Is this mode possible naturally?
Is this mode possible naturally?
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dude looks like he has some twink from a gay porn's face photoshopped over his
Google him and you'll see pics that can't be posted on a blue board. It's definitely his face and body.
I don't doubt it's him, just saying thats a serious face and body mismatch
I think it's the neck tattoos that throw it off.
Yeah, that's kind of what steroids does.
You can look at many steroid abusers and see that they didn't live the kind of life or had the kind of diet that would necessitate that kind of body.
It's just a costume.
oh great another shitter with ni-
Thats actually some pretty awesome ink.
Is it spreading? Like that tattoo in ATHF?
>>Is this mode possible naturally?
>He's not that big
>He's not that lean
Injecting ink under your skin isn’t exactly natural.
While I agree, and am in some ways envious of being able to have dope medieval/vaguely western motifs/runes on myself that also make me look juicier...
If you get tattoos you're shit. You're raised like shit. And you're always going to be shit. It's literally like admitting to yourself "yeah I'm a dirt bag."
>It's just a costume.
good way to put it
His body looks like when squidward ate too many krabby patties
why does he keep posting pictures of him hiding his dick?
because he charges $9.99 a month on onlyfans to see it.
i'm not joking
Why do you want to see his dick?
Wudddd smash
Name? Also how many of his loads can I take in my ass before I have to turn in my natty card?
Why do his legs look so dispaportinate to the rest of his body? Not saying he looks bad or that they would look bad on their own but they just look weird when you take in the whole picture. Right?
I don't want to see it but its weird that he's not posting pictures of him in just shorts or something like a normal person
cleared it up though
this guy has kung fu banda tatooed on his whole body
i dont think thats natural
Tattoos aren't natural retard
>Neck tattoos
Way to fuck up, kiddo
Then explain zebras retard. Yea thats what I thought.
Jakipz or Jake Andrich.
>Believing in (((Zebras)))
Bro, if people cant take the time to get to know me as a person, and in stead make snap judgements, then i dont want to know them
does take a certain level of balls to get those kind of tattoos
i would never do it, but sometimes i realize having a DUI on my record means ill never be able to be a truck driver, pilot, etc....
and then I realize good i dont wanna do that shit, probably same mentality
no its not and neck tattoos are a great way to remain unemployed
You fucking right wing Africans are ruining this continent with your conspiracy bullshit. We have pictures of the great zebra purge, and the burn pits the Congolese Supremacists used to wage a species war on the displaced zebras.
No way that's natty.
Zebras have never existed. They were artificially created by Zambezi scientists to invade and replace the Congolese people.
Why does he look so aesthetic despite shitty ab genetics and not really that cut or big. Is it just the face and frame + perfect tat aesthetic? His dick is pretty average too
My friend is totally straight and said he would suck his dick no homo haha. So why does he look so good? Asking for a my friend
Haha you can always tell who has crippling insecurity and self-esteem issues by what they say about tattoos. Insecure losers can never just not like tattoos, they have to write a rant about it and how it makes them feel.
If you look at dudes on gear they are easily bigger and have several percent lower body fat
>totally straight and said he would suck his dick
Reddit is over ther ---> Get out with this tired ass joke
My cousin is good friends with him and he makes $20,000 a MONTH from onlyfans. Not even a meme
So how do we have written records that predate the Zambezi scientists? The Congolese people needed a scape goat after they lost so much land in the great giraffe war. Just so happens an extremist rose to power and used the zebras as another political platform to rally the people around so they could claim more land and develop a strong national identity.
I've never seen anyone on reddit make the "haha im straight but id suck the weiner"
face it Jow Forums is for the gays
>So how do we have written records that predate the Zambezi scientists?
Yeah it's impossible to falsify the date of anything, zebras are confirmed to be real through these dubiously identified documents that could have easily been written after the supposed Zebracaust
The people saying that are a tiny minority of gays and women LARPing as gays.
That's all.
Oh and people trying to gaslight others into faggotry.
No one thinks that's funny.
