Redpill me on LASIK/PRK eye surgery. Worth it or better to stay with glasses or contacts?

Redpill me on LASIK/PRK eye surgery. Worth it or better to stay with glasses or contacts?

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I regret waiting until I turned 25th before doing it. Totally worth it.

How bad was your eyesight?


I did PRK cause military.
I see very well now but if I were to do it againI'd choose LASEK (yeah, LASEK not LASIK) cause being in pain for half a week was fucking annoying.

25 is the rec'd age to do it at. I also did it at 25, and holy shit, it is life changing.

I was nearsighted but to see anything it'd have to be literally an inch in front of my face to READ. Over a year later and my eyes are still great.

Recovery process was not fun though. The surgery itself is absolutely fucking insane and easily the scariest thing I've ever done. I am hoping when I need a "touch up" in 15-20 years there is something better.

OP here. -4 diopters with -1.25 and -2.75 astigmitism

High chance of causing far worse complications years later, potentially turning you blind in the end.

How expensive is this shit

>High chance of causing far worse complications years later, potentially turning you blind in the end.

I just got lasik last Friday. Its totally worth it, dont listen to the fearmongering on here.
>10 minute surgery
>burns for 4 hours after
>wake up with 2020 vision afterwards
No other complications or anything else

I was told lasik for most people, and prk if you have a job/hobby/etc where your head might take strikes. The last thing you want is the flap to come undone with lasik.

tfw you are -8.5 at 19

Yes, that was what he posted, very good.

>Yes, that was what he posted, very good.

how much does it cost?


mine was $4750 or something after a discount, originally $5500

3.5k usd for me

>The surgery itself is absolutely fucking insane and easily the scariest thing I've ever done.

I was -7. Costed me about 3k. Zero regrets.

Best fucking decision of my life. My eyesight was goddamn awful. 30 minutes in and out, minimal discomfort. Seven years later and my eye sight is 20/20, zero complications, no dry eye, nothing. If you have the bucks, get that shit. I can't understate how awesome it is.

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I've done this before but I'll repost/retype
>give you a benzo beforehand
>it does nothing
>lay you on a table, no straps, no holds,nothing to secure your head in place, just a flat table
>first step is too numb the eye, so they put numbing eyedrops in, ok
>next they tape your eyelids open, very unpleasant but ok not bad
>put a neat little thing over your eye and tell you you'll feel pressure, look at the red light, try not to squeeze your eyelids
>suction cup your fucking eyeball
>you can smell your cornea burning as they make the flap, going completely blind for a second in shock
>they get a pick and literally push down on your eyeball trying to open the flap, can see them lightly scraping the surface trying to get it
>finally open, they bring out the next tool
>stare at the light again :^)
>more pressure as the laser burns your cornea under the flap to reshape it, by pressure I mean it feels like someone is pressing down on your eyeball
>"It's taking longer than normal because your eyes are so bad, it's almost over user"
>Done, they remove the laser
>the pick comes back, they have to place the flap back down and make sure no liquid is under it, so they squeeze it out with the pick/flatten the cornea flap, you can literally see this happening

Would I do it again if I had to? yes, maybe I'm a pussy but it was still fucking terrifying to me. On the flip side I was able to see fairly clearly 30min after my surgery and was awestruck. Next day my vision was better than 20/20. Almost so crisp it hurt.

Which one did you have? Are there any differences in the process? LASIK vs LASEK?

Does sound pretty horrible. But I take it it's worth it for the end results?

it's 100% worth it and the entire process is like 10min for the surgery itself. I had LASIK.

I wanted SMILE but it was like 6 hour drive and more expensive.


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my cornea was too thin for LASIK so I ended up doing ICL. It's where they implant a high tech lens in front of your natural lens.
>more expensive than lasik (cost me $8K for both eyes)
>it's reversible
>recovery period is much better than lasik

I did it when I was 25. For sure life changing I have better than 20/20 vision now

My qt3.14 nurse commented I looked nice without glasses after the surgery :3

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$8k damn

All my friends who got lasik have dry eye problems. One was so bad he lost the ability for tears and suffers from bad dry eye. I know people say don’t listen to fear mongering. But 100% of the people I know have issues. Made me scared to do it so I backed out.

I just did my PRK evaluation yesterday. It went pretty quick and the TLC laser people have free evaluations (it took like a month to get an appointment though), and I'm going back to get my pentacam reading and set a date for the operation next week.

The doctor asked me why the fuck I wanted PRK instead of Lasik since I'm fully aware that PRK hurts like a bitch for a couple days afterwards He normally deals with old people though so maybe it's different with them.

