Is meme or is good?
Is meme or is good?
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sounds foreign and its vegan so its a yikes from me
I took ashwaghanda and it 360'd my life around
it's alright, nothing too special. Clears up my brainfog and makes me cum more. libido decreases though.
Can support healthy test levels by limiting your body's negative response to stress
Stress will wreck havoc on your hormone balance if left unchecked
If you're not usually stressed out though the benefit will be minor
1/10th of cbd effects
It acts as a stimulant for me. I feel my dick more, my body feels warm with a powerful glow. It’s almost aggravating it’s so intense but it feels great. I don’t feel anxiety or worry. I just feel confident and strong. I recommend ksm 66
Damn, thats the one I'm using, did you get it from nootropics depot?
Just look at the research fag. Yes it's good
It works, greatly reduces anxiety and stress, i would take 1000 mg a day until I read that it was anti-inflammatory.
it is god tier
t. indian who knows about Ayurveda
Any Canadian in here? Where to buy?
So you ended up where you started
Bad bate is baaaaaaad
what brand and mg are you guys taking?
Also lookup Tribulus terrestris aka gokshura
> significant increase in serum testosterone levels too was observed. These findings confirm the traditional use of TT as a sexual enhancer in the management of sexual dysfunction in males.
It's everywhere on amazon
>Not planting their own
Never gonna make it
Might wanna check your thyroids, shit aint normal
Ash fucked with my thyroid levels badly. Gave my hyperthyroidism. I had terrible night sweats, lost a bunch of weight and felt like a zoomer on crack all the time. Luckily all the symptoms went away immediately upon stopping usage. Might be a great thing to try if you have hypothyroidism or if you just want to be on some fucking legal speed for a while.
You have cursed this thread, plebian.
So what?
Post cum
Canadian tire ;)
>libido decreases though
thank you, next
Just pop some zinc and/or maca with it. It'll more than right itself.
Lots of 'branded' Ashwaganda, like ksm 66, is prepared by soaking it in milk, so it's not really vegan.
Just an adaptogen. I don't take these everyday, but I use them (like ashwagandha, ginseng rhodiola rosea etc) on day of heavy workout. Helps me recover faster. Also some nootropics.
it makes me wanna smash too much. get maca root powder i feel it has a better balance in wellbeing. also make sure its gelatinized or you gon be shitting brixnoodz mein nigga
God who let him in here
anti-inflammatory is bad for muscle growth
i did grow ashwagandha last year, it smells very earthy, in sanskrit ashwagandha translates to "the smell of horse"
this, maca is also godtier will improve your mood and motivation
I love it.
I like it. I don't feel any psychological effects, but I lift harder and recover faster. I think the people who get amped up on it don't lift and their brain can't handle the hormonal change.
I just started taking it yesterday also, this is the brand I brought. It was rated pretty high by a plethora of supplement top 10s
I buy the powder. Put 1 1/2 teaspoon of it in my orange juice with the same amount of maca powder. Tastes disgusting but it works. Then pop some zinc and mucana pruriens. Only if I'm gonna have sex that day though. Works a charm. Can cum multiple times and stamina is god tier. If I really want to impress I'll throw down some kratom as well. Fucks with your sensitivity and erection quality a bit but it's the absolute best in guaranteeing stamina.
Gives me dry skin, I don't know why.
I've been taking Brazil Nuts.
Made me have watery ejaculate, semi-limp dick. I'd say it's somewhat of a plant based ssri then a sport supplement like ginseng.
>lost a bunch of weight and felt like a zoomer on crack all the time
Is this supposed to be bad?