>disregards DNA evidence
>disregards the fossil record
Oh boy more conspiracies, go back to fucking /an/ with all your other anti-zemetic buddies if you want to spout absolute shit.
>Fossil record
>being THIS insecure with your sexuality
KYS buddeh or just admit you want a thick pulsating dick busting a load in your ass. This is your future you closet faggot
Will you fags shut up, we’re talking about zebras now.
lol isn’t a counter argument little guy. Try harder next time.
>Shilling this hard for zebras
Ok Marty I get it
Your own bible refers to Shaka Zulu as king of the Zebras.
I once saw a zebra in a cage in Hawaii (the big island). I was driving from Kona to south point with my family. I pointed it out to my dad. I was surprised because he has told me that zebras could not be put in a cage, or else they would kill themselves by trying to escape.
Hawaii is a weird place and zebras are weird animals.
Lol those are the stupidest tattoos ever. Imagine walking into a tattoo parlour and the guys like: what you looking for?
Well...on this side i’d Like an armoured elephant but I want it to be being ridden by a Viking with a battle axe
Ok my chest I want an octopus because they have just loads of legs
And I also want it paired with an old sort of Chinese mans head
Chinese moustache?
No full Caucasian beard but make the beard look like tentacles. Mirrors the octupus, see?
Very clever.
Right and on this side just loads of animals from different environments that would never meet in real life
So a mismatched tableau? A confused zoo of sorts?
Exactly, pal.
And I assume they are too be all bad ass like snakes tigers dragons etc?
Oh no, some are just birds like herons.
Can I make a suggestion? Just loads of flowers to join it all up and fill it in?
Sounds perfect. Now I don’t have enough money for colour I just want big coverage and can you spread it on to me neck to make me look tough? I don’t care what goes in there though just want “neck tattoo”.
Ok I think I got you. This is the worst tattoo ever and if you tell anyone I did it. I’ll kill you and then myself.
Let’s go!
"Zebras" today are not even close to the Zebrew People of 4,000 years ago
My own bible also refers to the modern Zebra people as being in a "Herd of Satan"
As a gay man who has sucked many huge cocks, that dick is pretty big.
Not when it's at least 75% hard
I wonder how big his hog is. Lol imagine him making u suck on it ha ha lmao gross!
all I can find is this
I'll keep my eye out for full nudes
imagine it somehow penetrating your sphincter and ramming your prostate until you cum haha WTF ewwww
Throat tattoos always look weird.
only the ones that know what they're doing. you'd be surprised by how terrible alot of newbies using gear look.
Lmao imagine getting aids and dying early lol EWWW
Good. Fuck off
Mental immaturity
I've been fucking around with the idea of getting a tattoo of an octopus or squid around the chest, looks cool, now I need to find a good tattoo artist.
imagine getting pounded by this guy and this is all you see
This. Never met someone with a neck tattoo who wasn't a complete dipshit.
>noragami god got blighted
i blame the phone
I always feel sorry for guys like this, you can tell from the tats and roid abuse he has serious self confidence issues.
Hes going to be a mess in a couple of years, if not already, once the roid use and insecurity catch up to him.
small waist/weak core
No one dies from AIDS anymore
Hes a midget, all dicks look big on midgets
He'll manage the roids if he's smart but the tatts and the porn/instawhoring past will be more difficult to deal with.
I don't know if you can erase tatts this big with the current laser technologie.
Still hot af though.
how is his skin so clear? does he use foundation or just a filter
Yeah, genetics and creatine brah
10 yrs natty and 6 yrs enhanced myself, so I can have a more realistic point of view than many of you
this body should be achievable if you have good genetics and work ethic. however it is not an easy to obtain body and the guy may have used steroids to get his
looks natty but like many this guy took the fast easy route for more likes on insragram
Neck yourself
Yes OP. Being this much of a faggot comes naturally with dogshit-tier tattoos.
If you mean his body well I don't really care after seeing how much of a faggot he is.
That pain in the eyes of the father..