Who here /cozy/

After a long day of Uni, work and lifting, nothing honestly feels better than smoking a bowl and absolutely stuffing myself full of protien

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>After a long day of Uni
Well done
Good that you're productive
Hi five broseph
> absolutely stuffing myself full of protien
I get that too, we lift. It's part of the whole thing
> smoking a bowl
Faggot. Have some respect for yourself you god damn loser.

love banging out a good set in the gym, coming home, showering, and napping for an hour or lifting at night and sleeping til morning

>tfw coming home with my gf and having sex after a great productive day
>sleeping cuddled afterwards
That's truly wonderful.

Lost that vibe from DOMS and allergies but yea, shit is cash


Fuck you

I know the feel

>leg day with girlfriend
>teaching her squats and Romanians to keep her away from meme lifts
>go home and meal prep together for the next week
>lay in bed together with the dog and cat in bed
>watch a movie
>she’s turned on after the movie
>have sex and fall asleep after showering the goo off my dick
>go to sleep
>wake up have a banana and some toast
>it’s pull day
>do deadlifts
>go home and cook eggs
>go to work
>come home and wake tv with her till tile for bed
>wake up
>push day
>have a banana and toast
>do bench and ohp
>come home and cook eggs
>go to work
>come home and watch tv with her till sleep

fellow weed enthusiast!!! haha

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Best feeling in the world
>Long day at the beach running and swimming and building sandcastles
>return home warm and a little sunburnt
>take a nice long shower and wash the salt water and sand out of your hair
>dress nice
>go out to eat healthy meal
>go to bed happy and content

How has asmon been lately. I haven’t seen him stream in awhile

roped himself

The other day I went to the gym at 6am. Lifted extra hard came home, took a shower, dried off, then pounced on my sleeping gf and yanked off her pajama booty shorts and ploughed. GLORIOUS.

I'm straight edge too. Maybe we can get together sometime and talk about how straight edge we are. You, me, our small dicks. It'll be nice

Noice, innit?

Wanna fucking die!

>studying for insurance exam
>some good and bad
>unemployed at 24 studying day and night for this for roughly a month
>enough money in the bank to last me until May or June
>trying to fall asleep
>got phlegm in my throat and have spent the past 2 hours trying various shit around my place to make it go away
>now my left sinus is inflated


this desu

how tf u have sex after leg day?? My quad or calves always seem to cramp up during sex feelsbadman

Not him, but generally my gf knows that after legs it's hard to have rough sex so we just take slow and do cute stuff instead. Or she rides me as much as she wants.

A little oil


I like that you use weed as the last thing you do for the day. It's a nice way to award yourself as well as winding down the day.