Long-Term Creatine Users

Yo, Jow Forums.

Any long-term creatine users about? I've been using it off and on for the past eight years, and I've lately been suffering from chronic lightheadedness and stomach discomfort. Mind you, these are sides I never experienced before in all the years I used creatine.

Anyone else experience similar sides? I'll stop using it for a while at any rate, just to make sure, but I want to see if anyone else experienced something similar.

Only long-term users, please. Nobody cares about the headache you got after taking creatine once.

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i've been on an off creatine for the mental energy and exercise gains since I was 16, am balding like a mofo
>currently 18

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Drink more water.

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One year, 5g daily. No issues yet, only time I had stomach issues was when I tried loading... you experienced any change in blood pressure?

long term creatine use is associated with kidney damage and renal failure

also it accelerates balding and if you take it for too long your body cant produce creatine on its own anymore

dont take it it literally lets you do an extra rep every 2 minutes why bother

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>please cite proof
>please cite proof
>only for a certain genotype already predisposed to early male pattern baldness

studies have shown that you are full of shit.

Try to take creatine after eating a meal, if you take in on an empty stomach you might experience those issues you mentioned.

momscience: the post


correlation does not imply causation

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to all retards not using creatine right, you're meant to use it for 3 months and then take 1 month off to let your body rest. no more than 5g of the stuff either
it gives your muscles energy and your mind clarity, literally no reason to not use it

I want you to produce a single credible source for this cycle.

Meta Mucil helped me lose 80lbs, had to stop taking it because KETO and it has 23g carbs for 2 tbsp, switched to benefiber, still in the mail.

there was one study ONCE of a university-level rugby team where they went bald earlier than the average man while taking creatine.
now do you think it's because a collegiate rugby team is inherently selective for higher test levels, and probably increases test levels (proximity to other males, lots of physical strain, etc)?
or are you just going to blame it on the supplement boogeyman that you truly don't understand?
bear in mind these results have never been replicated, and would be tossed out of a more serious scientific journal.

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He's right about baldness.

I too slide my hands around the bar on the way up.



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What utter lies

Balding is purely genetic bucko

And? He typed that it accelerates the process.