Wanna start a no fap month?

I am starting today....will you join.

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nofap is a meme

Noporn is where its at


everything with a no in front is a meme
moderation is key

>mfw went without porn for 6 months
>realized there was no clear benefit from doing this, went and had a trans bdsm porn binge
>busted the fattest nut of my life

no regrets. dont know what the fuck i was thinking

Yes. Oh user listen to uncle user. I have wasted the last decade+ of my life fapping endlessly to porn. Its gotten to the point where I can't even get hard unless I got 4 movies blasting in front of me. I am constantly in a brain fog and can hardly look at someone in the eye. I'm a complete mute, a walking zombie.

Nofap is just a method for accomplishing noporn. You take a temporary break from pulling your own horn so that you're not as tempted/aren't activating the same internal routine that fed into the porn addiction.

Doing nofap but I'm still fucking it up with porn again.
I drip precum and semen constantly...
This is getting out of hand. No, that wasn't a joke.
This is getting bad.

Take the chastitypill brother. I had the same issues and since locking my dick in a cock cage I literally can't fap if I wanted to. Actually I could, because I keep the key on me at all times. But just by being on i am reminded to persevere whenever I get horny and go to reach for my dick. No self stimulation leads to no more edging and no more fapping. Almost on day 3 now, which will be a record streak in the last year at least. I'm aiming for 30.

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gay agenda go and stay go

Haven't watched porn or masturbated in a little over 3 years. It wasn't a conscious decision, just didn't really enjoy masturbating. That was back before I knew the JQ, so no way I could ever watch porn again. It's great not masturbating, literally forces you to go out and hunt instead of being a little bitch. Only downside is if you have a long dryspell you can have a wet dream. Probably get like 3 or 4 a year.

Noporn here, current streak is 24 days (started a bit before new year's, but caved in on a high-stress weekend).
What constitutes porn? Is looking at high test threads cheating?

people watch porn without masturbating?

Day 11 I'm in

I have a question on noporn. What qualifies as porn?

I’m deleting my porn stash and porn pics on my phone. But can I still look at sexy girl pics here and there? I collect yoga pant pics, sports bra and tastful nudes and it gets my libido going and want to workout.

I haven’t jerked it to videos or pics in a while, but is looking at those nudes and pics creating unrealistic standards and rewire my brain, defeating the whole purpose of no porn?

i browse gif when im bored

Theyre both complete memes.


What happens if you get a boner while wearing this?

This... I'm in on a noporn month tho

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It would be extremely painful

Hes a big guy

4 u

Ok. Imma limit my fapping to once a week tho cuz Id die otherwise and I will be fucking, otherwise noporn/nofap.

Will share results. I am now nofapanon

Imagine being this pathetic.... Real men don't fuck themselves. You need to retain your semen to become the best version of yourself, constantly releasing your sexual energy will make you low energy, depressed and foggy. Try it for a month, you will see what I'm talking about. Everytime you drain your ballsack you are emptying yourself of lifeforce. Ejacualting should only be done to reproduce, otherwise it's a sin

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Ok i will share details everyday with u too

Then I be nofapanon1. U be nofapanon2.

busting the occasional nut is fine and healthy
jerking it every day to porn made by ((((them)))) is not
don't listen to the kike on a stick


Jesus was not white, poltard

Jesus wasn't even real.
Its an idea, fucking retard.

Does seeing random porn on Jow Forums count as porn? I mean, random images of Mini's tits for example. Im not actively searching out the porn, its just coming to me. Im not fapping over it though.

>Its an idea
congrats, you're a Hindu

Not really, you go troll yourself on your own.

you cant do no fap while still browsing Jow Forums. sooner or later you will be hit by a 500 replies loli porn thread which WILL absofuckinglutely make you cum in no time

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He was tho, half israeli jew that could have looked half like assad or an israeli, or like erdogan all who look white. Also could have been roman or greek. Current migrations to the areas make it brown doesnt mean the people there thousands of years ago were brown. His father was god who would be white. Im seeing an christian african girl who was talking about jesus and she said jesus was a white like me

daily reminder that moderation is for cowards.
go all in or go home.
go monkmode or go fuck yourself. literally.

