First time in a military gym

>first time in a military gym
Jesus Christ this is terrible

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They're not the best, but they're free. You get what you pay for

Wtf would it be like, crossfit and yelling?

That's why I bought a membership to another gym despite having access to 4+ gyms relatively close.
>tfw massive two story sprawling gym has one squat rack and two bench presses
>tfw its past 1200 and all the fucks with fake do-nothing jobs are on liberty crowding the place
>tfw gym on ship is rusted to shit
>tfw gov't jobs so lol the gym closes at 1900 and 1400 on holidays
>tfw have to risk seeing someone I hate from work

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shitload of 18-22 year old kids that have no idea what theyre doing, doing meme shit. there's a reason every milfag has blown out knees

>the 4 cheapest and most awkward benches set ups taxpayers can afford
>one squat rack
>no fucking room at all
>plenty of room for fucking 30 treadmills even though we have a whole fucking base to run around
>one free bar that just floats around from person to person
>dumbbells only go up to 60lbs
>one adjustable curl bar

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>ship gym rusted
Feel that. Last year there was a pool of water about 2 inches deep across the gym. Pretty hot, so it got all steamy and sweaty

yo op I had the same feeling today
long day at work, fucking exhausted, just wanted to vent out my anger at the gym today

fucking NOTHING available, shoulder to shoulder with people in an old giant aircraft shelter with weight inside of it

decide to do deadlifts instead

I feel like im spending more time glaring at dependas to be done

oh and im wondering where the fucking ez bars are and go back 20m to find that they're SPRAWLED and being used at the squat bar while doing barbell rows just fucking

>oh but hey where you stationed at mate

Dam Neck Va waiting for my school to pick up

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have you ever considered the military values endurance and cardio more than muscle mass as it would be relatively useless on a modern battle field?

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I'm sure it varies but I was in the AF and the gyms were pretty fucking legit and huge. Elmendorf has an amazing gym. I'm talking sauna, olympic swimming pools, basketball courts (didn't use any of that shit) and a pretty damn good free weight area.

ours was always so crowded with stupid ass marines too, they would always break the equipment as well.

>not doing your lifts in a sauna

I did go in the gym on the army side though one time when the Elmendorf gym was closed for some reason and it was a fucking joke lol. It was hot as fuck in there, cramped, old shitty equipment, bunch of army fags working out in uniform.

Fire controlman?

>injured squad mate
>can’t pick him up
>you can run like a pussy ass bitch in battle.
Literally kill yourself.

Rip goes on about this a lot, and having been in the military myself I know he's correct in saying that the military makes you run because the old guys like to run, so you just keep running. You don't run long distances in the real world and it's fucking stupid. Strength has much more use.

good luck training where you're at mate, make the most of it and try to afford a better gym.

nice mos btw (-;

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Who can carry a 100lb pack better? A 150lb man, or a 200lb man?

>stupid ass Marines
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Was it hard to get into military?
I've heard on Joe Rogan podcast saying that the out of 100 people who signed up only 8 of them passed and that it's hard to get into military right now. Mostly due to people being fucking obese and some can't even pass written exam

May as well go off post. I used to go to one on Fort Hood and I would have to place weights back in their right spots. Yes I am that much of an autist.
>should you ever go back?
No, invest in a place that actually employs people who are paid to care. Most all military gym operators are mouth breathers.

Your post makes no sense. If no ones getting in because they're obese , the bar is set extremely low. Just dont be a fatass and you're in

Well which military base are you?

I work at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, CT and primarily use the gyms that the Cadets use, but I use the Groton Navy Sub Base to swim laps and use their track because it's next to my place.

I never have a problem lifting at the Coast Guard Academy, but yeah those 18-22 Navy kids are trying to heem themselves.

>are you fat?
>are you mentally retarded?
you can get in a janitor job in the army being a lank

It's extremely easy if you are a somewhat healthy person. I had an overweight guy in my flight, theyll let almost anyone in with a waiver

I have no knowledge of military stuff, I was just listening to the podcast and they mentioned that so I just wondered.

They were talking about Army Special Forces and they are looking for someone with no drug history, not obese and super in shape, and actually intelligent. So yeah it's a super small pool.

