I’m a 44 year old guy dating a 26 year old q3.14

And I’m not even ripped or rich.

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story time!

Who cares? move on with your life.

I don’t even lift.

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Gross 26 is like 60 in men years. You're basically ass fucking a hairy old man.

I don’t know. She’s legit crazy as in she only likes banging old dudes. Met her at an upscale bar. She doesn’t like guys her age.

I know a dude whose obese blue collar Greek who got a blonde beautiful Swedish GF and they just got engaged.


You must have something she wants
> confidence and charisma?
> decent paying job with car and apartment?
> aesthetic face?

Post social stats.

I refuse to date a woman older than 27. 20-27 are a woman’s prime years.

So nah, bro. You must be 16....

Oh look, its this thread again

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Im balding and 44 years old and only make 18 dollars an hour. We have sex basically every time we hang out lol.

So she'll be out of her prime in a year, what then?

In dog years it's like 180, op is basically getting his dick sucked by moses

Why would you post pics of your gf for validation online. If anything you would want to keep everyone from seeing her titties. It’s a nice feeling and you might wanna show off but fuck off, be a man, get a fucking spine.

>Dating a woman older than 21

Hes probably a literal cuck

No she won’t. She’s half asian. She doesn’t even look 26. She looks 22 or 23. I’m lucky, man.

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Lol if you're so sure about how lucky you are why keep posting

She doesn’t look 26, impressive.....you’re right. Good genes? I say she looks like she could be 22.

>She doesn’t like guys her age.
That's because men her age aren't ready to settle down. Most likely she's dating you because she thinks you're ready to marry & have kids in the very near future.

To teach all you suckers that you REALLY don’t need to lift to date a good looking girl. It’s all about the personality.

If they can't drink in bars with me it's not going to work. If you said older than 23 I'd agree.

Does she know you only make $18 an hour? You said you met her at an upscale bar, so she probably thinks you make a lot of money.

>She’s half asian.
Ah makes sense now.

She has daddy issues, good for you.
Also not fitness related, SAGE

Larp or genuinely autistic

Cause you’re a jealous punk

And how old are you?

Shut up david.

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>jealous of a 44 year old on an anime image board bragging about dating a mentally damaged whore

If a girl is hot. She’s hot. Elizabeth Hurley was hot at age 34.

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My 20 yr old chick friend would only date men in their 40s and 50s, and I know a lot of girls who find mature men to be attractive. Most girls who goes for older dudes want to settle, and don't want any love games plus put any effort in emotional labor.

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Just because it's common doesn't mean they aren't broken.

If its pic related. It's because you'll suck her dick.

Id be super jealous if you shared a topless pic

nice tranny.

>posting same girl from ratemygirl thread yesterday
how insecure are you faggot

If you weren't such a moron, who had an inflated ego because he got a trans to suck on his cock. You'd know, the majority of us life for ourselves and because we actually enjoy lifting. I'd lift for Jesus, over a girl anyway of the week.

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>Most girls who goes for older dudes want to settle, and don't want any love games plus put any effort in emotional labor.

almost every chick i've known who's into older guys has had some kind of mental issue and problem with intimacy. What fucking slags with daddy issues are you talking to?

Gross. You’re old. I’m 21 and wouldn’t date a 28 year old guy unless he had a nice per$onality


red pilled, nothing over 16 for me. 20 and over is like literally picking up dried rotten fruit off the floor.

Omaha, huh? Is it true that Warren Buffett has primae noctis over every virgin in the city?

im also 28 and have hooked up with a lot of 18-21 year olds

One of my coworkers just married a guy in his 60s and she's 28 lmao.

The dude isn't even rich.

My brother only dates older guys just like your gf, the problem is that he is a male

28 is just too old for most girls who are 19, 20, 21. Most girls are normal and date men their age, lol. Maybe a year or two apart at THE MOST.

>tfw 24 yo guy dating a 33 year old women

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then why do so many hit on me

I met a 52 year old man recently that I am VERY attracted to. He's fit, handsome, shares the same interests, just over all he makes me hot.

While am rather experienced for my age when it comes to men, pursing someone across such an age gap is completely outside of my comfort zone. I'm at a loss for how to approach this.

We are both avid outdoors people, and we're getting together this week for some hiking. I'm wondering, what do I need to be aware of as far as being respectful but also pursueing him? I'm emotionally unavailable right now, but would love to explore him sexually.

