This is the natty limit

>This is the natty limit
Really makes you think

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where's the gif where he shits himself while squatting in this competition.

lmao at lifting if ur natty

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except he roids
he's also got retard strenght

he's literally roided before and is probably on roids right now. and some pre workout to go to sleep

Wonderful calves

natty cope

Pls post

Has the good lord actually juiced? I thought he just said he did because he wanted to seem cool

This dude legit has great genetics.
How the fuck can you eat at burger king every-single day until comp and STILL have very good definition on legs?
Fucking hell.

To be honest he's kind of a unit the solid legs put him over the top. Wouldn't mind looking like that

No he’s the only reverse natty in history

Hes got some actual learning disability. Do you think he could actually measure out dosages, remember to take them periodically, and pin up without fucking i up? The guy couldn't even eat a flinstones vitamin without shitting himself.

absolute mirin that g string bro

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Mind the iFagging

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The log follows me from /b/ . Nowhere is safe

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It pants shittening, it absolutely piss.

it loggening in mouth, yes?

Juss needs mopped.

No, this is.

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>roiding for this

just needs wiped


>Sometimes nobody shows up and you automatically win.

When there is only two other competitors in your weight class, you're at least guaranteed third place.

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Is it true that natty can look big with abs? Or is it all just a meme?

Jesus Christ

What's the true natty limit????

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Nice b8, you aren’t going to get me goy

Would probably say this, from what I know about the guy is that he’s been training for well over 5 years now and comes from a wealthy Swedish family so he doesn’t have to worry about working full time so he trains a lot and from his cookin vids he seems to keep up a good diet

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Yes some guy used to inject him. It's absolutely true, the drm have said it many times. But the guy passed away.

he admitted to roids lmao
the natty limit is pathetic

This guy looks like he could compete in classic physique...


Lmao. New to the misfits?

First of all, he doesn't have to do that by himself. A lot of guys who hate needles get injected by someone else. Second, he can drive a car (somehow) and work a shitty job. He can pin.

>thinking this is achievable natty
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy fuck, how new are you?

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>the golden one

Jesus Christ. I hate newfags so much.

>What's the true natty limit????
This is Mr. Natural America, John Heart. Most people will look worse than this in contest condition. He's been training for over 30 years and is one of the best natural bodybuilders in the world. Not very impressive, is it?

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he's not natty though

Here's another example of a truly natural physique.

Most people have extremely unrealistic expectations for what is achievable naturally due to all of the fake natties promising false hope. In fact, the first five pages of Google images when you search "natural bodybuilding" are full of frauds.

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With good genes and broad shoulders

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"Skittles" are orals in janoy cresva talk and he has showed actual vials.

The people with amazing genetics are on roids competing for the Olympia. If everyone was natural then this guy wouldn’t even come within a breath of winning anything. He’s just competing in a subcategory no one cares about in a sport that still no one cares about

I don’t even lift consistently, I drink every night and eat like shit and still look better than this tard

post body

>and then there was silence...

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When did he admit to roids?
He deffo used to use steroids, but I haven't seen him admit it.
He is natty now in 2019, but few years back he was 100% on steroids.

I want to suck that shit so hard. Suck it off until it cums


Straight out of Auswitz.

is it not just his cock and balls? they look pushed right back


Was that shit or his nuts tucked back

Once you roid, you can never be natty again

Based on his nudes, no it is not.

very possible he roided

most peopel who compete in that ded are fake natties

how would people of that era know about roiding? let alone know what to do with it if they did.


Research into elixirs made from testicular fluid, testicular veinous blood, and semen from both animals and humans was happening in the 1800s around the time sandow would have been in his 20s by Dr.Brown Sequard, who experimented on himself with such an elixir and reported an increase in vitality and energy well within his 70s. Even if we go back earlier in time we can't be sure, since concoctions made from animal genitalia have been reported all throughout history, even if they weren't documented in medical history like the elixirs of the 1800s.


except there's no effect in muscle size or strength for consuming testicles
reason why no one now fucking does it and instead just take fucking steroids dumbass

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like I said...You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building...wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body... No, you don't understand. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the up- legs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don't have much as a problem. Yeah.

>great genetics.
micro dick
LITERALLY retarded
Crooked spine.
Tiny teeth.

user. THINK before you type

Clearly he is into cock and ball torture

>they didn't know what needles were in the 1800s
single digit IQ detected

Stop talk shit or deserve what get.

I would say Chet Yorton is the around the limit. But it all depends on genetics. If you don't have naturally high testosterone it will be extremely hard to get to this point and it will take decades.

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nobody here has collab with janoy so we all dying now kpiisoutbi

This dudes lats are massive man. People've really gotten a warped perspective with all the roids.

his body is literally tilted, how is this great genetics?

gyno on that left guy tho

consuming testicles and semen is natty though

he didnt
seething roidtards itt


It mass unsubening.


His buddies help him out, all the help in the world would be wasted on him tho, he literally uses preworkout powder as a topping

>believing that guy is natty
Do you realize Chet once beat Arnold Schwarzenegger in a bodybuilding contest? No way he was natty.

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Nah. The limiting factor for actual bodybuilding isn't genetics, it's how much damage you're willing to do to your body + bone structure and muscle insertions, not capacity for building mass (unless we're talking shit tier muscle genetics, then maybe).

I'd say it's both. Also, when people say "genetics," that's not just genetics for building mass while natty. Genetics also encompasses genetic response to gear.

Sure, but as I said, even if your genetic response is sub-par, if you're willing to pump enough exogenous hormones into the system, AFAIK you can make them grow perpetually as much as you want. You could have a point that the dude who's response is lower is going to die faster than the guy who needs less to grow, but still the response is not the limiting factor if you're willing to ignore health.

Natty can’t look big with abs

This guy isn’t natty.

This. The only thing that looks somewhat human on him are the biceps and triceps, everything else looks huge as fuck.

I think that's just his buttcheck because he didn't pull up his pants enough

This is what George Hackenschmidt, a 19th century natty (surprising I know) bodybuilder looked like, he invented the hack squat and popularized the bench press by making it a staple of his regime.

And you guys are posting several times over worse bodies than his claiming it's the peak of natty, c'mon now.

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huge and freaky

>everything else looks huge as fuck
you mean just his lats and quads right? everything else is tiny and looks natty

No it’s not

i don't think there's a single cell in his entire body that has even a remotely decent phenotype

>in contest condition
Key words there. Natties have no business ever cutting down that low. If you're gonna do one thing unhealthy like that, may as well use gear too.

>Bone structure and muscle insertions
>Not about genetics
Think before you post

Why do people assume this was possible naturally, it's art and artists take massive liberties with their work.

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>He is natty now in 2019, but few years back he was 100% on steroids.

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>he admitted to roids lmao
He literally never did that

Nothing but eggs brah.
Seething roidnigger owned.

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actually he did