It's easy to get infantry for the Army though.

That made more sense now, thank you for clarifying user

A lot of weird things can make you ineligible, like something to the effect of taking adhd meds for two years

Also once they get a pool of 100 of those candidates less than 10 make it through because you need to be actually insane to have the mental toughness to deal with special forces training. I've never met a normal special forces soldier and their warrant officers and leadership are fucking insane.

We hosted a few special forces Marines at the CG Academy recently and I thought this guy was going to burn a hole through my ODU's with his laser rape eyes.

oh hello you rare cg

I found the video you're thinking of and he was talking about special forces. The military in general will take almost anyone.

T-thanks, I get doubly made fun of for working at the CG Academy too.

don't worry, good for you for being fit and setting an example. a female airman is piss compared to how interested everyone gets to see a unicorn cg.

Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with Captain Marvel either.

At least our unicorn CG uniforms are dope.

I feel ya.. I have access to 3 gyms but theyre always crowded and close by 9. BTW and fitizens in Norfolk?

Marines are better

Stayed on that base for my C school. The gym isnt too bad best thing was they had dumbells going up to 125 when I was there in '17

Every base gym I’ve been on was stacked with insane amounts of equipment and open from like 5am till 10pm. Are you guys in the French military or something?

both y'all are close where I am too
I got a buddy near y'all
can't wait to see the beach in summer

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There are plenty of decent gyms on Hood

Yeah Marine Dress uniforms are the GOAT. I'd argue Coast Guard is 3rd after Army.

Navy and Air Force can suck it.

hello there Air Force

I'm the same poster lol

>every milfag has blown out knees because of stupid meme shit in the gym
>and nothing else

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Say that to my face IRL.

Also the Commandant walked into the Cadet gym last week while I was doing face pulls. Dude is built like a truck.

>face pulls

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sorry referring to you and op
there's no fucking usernames and im drunk so idk

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Good Gold's Gym just offbase, so didn’t bother.

since we arent at war with anybody (serious war) yes they have become more picky, just in my group one guy was rejected for having a sunburn on his shoulders and another guy was rejected for having excess ear wax in his ears. This was on the shipping day they just sent them home. Our military is absolute dogshit though so if your planning on joining I'd recommend you don't unless you enjoy stupid people having power over you.

you in Portsmouth?

That's some bull shit or it's a chronically mismanaged MEPS center.

DD-214 was the best supplement for my gains.

MEPS in San Antonio Texas so idk how good or bad it is but I felt terrible for those guys and the doctors were also awful

yeah that's okay I'll walk by you and go ehhhh hello janitor

no do you know a mcminn


I did MEPS in San Antonio and I can tell you they overhauled the entire staff and fired the leadership after the end of 2017. I was also at Fort Sam Houston in late 2018 and earlier this year before being transferred to the Coast Guard Academy and it runs much better now.

Man thats crazy, this happened in 2016 I always thought that was insane turns out it was

This. I'm in better shape and lower BF after getting out and didn't really do anything diet wise. No more worrying about fucking running either

Thinking about trying to go officer though once I finish my bachelor's :-/

>be filthy contractor at SOF camp on a base in Afghanistan
>decent-ish gym, but more machines than free weights
>fat black dude takes 45 minutes on the preacher curl rack with ten rep sets while he sits and talks on the phone between those sets
>there's a group that come in at around 1000 and 1100 every other day to line up and do squats in the only proper rack
>upper level is stacked with treadmills and elliptical
>my fat buddy does the elliptical every day, but he basically walks on it

I can't wait to come home and pay for a commercial gym.

>Our military is absolute dogshit though
Kek, you just have no clue of the U.S. military's doctrine. I'm assuming you're in the army or some shit for the lowest common denominator.

Pensacola has the best chow hall and the best gym. Thank you locals for nice southern food

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Yeah, I completed MEPS in early December of 2017 (initially for the Army when I was interviewing for a job at Fort Meyer) and it wasn't terrible, but they were not kind to the young kids. No phones etc., now you can have your phone on you, talk to people, etc. and they also run much more efficiently. The main lady (can't remember her name) in charge got FUCKING FIRED (Recruiting Office's words). I had to make a return trip to MEPS to only do finger printing for the Coast Guard in December of 2018.

never worked out on NAS but Corry Station had a pretty nice gym and the commissary was just outside the back gate so I never ate at the galley

The thing everyone in the military has in common when it comes to fitness standards is running. Everyone is forced to run. Most people dont lift weights even in the military.