Is there any generational etiquette or tips you fine gents can help me with?

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It’s called love.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha what fucking world do you live in, user?

>dont be gay
>dont be a trap
>show him your pussy, if he says no he's gay

Be direct and honest. If you're HIV positive he has a right to know and it's manslaughter if you give it to him. Gays are the worst.

Not half asian or asian girls....they always look 5 years younger than their age or more. OP girl could be 29 for all we know.

Is her name stephanie?

Seek mental help, fatass.

She will regret it in a few months.

Yeah, I’m sure you’d date/fuck a sexy 35 year old woman if she came on to you. It’s not about age, it’s about HOW they look.

just to let you know:
she's cheating on you and exploiting you for your money
enjoy the pussy while it lasts -she will soon move on soon

She looks 21. First pic she looked 25.

Lol no she won’t. She loves me.

Hey, as long as you're not underage there's really no issue. You may encounter incidents where people would stare out of curiosity and you may hear some bullshit rumors. And if you decided to have relationship with this dude, there is a high chance that he will die before you due to his age and you may have to deal with it in the future. If that doesn't turn you off then I'd say go for it.

>She loves me.

Said every guy that got cheated on. 25 year old man here, with 2 deployments in Afghanistan, recently out of the army after 4 yeas in the infantry.
Currently studying to become a firefighter. Men like yourself, are easy to triangulate, women in general when dating older guys are easy to manipulate and convinced to get in your car for a quickie.

Usually girls with older guys were never hit on, or pursed, and have low confidence. Give them this confidence, and show her how she can get better and shes like a lapdog.

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Hahahah. No. I’ve taken her out to a couple nice dinners and bought her a small gift that wasn’t worth much. She actually enjoys my company and we spend 5 days out of the week with each other.

Sounds like basically every single girl I've fucked in my car even though she was married or had a boyfriend for a year - 2 years. You aren't a gift from god, you are a plain man with no redeeming qualities.

Once a better man comes along, which looking at you won't be rare. She will jump ship, knowing she's got a younger, more handsome, and a man with more redeeming qualities then you and is her age, which most women want when starting families / having kids.

Sounds to me like she was desperate and had low confidence (still does) and basically went with the first man that said hello.

>In your 40's

That's a yikes my dude.

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Divorce is common these days. Marriage is becoming less common. It’s 2019, get with the times bitch.

LOL SHE DOESN’T LIKE YOUNGER GUYS. Nice try tho. She likes men closer to their mid 40’s and up.

>She don't like because i said so

Whatever, gramps. I'd fuck her only after an hour of meeting her.

then why did your mom end up with your dad

I hate trannies so much

Because they met at a young age, unlike your mother and your black step father.

how young

She doesn’t entertain men her age or younger.

Both late twenties, while your mother met your "father" while she was 26 and he was 40+, only to go to Jamal who is 20 years younger because of that BBC and energy.

Whatever grandpa, don't forget to take your fish oil for your achy joints.

Fucking women. Get out of Jow Forums. None of your posts are ever fucking Jow Forums related. Cunts

Honestly this is probably what’s happening. She’s 26. She will be 30 in 4 years. She’s getting scared. She looks younger than her age- plus. But she knows that as time goes by, she needs to snag a rich man she can stand to be around. You’re just extra dinner meals and small gifts while she’s seeing rich men on the side...

Usually men who are 40+ and are dating younger women are cuckolds
i bet if you offered the OP a $50, he'd let you fuck his "friend" while he watched and jerked off in the dark cold corner of the bedroom.

You're only one who's talking about nigs here? Sorry about your gf choosing Jamal instead of you. Thanks for sharing your life story >49996780

>Hahaha, but *everyone's* an emotional cripple who can't maintain a functioning relationship and a happy family these days man!
>Get with the times!

As if anybody's actually looking to your generation of aging failures for advice.

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She’s not gods gift man get a grip

You're all fucking retarded.

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>Some faggot convinced us to dump on 40 year old boomers for an evening

wow what a funny le trol xD

Cooooooooooooooool, you posted this same thread yesterday. What happened, didn't get enough attention?

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Rolling for dubs.

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>get mistaken for a teenager all the time

Not sure how to feel about it since I feel weird with younger girls, I can't play the daddy angle because I look their age and I can't be just like them because I'm not at the same stage in life.

all these salty incels in this thread, not fitness related SAGE

Not him but the "happy family" from your generation is a meme from your own generation.

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