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yeah naaaaaa that just reaffirms my decision not to do it
but then again I'm only -2.25

i had prk. i couldnt read anything for like a week after the surgery. i was only in immense pain for the 8 hours it then it just felt like there was some sand in your eyes.

Can you swim after getting this done? Since you're pretty much getting your eyes cut open I was wondering if there's gonna be any problems with water going inside your eyes.

getting mine tomorrow wish me luck Jow Forums

with prk you arent allowed to swim until you get the contact bandage out. so around 2 or 3 weeks.

>All my friends who got lasik have dry eye problems.
I was worried about this as well. It's super normal to have dry eye problems for a few months after the surgery, but now my eyes are completely fine (thank god). No dry eyes, no night vision problems, no glare that was any worse than glasses at least. All good.

Only thing is my left eye is 25/20 which isn't a huge deal.

You can't swim, lift, or get sweat in your eyes. Avoid rain. Avoid sun, wear sunglasses for minimum a year.

forgot to mention the swimming/showering/lifting/etc is like 1 month of avoidance. I went a bit longer for lifting, like 2 months, just cause I was scared shitless.

Holy shit, might as well not go outside for a year.

I've seen ads for 1k


>all that shit
it's a no from me dog, besides, glasses are /fa/shionable

Is there any option for far-sightedness? There aren't any that I'm aware of, but I don't know much about it.

/fa/ is shit though

Every eye operation is fucking horrifying, and to the dude that got fucking lenses implanted in his eyes I say what the fuck.

Good luck, brah

look into orthokeratology

>34 white male
Best 4k I ever spent.

I literally lifted the next day and the doctor told me it was fine as long as I kept sweat out of my eyes

My relative has this. She is actually both nearsighted and farsighted so she has one contact for near and the other for far. She has gotten used to it though and doesn't even notice anymore.

This was horrifying to read, a sincere thanks for the share. I can't believe they watch eyeballs getting cut open all day long.

LASIK is fucking awesome. I’ve had it for 8 years now and I still have perfect vision.

Highly recommended.

should i quit being a goober about preferring prk over lasik and just get lasik?

Just get the type of contacts that you can leave in your eyes overnights. I leave mine in for weeks at a time and forget I even have them on.

Got PRK. 20/15 vision now, dry eyes occasionally, but no starbursts.

No regrets.

Same procedure I had. The entire AAAAAAAHH experience youre discribing here came from you narrating the procedure in your head.
Honestly they know what the fuck theyre doing, your entire eye is numb the whole time and the only indicator that theyre doing shit to your eye is the slight pressure you feel on it (equivalent to pressing down on your closed eyelid id say). You also cant see for shit while your eye is numb, so unless you try to fucking visualize the whole thing youre fine. I honestly didnt even realize they were doing shit IN my eye till the first one was done, felt like they were just hovering above it or smth.

It took them about a minute per eye for me, the pain the week after is annoying, it feels like having an eyelash in your eye and you arent allowed to rub it, but if youve lived with contacts before you should be kinda ready for that shit.

Would literally advice anyone who can afford it to do this, the operation is peanuts, just think about some dumb shit, youre literally done in a minute. Take a week off from everything for a week after the operation and stay in bed most of the time for the first two days

You can literally start lifting again after a week or so, unless youre gonna do some HIIT where you have a stream of sweat going straight into your eye youre all good

Do agree on the smell tho, that shit is a big yikes

This is Lasik right? I mean none of that shit happened to me with PRK.

Yea Lasik

Anyone here got RELEX? Its like the generation after lasik, supposedly flapless

Scared of losing my gains if I can't lift for a few weeks after eye surgery. THAT would ruin my life.

I can't imagine having contacts in overnight, let alone for a week straight. Taking those fucking things out at the end of the day is the most gratifying feeling in the world.

>step 1: crawl inside
>step 2: the screws go tight, all around

Terrifyingly easy way to spread prions. No thanks

>No straps to secure your head
Fuck I'd be nervous of getting a random little neck muscle spasm or something

can they just put you to sleep then do it?
i wouldnt be stoppable during the operation.

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Did LASIK a year ago,dry eye for 2 3 months,had trouble with tears the first week,after that everything was dandy.

REM I think, and it's too much added risk for a ten minute operation

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Whenever I ask "would you do it to your children?" every physician I've met said "no".


that's because you need to wait until adulthood for your vision to settle, dipshit

>imagine not being able to pick up implied context l

>rem during anaesthesia
Nope. Anaesthesia doesn't mean you sleep, it's more like a (temporary) coma.