Stop being a pack of retards

Jow Forums, we need to have a serious talk.
>being natty is somehow "honorable" as opposed to pinning
Why is it that you fucks look for every single little thing that might MAYBE increase testosterone by 2 ng/dl but as soon as a solution is offered to actually increase test and gains (roids), it's somehow despicable?

It's the equivalent of a fat fuck complaining that they can't lose weight and when they're told that all they have to do is eat less, they brush that off and still complain that they can't lose weight.
>Inb4 roidcel
No. I just call it as I see it.

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Side effects

inb4 natty cope

>he needs drugs to gain muscle

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Post body.

I don't care about honor and shit like that. I don't use roids because I don't want to reduce my potential lifespan significantly just to be leaner.

I don't think roids are LMAO NO HONOR. I think they're too expensive for me.

I'm scared of needles and I only work out to impress normies anyway.

You can get big enough naturally to look hot and do any kind of physical job. I will pin later in life to better enjoy my 40’s onward.

I would but i dont wanna go bald. Natty test boosters already make me shed hair i cant imagine what roida would do

I don't work out for external reasons so doing drugs would destroy the purpose of why I work out. It's not about the results for me, its the challenge it poses and the prospect of seeing how far I can go.

liver failure, fucked up skin, high blood pressure/pulmonary issues and an early grave mostly

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What's up with roid shills today? I don't really mind them, better than discord trannies I suppose, just curious.

Are we being raided?

Not a shill, I'm just sick of hypocritical thinking user.

What would happen if I just popped a testosterone pill? Do they even have those?


If you want to die of a heart attack before the age of 30 just to build some muscle, it shows patheticness. It's not that different from a lardass stuffing themselves to death. You aren't bettering yourself by killing yourself.

>live til 40 jacked, huge, confident and happy
>live til 80 shitting ur pants everyday, constant pain and need someone to wipe ur ass



Roid shills are subtle tranny shills