btfo again.
>You know I've posted my body five times at this point and not once have I received one in return?
>Hmm I wonder why?

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>he is fat as shit
>he still has trash muscle mass
>he thinks he looks good
this is a big YIKES from me

Based and christpilled

Kill yourself

>-k-Kill yourself!
Fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat
You will always be a fat albino nigger and a virgin

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I could have done a way better vacuum, trust me.
>goes into a "why do you lift thread" for the sole purpose of shitting the thread up with inflammatory responses
>can't post their own body
I'm going to go back to ignoring these replies.
Stay seething.

>You know I've posted my body five times at this point and not once have I received one in return?
>Hmm I wonder why?
not everyone here is a homosexual
>going to cut after 4pl8 bench
permabulker confirmed i i need to hit this specific number before i will start to actually look good!

>I could have done a way better vacuum, trust me.
>>goes into a "why do you lift thread" for the sole purpose of shitting the thread up with inflammatory responses
>>can't post their own body
>I'm going to go back to ignoring these replies.
>Stay seething.

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Hey faggot, quick reminder that not posting your body while insulting someone else means you default to being a fat fuck.
>Schrödinger's Lardass

So I can fuck the local pastors daughter.

>goes into a "why do you lift thread" for the sole purpose of shitting the thread up with inflammatory responses
WAAAAAAAAAAAA they dont agree with my shity reasons i lift m mods do something waaaaaaaaa
>can't post their own body
when the bar is so low there is no point

>Hey faggot, quick reminder that not posting your body while insulting someone else means you default to being a fat fuck.
>Schrödinger's Lardass

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I lift for him

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>calling others soibois while still not posting pics
You know, fine. I'm not going to play a game that I can't win. You win the internet exchange my man; I'm leaving the thread to go live the rest of my life now.

How many times are (You) gonna spam this thread, faggot?
Its the same answers each time probably because its the same discord spamming each time

>>calling others soibois while still not posting pics
>You know, fine. I'm not going to play a game that I can't win. You win the internet exchange my man; I'm leaving the thread to go live the rest of my life now.
You wont be missed but see you tommorow or the next time you make this shitty thread, again

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He wasn't OP you fucking retard

Don't listen to the DYEL 120 lb stick faggots putting you down milk truck user


>Don't listen to the DYEL 120 lb stick faggots putting you down milk truck user

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>t. pic related

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>milk truck user
This is a high compliment to me, thanks.
I even have a mega milk shirt.

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Do you just have a folder of wojaks that you post while you make stupid excuses as to why you won't post body?

>Do you just have a folder of wojaks that you post while you make stupid excuses as to why you won't post body?
You dont seem like the social type

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hopefully, thx user

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and people wonder why no one likes Jow Forums tards all they do is hate on everybody and spam jew and wojack pics while trying to bring others down. never posting body pics.

all that hate cant be good for the soul or body

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Why do you have so many images of this woman?

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>first thing I thought when I saw this was “he’s juicy”
I was 100% straight before I came here

You dont have to be le Jow Forums boogyman to be tired of daily off topic low quality spam threads
Most polfags are weebs with waifus anyways
>Roiding for this

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its my first time making this thread fag, lets see your last thread, please tell me what kind
of thread you wanted that isnt already made? use your brain

thanks bro

what is it with beta males and idolizing gook pop stars with massive amounts of plastic surgery?

You understand she's just getting fucked constantly by underwear models and musicians and billionaires right?

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pol tards dont scare anyone, you guys are all empty air, you clearly have alot of pol pics and anti left wojacks, what thread did you want fat boy? no one takes you serious, not even the media.

>its my first time making this thread fag
First time today?
desuarchive.org/fit/search/subject/motivational thread/
desuarchive.org/fit/search/subject/who do you lift for/

>wah stop posting soijaks
>my feelings are hurt
Get used to it or go back

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? its a simple why do you lift thread, I wanted to post the pic I made, how is it bad or why does it got anything to do with discord? these threads are as old as fit, you should keep your idiotic right vs left bullshit off of Jow Forums. stop being so paranoid no one is out to get you, if you don't like the topic then simply make a thread you want fagget.

You faggots have been spamming these threads at least 6 times a day for two weeks straight, I really doubt you even lift
Its only basedjacks I post, stop coming to conclusions instantly and thinking I'm targeting (You)

My heart is taken.
Yes I'm in the collage and Jebus' music video.

Their goal is to just shitpost until the thread is reported and deleted because that's all they know how to do.

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haha you need to go back to pol and plan for that civil war that will never happen..

LOL, good one

can you fuck off you immense faggot. you’re always splurging in every thread when someone makes fun of you and proceed to do 20+ replies with retarded le meme onions wojaks. every time you reply you just pour faggotassery

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you doubt I lift yet you have no body pics? I don't care what your beef is with anyone, like I said these threads are as old as fit, just a simple question as to why you workout? how is that any form of propaganda worth spamming? are "they" trying to find out why you lift and exploit you for it you loon.

ya they are insane trolls who only know hate and boredom, just keep lifting bro, miring the deltoids you have and ignore them I have a feeling they are gona be on fit for a while.

>wah stop disagreeing with me
>change the way you think for me
Have you tried r/fitness? I think you'll love it
Big yikes, when you go on a spree killing please dont use a semi automatic rifle, you're just gonna give feinstein more fuel
> these threads are as old as fit
Some of us actually lift and come here for fitness related content but r9k has been raiding hard, spamming these shitty threads 10 times a day and keeping good threads hidden
I lift for myself, not a voice in my head

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Started for thots. Made it, now I can get them to drool over me. But I kept lifting for myself, to set PRs, to experience my limits, to see my body change for better, even if marginally now. And now I want to learn oly lifts and maxx them to my capabilities, I dream to snatch 140kg and beyond one day and I am going to.

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>same pic posted as last 5 times
Holy fuck it's the same guy in all these threads

You sound paranoid, not everyone gave up on women like you and took the (((mgtow)))pill

Who let you out of the manlet pit?

ouch. me to buddy

hey the guy who posted his body do you know what size your shoulders are in inches yet?

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>he still wasn't posted.

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you grow out of it

Wrong. My views have matured, but natsoc still holds that special place in my heart