is one can a day safe?
Is one can a day safe?
Based and tunapilled
Lab grown meat soon.
Can you cycle sardines and mackerel instead to limit mercury?
Yeah I'm sure there's no way that will turn out even worse than factory farmed meat 20 years from now. I mean when has making food more artificial ever gone wrong in the past?
I eat half a can every week day and a full can on the week end day,so far I had no side effect
>Not raised in the wild so no toxic chemical buildup
>Not raised in a shitty backwater farm
I don't see what your issue is.
Artificial substituting always sound good on paper yet always backfire later. I agree it sounds like it has potential, in theory, but realistically I can only see profit maximizing priorities fucking it up one way or another. Hopefully I'm wrong, but if past results are any indicator of what's in store, it probably won't go well. I don't see how you could not be at least a little bit cautious about this sort of thing.
>artificial supplements
>artifical (trans) fats
>artificial sweeteners
>artificial fertilizers
>heavily genetically modified crops
>industrial proceeded foods
>factory farmed meat
How well did all these things work out?
look it up, iirc 1-2 cans per week is the highest recommended amount. chunk light is also much lower in mercury and tastes exactly the same, just much less satisfying to eat since it comes in smaller pieces
>realistically I can only see profit maximizing priorities fucking it up one way or another
It's identical at a cellular level, there's no way they can really fuck it up and it will also fix the "factory farmed meat" issue you listed.
Chunk light/skipjack, yes.
Albacore has more mercury so unsure.
I've been eating a can a day for 3 weeks and feeling just as good as I did before
I got mercury poisoned
Almost everything you greentexted is harmless kek
ive eaten one of these a day for like 10 months and im still kicking
well actually not this one but a bigger pouch with 2.5 times the content in this one
>here's no way they can really fuck it up
>t. under 22 years old
Easily the worst tasting meat in the world. And not even the cheapest. And mercury poisoning
Chicken, salmon, sardines are all lean meat with similar macros and tastes way better and same price of cheaper
mercury poisoning is a meme created by Big Onions
and sardine chads here?
Sardines=same protein less Mercury
>Not being sardinepilled
>identical at a cellular level
the DNA of the cell means jack shit when it isn't part of a whole animal, it lacks everything which is necessary to sustain a living multi-organ animal.
for instance, the muscle cell in a lab does not need creatine and it will only cost more money to artificially put it in there and the muscle cell does not make it's own creatine, so the lab meat will not have it. the same for hundreds of other chemicals. get fucked transhuman scum
Most likely. I think the danger of tuna regarding Mercury is overstated, tuna also contains a fuckton of Selenium which protects you against Mercury. If you're still worried, eat a few eggs with your tuna, which you should be doing anyway because eggs are Awesome. If you're still worried, look up the actual numbers for the amounts of Selenium needed to protect you from the average amount if Mercury found in tuna fished from where the company you buy from gets supplied
Tuna has cured my homosexuality.
as a kid before I was vegan I got mercury poisoning from canned tuna, but I ate like 1-2 cans every day
i'd say go with other things for staple protein sources
>I'm old and technology scares me
t. literal boomer
do you eat them whole like that?
Every damn day fitness does it once a day:
Why not just eat canned salmon and sardines instead? I get the sardines in spicy olive oil too for the healthy fats
Canned Salmon has more fat, calories, Omega3, is a bit more expensive than Tuna but i found when i meal prep, it lasts less like in salads in the fridge, compared to Tuna.
I've tried canned deens and I don't see the appeal. Kinda dry, crumbly texture, taste no better than tuna and usually more expensive pound for pound.
idk what kind of third world country those sardines are from but in the US you just get the fillets. no bones, skin, head, etc
just had sardines for first time this week
They have even similar taste to tuna
Just you wait.
Are you supposed to take the heads off?
You cannot get mercury poisoning from eating fish unless you ingest some ungodly amount in one sitting. Mercury poisoning is an acute effect that does not occur from building up over time. Basically our bodies can safely and continuously store mercury with no consequence whatsoever. It's only if you are exposed to very high levels of mercury all at once, acute toxicity, that it becomes harmful. Just think about how many people are poor and probably eat tuna every day and how rarely you ever read or see any reports about mercury poisoning in the news or media. You know the world is full of stupid people who are gonna eat tons of fish every day and so if it were an issue I'd suspect we'd see far more instances of mercury poisoning from fish. Just think about it logically. There's rarely ever any such thing. Mercury poisoning from fish is a meme. Eat tuna whenever you want.
No. Buy canned salmon you damn retard.
I eat one of these fuckers a day
nice try shlomo
Can of tuna mixed with some mayo and hot sauce is top notch flavortown
I think you can but mine came already chopped off
my sardines have everything except head
my nigga.