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a week in already
can't wait to smash my gf's ass this friday gonna fill her up with my hot nofap seed
also going extra hard in the gym cause of nofap
people who deny nofap are quite retarded or don't have a gf to smash
don't miss looking at pornjew at all

I don't wanna start a nofap month. I starded a nofap year... 6 weeks ago.

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Disgusting pedo

>Assad looks white
Let's laugh at this idiot Jow Forums

old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

Month in feels pretty gud, awkwardly asked out a girl at work and can turn off electrical devices only using power of my mind, all they say is true

spppeee get

already 2 months no fap. you people are fucking retarded. i feel exactly the same. nofap isnt gonna do shit for you unless you are fucking jerking off to porn multiple times a day

also to add to this, i mean i have not came in over 2 months. not one of those "oh yeah i havent fapped but still have sex every day"

I fap like 10 times a day so I'm in

holy shit BASED!!!!

Include me in the screennigger!!!

Nofap utterly destroyed

Damn I guess I'm in too

Based jesus

t. Another Jow Forumstard who don't have the will to stop masturbating

based nibba

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count me in brother

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Well...., them I'm in.

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I'm gonna do this for you bro, and for me, and for those sacred digits.

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God fuckkin damn it. Better start nofap.

I'm on No Fap for about half a month now. No Porn for three months now. Count me in

this but without the christcuckery, no offense tho

Is this real life


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im in

yeah was going to start tomorrow in any case. Hentai is dead now anyway.

>no heroin
Only in moderation!

>All these newfags taking the bait

no way in hell he faps 10 times a day. You're all retarded for believing him. This is Jow Forums my friends, alot of people come up with absurd statements in order to gain replies and you've been giving him exactly what he wants. Lurk moar next time.

Fuck, i'm in

This is some next level fuckery

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Starting noporn but i will de edging

nice anime image i bet you get laid all the time

It has spoken.

>no way in hell he faps 10 times a day.
i fap more than 10 times

Well I hope not

>10 is a high number

>2 days nofap
>relapsed today
I didn't even think about it, just opened porn and started jerking. How do I quit?

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>Yeah bro go fuck your uncle in the ass don't do it too often though moderation bro haha

You gotta wean yourself off. Start with hc pics, then nudes, then lingerie pics. And keep yourself occupied

>keep yourself occupied
I think that might be it but it's not that easy these days.

I'm in

Do what you have to do. Even if it's playing a bit of vidya or shitposting instead of fapping

Amen brother, I'm so sick of watching porn and beating my dick

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The Nine Divines have spoken

Nice fucking digits.
Blessed post

This is art.

Are you assembling a team?
Count me in.

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user's disgusting pedophilia fetish aside he is absolutely right. This site and many others are not the place to be browsing when trying to tame out of control habitual masturbation.

what works for me is working out whenever i get horny. just drop down and do as many pushups as you can whenever your thoughts wander to porn. once i was off porn it became way easier for me btw

OP, I basically blocked images from Jow Forums and I haven't fapped for a week now. This place is great for discussions and shitposting but it gives you uncontrollable urge to fap if you look at the pictures/webms anons post here.

I'm now going for a second week of nofap/noporn, even though I struggle not to fap and the mental gymnastics are horrible, but I feel different like I can finally control my thoughts and urges for the first time in 10-15 years of fapping. Blocking images on Jow Forums is a BIG step forward. Cheers!

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Amen brother. I also found once I stopped my porn consumption, irl THOTS have no power over me. Quite frankly I find them disgusting

I do fap around 10 times a day, I rotate between BDSM, furry shit, interracial, hentai, softcore, etc
Always something new and refreshing so I never get bored
Also I'm a NEET who never goes outside hehe all I do is fap fap fap :^)

Hows nofap BTFO when he said he is starting it

N-no bros... nofap was supposed to be the answer

Found the Jew

only if you give me the full pic so i can get started properly

I'm starting yesfap, it's been glorious