>tfw gym on ship is rusted to shit
how to achieve popeye mode

I believe that. I know people who took meds to help themselves but ended up making things worse. And often times docs prescribe too much meds to patients. feelsbadman
Ya it was my mistake I mixed up the special forces with general military. Didn't even know both were different till today.
Did they get rejected in special forces or general military? That's so strict what the fuck lol. I am not planning to join but even if I did I would never be able to keep up since I'm far too unqualified in all aspect of the military requirement. I am very curious to hear stories about military though it's interesting.

Yo what's the deal with the amount of booze the exchanges sell? At the CG Academy we got 4 rows of alcohol, but the Cadets aren't allowed to have alcohol in their rooms or drink on base and there are only about 150 enlisted Coasties at the Academy/New London station.


That makes sense as when I use the Commissary at the Navy Base I see the old folks rolling out with a shopping cart of liquor. For the Coast Guard we have so many supervisors who are constantly watching if anyone becomes an alcoholic. It's the majority of our meeting topics.

which is cheaper to feed

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>Stationed in Montana
>The only other option is a Planet Fitness

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More like taking it within two years of when you're trying to enlist and you can always lie, everyone does.

When it comes to enlisting:
Lying about criminal history= BAD
Lying about medical history= GOOD

I got in with ADHD, Asperger's, and OCD. Everyone in the Infantry was autistic, anyways. I also took Ritalin for a few years as a kid. The only thing I had to get med records for was my open heart surgery because there was no hiding my scar. There are ways to get in unless you're some kind of cripple or have an actual physically debilitating disorder. Recruiters will bend rules and regs to the breaking point to make numers.


>Lying about medical history= GOOD
Integrity Violator...a serviceman does not LIE, cheat, or steal

My old PL was a drug dealer before commissioning. I think I'm fine. Also, I didn't lie, I overcame adversity and improvised to improve my situation. If everyone who did drugs or lied to get in left the military today, there wouldn't be a tenth of the force left.

>planning on joining I'd recommend you don't unless you enjoy stupid people having power over you.

The joke is that most jobs are like this.

>I didn't lie, I overcame adversity and improvised

i goto the gym on hickam afb and its pretty good for literally free its pretty small but atleast we have 6 benches and two squat racks and a nice deadlift platform and since all the other dumbass sailors goto the one on pearl harbor theres never really any problems with over crowding

Where you at? I know for a fact that every AF force gym is pact to the teeth with equipment. And some army bases are OK.

>Chair Force

To all navyfags:
Thank you for shitting up every city you are stationed in.

Clearly you don't know how entitled the air force is

One of the best gyms I’ve ever used was on deployment attached to a SEALs task unit.

10 squat racks, oly platforms, sled areas, big tires, curv treadmills, shitloads of dumbbells and kettlebells. Everyone in there was special ops and it looked like a fucking gay bar with the amount of jacked shirtless dudes at times.

If you’re on a navy ship then drinking is your go to supplement.

are the military gyms on base free to family?

In the UK, yes

How was it terrible? I've been to all sorts of military gyms and in general everyone is significantly stronger with less useless thots patrolling. Also the military doesn't skimp on equipment so it's pretty quality stuff. My personal favorite was Honeycutt gym in Fort Sill. Ft. Sill has 3 gyms and they're unofficially tiered, Honeycutt was the huge monster men only, just a basketball court with free weights everywhere and a neck curl machine. No music, only the sound of metal and men screaming in unison. I'm like 95% sure it's not even staffed

Free to dependents (need ID), not necessarily family members. It's like $5.50 a day or some shit if you want to get a visitor in

Cheekie do you love me, are you riding

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it really matters if its services or a contractor running the gym in my experience services guys couldnt give less of a shit who uses the gym lol ive brought in all kinds of qts and dyels

At 26 am I too old to join my country's military and make a career out of it?


Jesus fucking Christ is this what a coast guard is?

based and tidewaterpilled